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{for-each,map,reduce}-{un}ordered-subsets with optional k

These should cover all cases, right? See here for permutations; here for combinations. Permutations (e.g. ordered subsets) look simpler.

(use debug

(define ordered-subset-for-each
   ((f list)
    (for-each-ordered-subset list (length list)))
   ((f list k)
    (let iter ((list list)
               (k k) 
               (subset '()))
      (if (zero? k)
          (f subset)
              (lambda (element)
                (iter (delete element list)
                      (sub1 k)
                      (cons element subset)))

(define ordered-subset-fold
   ((cons nil list)
    (ordered-subset-fold cons nil list (length list)))
   ((cons nil list k)
    (let ((nil (make-parameter nil)))
       (lambda (subset)
         (nil (cons subset (nil))))
       list k)

(define ordered-subset-map
   ((f list) (ordered-subset-map f list (length list)))
   ((f list k)
    (ordered-subset-fold cons '() list k))))

Is reduce or fold sufficient to implement for-each and map?

Let’s make this bitch circular; pop a sentinel on there; and recurse.

Hmm: we either have to copy the list or destroy it to make it circular:

(define (circular-list val1 . vals)
  (let ((ans (cons val1 vals)))
    (set-cdr! (last-pair ans) ans)

We can apply the list to circular-list, but we run up against the apply ceiling; fuck it, let’s run up against it for now.

See this talk; uses the multiple index trick. There are some more notes.

This guy did it functionally.

See: Ehrlich, G. (1973b). Loopless algorithms for generating permutations, combinations, and other combinatorial configurations. Journal of the ACM 20 (3) 500–513.

(use debug

(define (project subset list)
  (vector-fold (lambda (i projection j)
                 (cons (list-ref list j) projection))

;;; Thanks, Daniel Ángel Jiménez:
;;; <>.
(define unordered-subset-for-each
   ((f list)
    (unordered-subset-for-each f list (length list)))
   ((f list k)
    (let ((subset (make-vector k))
          (n (length list)))
      (let iter ((start 0)
                 (p 0))
        (if (= p k)
            (f (project subset list))
            (do ((i start (+ i 1)))
                ((= i n))
              (vector-set! subset p i)
              (iter (add1 i) (add1 p)))))))))

(define unordered-subset-fold
   ((cons nil list)
    (unordered-subset-fold cons nil list (length list)))
   ((cons nil list k)
    (let ((nil (make-parameter nil)))
       (lambda (subset)
         (nil (cons subset (nil))))

(define unordered-subset-map
   ((f list) (unordered-subset-map f list (length list)))
   ((f list k)
    (unordered-subset-fold cons '() list k))))

(unordered-subset-for-each display '(1 2 3 4) 3)
(debug (unordered-subset-fold cons '() '(1 2 3 4) 3)
       (unordered-subset-map values '(1 2 3 4) 3))


Replacement is another dimension, too. Damn. Provide replacement as a flag, or use another procedure?

This merely affects (at least in the case of permutations), the delete operations.


We need an e.g. delete-first for multi-sets.