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249 lines (217 loc) · 8.13 KB

File metadata and controls

249 lines (217 loc) · 8.13 KB

Use advice.

Should reduce some boilerplate.

Count invocations.

Like e.g. Clojure, implement watch.

Deal with multiple values.

It’s pretty cool:

from macropy.tracing import macros, trace
with trace:
    sum = 0
    for i in range(0, 5):
        sum = sum + 5

# sum = 0
# for i in range(0, 5):
#     sum = sum + 5
# range(0, 5) -> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
# sum = sum + 5
# sum + 5 -> 5
# sum = sum + 5
# sum + 5 -> 10
# sum = sum + 5
# sum + 5 -> 15
# sum = sum + 5
# sum + 5 -> 20
# sum = sum + 5
# sum + 5 -> 25

It traces everyexpression in the block!


Treat quoted things like self-evaluating expressions.

For literals, don’t bother printing the evaluation.

  • CLOSING NOTE [2013-03-18 Mon 14:01]
    We’re doing it with ad-hoc tests right now, might want to switch to some kind of equality-predicate for self-evaluation.

Should we do some kind of type inference, or actually check whether or not the evaluatum is the same as the evaluandum?

(use srfi-13)

(define debug? (make-parameter #t))

(define-syntax debug
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ x ...)
       (lambda ()
         (when (debug?)
           ;; Handle some of the self-evaluating scalars in an ad-hoc
           ;; fashion (can't do this with e.g. lists and symbols,
           ;; though); alternatively: compare the expression with its
           ;; evaluated form for equality over some arbitrary
           ;; predicate (e.g. `equal?'): this might imply
           ;; self-evaluation.
           (pp `(,(if (or (boolean? 'x)
                          (char? 'x)
                          (number? 'x)
                          (string? 'x)
                          (vector? 'x))
                      `(x =>
                             (let ((message
                               (format "Error: ~a~a"
                                       (if (null? arguments)
                                            ": ~a"
                                             (map ->string arguments)
                                             ", ")))))

(define x 2)

(debug (string-join '("'my-nuts" "deez-nuts"))
       (lambda () string-join)
       '(1 2 3))


  • CLOSING NOTE [2012-10-06 Sat 14:11]
    Armstrong it is.

Joshua Bloch:

Debuggers are nice and there are times when I would have used a print statement, but instead use a breakpoint. So yes, I use debuggers occasionally, but I don’t feel lost without them, either. So long as I can put print statements in the code, and can read it thoroughly, I can usually find the bugs.

Joe Armstrong:

The great gods of programming said, “Thou shalt put printf statements in your program at the point where you think it’s gone wrong, recompile, and run it.”

Consider putting a guard around the expressions to catch conditions.

That way, we can still see good debug info even in the midst of failure.


ah, i see: sometimes we do want write and newline, when a more compact representation is desirable.

e.g. syslog

mechanism for debugging to different streams: stdout, syslog, etc. global flag? (yes, a parameter.)

a wrapper around (current-error-port) which syslogs it, for instance.

(with-output-to-syslog [priority] thunk) which takes a default priority from some parameter?

(use syslog srfi-13 srfi-16 srfi-39 ports debug)

(define default-priority (make-parameter prio/debug))

(define with-output-to-syslog
    (with-output-to-syslog (default-priority) thunk))
   ((priority thunk)
    (syslog priority (with-output-to-string thunk)))))

 (lambda () (display '(mein gott full of stars))))

(define make-syslog-port
    (make-syslog-port (default-priority)))
    (let ((buffer ""))
       (lambda (scribendum)
         (set! buffer (string-append/shared buffer scribendum)))
       (lambda () (syslog priority buffer)))))))

(define-syntax debug/syslog
   (lambda (expression rename compare)
     `(let ((port (make-syslog-port)))
         (lambda ()
           (debug ,@(cdr expression))
           (flush-output port)))))))

(debug/syslog (+ 2 2) (+ 2 3))
(use debug)
(debug/syslog (+ 2 2) (+ 2 3))

CANCELED debug based on er-macro-transformer

though syntax-rules is more elegant?


(use chicken extras ports matchable)
(import-for-syntax matchable)

;;; (write `(((+ 2 2) ,(+ 2 2)) ((+ 2 3) ,(+ 2 3))))
(define-syntax debug
   (lambda (expression rename compare)
     (match expression
       ((_) '(void))
       ((_ . expressions)
        `(write `,,(map (lambda (expression)
                        `(',expression ,expression))
        #;`(write `((,',(car expressions) ,(+ 2 2))))
        `(begin ,@(map (lambda (expression)
                         `(write ',expression ,expression))
        ,@(map (lambda (expression)
        ``(expression ,,expression))

,x (debug (+ 2 2) (+ 2 3))
(use chicken ports test)
(import-for-syntax scheme chicken ports test)

(define-syntax debug
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ x ...)
       (lambda ()
         (write `((x ,x) ...))

(let ((output
         (lambda ()
            (lambda ()
              (debug '(mein gott) 'etc)))))))
    "(((quote (mein gott)) (mein gott)) ((quote etc) etc))\n"