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GitHub Service

The GitHub service monitors all of the repositories associated with an organization for changes and schedules Taskcluster tasks for any repository which contains a .taskcluster.yml configuration file.


API Server

Listens for WebHooks and, if they are valid, forwards them to a pulse exchange.


Listen for WebHook-triggered pulse messages and attempts to schedule Taskcluster tasks for any events related to a repository which contains a .taskcluster.yml file.


Run Tests

No special configuration is required for development.

Run yarn workspace taskcluster-secrets test to run the tests. Some of the tests will be skipped without additional credentials, but it is fine to make a pull request as long as no tests fail.

To run all of the tests, you'll first need to set up your credentials based on how they are in user-config-example.yml. Ask a Taskcluster team member for the AWS keys, etc.

Run yarn install and yarn workspace taskcluster-secrets test.

To test the components separately, run:

  • server: <set the environment variables> node src/main.js server
  • handlers: <set the environment variables> node src/main.js worker

Copyright notes

Emoji fonts for this project were taken from: