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Chapter 6 :: Let's build a Platform on top of Kubernetes

🌍 Available in: English

Note: Brought to you by the fantastic cloud-native community's 🌟 contributors!

On this step-by-step tutorial we will create the APIs of our platform by reusing the power of the Kubernetes APIs. The first use case where the platform can assist the development teams is by creating new development environments providing a self-service approach.

To build this example we will be using Crossplane and vcluster, two Open Source projects hosted in the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation.


To install Crossplane you need to have a Kubernetes Cluster, you can create one using KinD as we did for you Chapter 2.

Then you can install Crossplane and the Crossplane Helm Provider in your cluster as we did in Chapter 5

We will be using vcluster in this tutorial, but there is no need to install anything in our cluster for vcluster to work. We just need the vcluster CLI to connect to our vclusters you can install it by following the instructions on the official site:

Defining our Environment API

An environment represent a Kubernetes cluster where the Conference Application will be installed for development purposes. The idea is to provide teams with self-service environments for them to do their work.

For this tutorial we will define a Environment API and a Crossplane Composition that uses the Helm Provider to create a new instance of vcluster.

Check the Crossplane Composite Resource Definition (XRD) for our Environments here and the Crossplane Composition here. This resource configures the provisioning of a new vcluster using the Crossplane Helm Provider, check this configuration here. When a new vcluster is created then the composition install our Conference Application into it, once again using the Crossplane Helm Provider, but this time configured pointing to the just created vcluster APIs, you can check this here.

Let's install both the XRD and the Composition by running:

kubectl apply -f resources/

You should see: created created

With the Environment resource and the Crossplane Composition using vcluster our teams can now request their Environments on demand.

Requesting a new Environment

To request a new Environment teams can create new environment resources like this one:

kind: Environment
  name: team-a-dev-env
      type: development
    installInfra: true

Once sent to the cluster, the Crossplane Composition will kick in and create a new vcluster with an instance of the Conference Application inside.

kubectl apply -f team-a-dev-env.yaml

You should see: created

You can always check the state of your Environments by running:

> kubectl get env
team-a-dev-env   team-a-dev-env-jp7j4   development   true    true    True     False   team-a-dev-env      1s

You can check that Crossplane is creating and managing resources related to the composition by running:

> kubectl get managed
NAME                            CHART            VERSION          SYNCED   READY   STATE      REVISION   DESCRIPTION        AGE
team-a-dev-env-jp7j4-8lbtj      conference-app   v1.0.0           True     True    deployed   1          Install complete   57s
team-a-dev-env-jp7j4-vcluster   vcluster         0.15.0-alpha.0   True     True    deployed   1          Install complete   57s

These managed resources are no other than Helm Releases being created:

kubectl get releases
NAME                            CHART            VERSION          SYNCED   READY   STATE      REVISION   DESCRIPTION        AGE
team-a-dev-env-jp7j4-8lbtj      conference-app   v1.0.0           True     True    deployed   1          Install complete   45s
team-a-dev-env-jp7j4-vcluster   vcluster         0.15.0-alpha.0   True     True    deployed   1          Install complete   45s

Then we can connect to the provisioned environment by running (use the CONNECT-TO column for the vcluster name):

vcluster connect team-a-dev-env-jp7j4 --server https://localhost:8443 -- zsh

Once you are connected to the vcluster you are in a different Kubernetes Cluster, so if you list all the available namespaces you should see:

kubectl get ns
NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   64s
kube-system       Active   64s
kube-public       Active   64s
kube-node-lease   Active   64s

As you can see, Crossplane is not installed here. But if you list all the pods in this cluster, you should see all the application pods running:

NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
conference-app-kafka-0                                            1/1     Running   0             103s
conference-app-postgresql-0                                       1/1     Running   0             103s
conference-app-c4p-service-deployment-57d4ddcd68-45f6h            1/1     Running   2 (99s ago)   104s
conference-app-agenda-service-deployment-9bf7946c9-mmx8h          1/1     Running   2 (98s ago)   104s
conference-app-redis-master-0                                     1/1     Running   0             103s
conference-app-frontend-deployment-c8c64c54d-lntnw                1/1     Running   2 (98s ago)   104s
conference-app-notifications-service-deployment-64ff7bcdf8nbvhl   1/1     Running   3 (80s ago)   104s

You can also do port-forwarding to this cluster, to access the application using:

kubectl port-forward svc/frontend 8080:80

Now your application is available at http://localhost:8080

You can exit the vcluster context by typing exit in the terminal.

Simplifying our platform surface

We can go one step further to simplify the interaction with the platform APIs, avoiding teams to connect to the Platform Cluster and remove the need for having access to the Kubernetes APIs.

In this short section we deploy an Admin User Interface that allow teams to request new environments using a website, or a set of simplified REST APIs.

Before installing the Admin User Interface you need to make sure that you are not inside a vcluster session. (You can exit the vcluster context by typing exit in the terminal). Check that you have the crossplane-system namespaces in the current cluster were you are connected.

You can install this Admin User Interface using Helm:

helm install admin oci:// --version v1.0.0

Once installed you can port-forward to the Admin UI by running:

kubectl port-forward svc/admin 8081:80

Now you can create and check your environments using a simple interface. If you wait for the environment to be ready you will get the vcluster command to use to connect to the environment.


By using this simple interface, development teams will not need to access the Kubernetes APIs from the cluster which has all the platform tools (Crossplane and Argo CD for example) directly.

Besides the User interface, the Platform Admin application offers you a simplified set of REST endpoints where you have full flexibility to define how the resources looks like instead of following the Kubernetes Resource Model. For example, instead of having a Kubernetes Resource with all the metadata needed by the Kubernetes API, we can use the following JSON payload to create a new Environment:

    "name": "team-curl-dev-env",
        "type": "development",
        "installInfra": true,
            "debug": true

You can create this environment by running:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @team-a-dev-env-simple.json http://localhost:8081/api/environments/

Then list all the environments with:

curl localhost:8081/api/environments/

Or delete one environment running:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/api/environments/team-curl-dev-env

This application serves as a facade between Kubernetes and the outside world. Depending on your organization needs, you might want to have this abstractions (APIs) early on, so the platform team can pivot on their tooling and workflow decisions under the covers.

Clean up

If you want to get rid of the KinD Cluster created for these tutorials, you can run:

kind delete clusters dev

Next Steps

Can you extend the Admin User Interface to create Databases and Message Brokers like we did in Chapter 5? What would it take? Understanding where the changes needs to be made will give you hands-on experience on developing components that interact with the Kubernetes APIs and provide simplified interfaces for consumers.

Can you create your own compositions to use Real Clusters instead of vcluster? For which kind of scenario would you use a real Cluster and when a vcluster?

What extra steps would you need to do to run this in a real Kubernetes Cluster instead of running this on Kubernetes KinD?

Sum up and Contribute

On this tutorial we have built a new Platform API reusing the Kubernetes Resource model to provision on demand development environments. On top of that with the Platform Admin application we have created a simplified layer to expose the same capabilities without pushing teams to learn about how Kubernetes work or the underlaying details, projects and technologies that we have used to build our Platform.

By relying on contracts (for this example the Environment resource definition), the platform team have the flexibility to change the mechanisms used to provision environments depending on their requirements and available tools.

Do you want to improve this tutorial? Create an issue, drop me a message on Twitter or send a Pull Request.