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kmarkley edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 1 revision

Mac Apps

This plugin uses shell commands (ps) to determine if processes are running on the machine running Indigo Server and obtain some statistics about them. Processes may be launched or quit by turning the associated Indigo device on or off.

Plugin Configuration

  • Update frequency
    How often to check whether applications are running.

  • Push stats frequency
    How often to updtate the statistics in the device states. Statistics will change every time for running applications, which can mean more communication with Indigo. Reduce this setting if you start seeing "ServerCommunication" errors in the log.

  • Divide %CPU by cores
    By default, Macs report percent cpu of a single core. Check the box to make the plugin report a a true percentage of total capacity.

  • Enable debugging
    If checked, extensive debug information will be written to the log.



This is for standard applications with a .app extension (likely hidden) that usually reside in the /Applications folder.


  • Application name
    The name of the application (exclude the .app extension).

  • Use Applications folder
    Check if the application is in the /Applications folder.

  • Directory path
    For applications not in the /Applications folder, specify the full path to the directory containing the application.

  • Open fresh
    Check to launch the application 'fresh', without restoring previous windows and documents.

  • Open in background
    Do not bring application to the front after launching.

  • Use force quit
    Force the application to close even if there are unsaved changes.

  • Use special process name
    Occaisionally applications will have a different name reported by the ps command than they have in the Finder. If so, check this box.

  • Process name
    If the applications has a different name in ps, list it here.


  • Process Status
    The current status of the process. Values are 'Idle', 'Running', 'Stopped', 'Waiting', 'Zombie', or 'Off'.

  • Process ID
    The process id.

  • Last Start
    Timestamp of the last time the process was started.

  • Elapsed Seconds
    Elapsed running time as an integer in seconds.

  • Elapsed Time
    Elapsed running time as a string in format DD-HH:SS.

  • Percent CPU
    The percent of CPU capacity the process is using as a float.

  • Percent Memory
    The percent of memory the process is using as a float.


This is for helper applications without a .app extension, not in the /Applications folder, and probably faceless.


  • Helper name
    The name of the name (including extension if any) of the helper application.

  • Directory path
    The full path to the directory containing the helper application.


Same as above.


Uses launchctl command to add and remove jobs to launchd. If the daemon was launched by another process, quitting may fail.


  • Daemon process name
    The name of the name (including extension if any) of the daemon.

  • Directory path
    The full path to the directory containing the daemon.

  • Start command arguments
    Optional arguments used when launching daemon.


Same as above.

System Load

This device reports the total CPU and Memory utilization of the Indigo Server machine.


No configuration, but you must 'SAVE' the cofiguration dialog!


  • Percent CPU
    The percent of CPU capacity as a float.

  • Percent Memory
    The percent of memory as a float.

  • Display State
    String combining percent CPU and percent memory.