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This module creates the infrastructure for Lyft's Cartography in AWS.


This is meant to be a starting point / POC for anyone testing out Cartography. I made this for my own purposes. It is NOT meant for use in a production environment.


The following resources should already exist in your AWS environment:

  • AWS SSH key pair
  • Trust policies in target AWS accounts for Cartography to assume


  • Go to the example
cd examples/single-account
  • Set up your Terraform state config in
  • Fill out the variables
  • Make sure the allowed_inbound_cidr_blocks variable matches a CIDR range including your IP address, so it is not set to
  • Build it
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve
  • Go to that IP address in your web browser and suffix it with port 7474. Like this:

  • It will bring you to the Neo4j database login. Enter bolt as your username and password.

Query for privileged public instances

MATCH (n:EC2Instance) 
WHERE  (n.iaminstanceprofile) starts with 'arn' and (n.publicdnsname) contains '.'
RETURN n.region, n.instanceid, n.iaminstanceprofile, n.publicdnsname

match (lb:LoadBalancer{scheme:"internet-facing"})-[:MEMBER_OF_EC2_SECURITY_GROUP]->(sb:EC2SecurityGroup)<-[:MEMBER_OF_EC2_SECURITY_GROUP]-(IP:IpPermissionInbound{protocol:"tcp"})<-[:MEMBER_OF_IP_RULE]-(rule:IpRange{range:""}) return lb, sb,IP,rule


module "cartography" {
  source                            = "../../"
  namespace                         = "yourname"
  stage                             = "dev"
  name                              = "demo"
  cartography_instance_profile_name = ""
  region                            = "us-east-1"
  key_name                          = "kinnaird"
  vpc_cidr                          = ""
  public_subnet_cidrs               = [""]
  subnet_azs                        = ["us-east-1a"]
  allowed_inbound_cidr_blocks       = [""] # # TODO: Make sure you change this to your CIDR range, not actual
  create_iam                        = true
  create_vpc                        = true


Name Description Type Default Required
allowed_inbound_cidr_blocks Allowed inbound CIDRs for the security group rules. list(string) [] no
attributes Additional attributes, e.g. 1 list(string) [] no
cartography_config_rendered The ~/.aws/config file for cartography user. Use this for gathering data from multiple accounts. If no value is set, it will just set the default config. string "" no
cartography_instance_profile_name If create_iam is set to false, use this instance profile name for Cartography server instead. any n/a yes
convert_case Convert fields to lower case string "true" no
create_bucket Set to false to disable creation of an S3 bucket for cartography config bool true no
create_iam Set to false to disable creation of IAM resources. Default value is true. bool true no
create_vpc Set to false to disable creation of VPC resources. Default value is true. bool true no
default_tags Default billing tags to be applied across all resources map(string) {} no
delimiter Delimiter to be used between (1) namespace, (2) name, (3) stage and (4) attributes string "-" no
ec2_ami_name_filter The name of the AMI to search for. Defaults to amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.2019*-x86_64-ebs string "amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.2019*-x86_64-ebs" no
ec2_ami_owner_filter List of AMI owners to limit search. Defaults to amazon. string "amazon" no
enable_bucket_versioning Set to true to enable bucket versioning bool false no
force_destroy A boolean string that indicates all objects should be deleted from the bucket so that the bucket can be destroyed without error. These objects are not recoverable. bool true no
instance_type The size of the Ec2 instance. Defaults to t2.medium string "t2.medium" no
key_name The name of the SSH key in AWS to use for accessing the EC2 instance. any n/a yes
kms_key_alias The KMS key alias to use for the EBS Volume string "alias/cartography" no
name Name, which could be the name of your solution or app. Third item in naming sequence. any n/a yes
namespace Namespace, which could be your organization name. First item in naming sequence. any n/a yes
public_subnet_cidrs The CIDR block of the public subnet. list(string)
region The AWS region for these resources, such as us-east-1. any n/a yes
stage Stage, e.g. prod, staging, dev, or test. Second item in naming sequence. any n/a yes
subnet_azs Subnets will be created in these availability zones. list(string)
volume_size The disk size for the EC2 instance root volume. Defaults to 50 (for 50GB) number 50 no
vpc_cidr The CIDR block for the VPC. string "" no


Name Description
bucket The name of the S3 bucket
bucket_config_path The path to the cartography cross account config stashed in s3
public_ip The public IP address of the EC2 instance running Cartography.
root_block_device_volume_ids List of volume IDs of root block devices of instances
zREADME Post-deploy instructions



  • Better Neo4j config