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CS 107 Project 6 -- Linked Lists and Path Finding

Due: Mon, Nov 12, 6PM

In this project you'll be doing two main things: building a doubly-linked list and using that implementation to build up a path-finding algorithm for a small tile-based game. Over the next few projects, you'll implement various data structures and use their implementations to build up pieces of a simple (90s-DOS-style) video game.

On a strategic note, notice that I've given two weeks for this project. I don't intend on extending the deadline, and I request that you not underestimate the amount of work in Part 2: it is more algorithmically challenging than anything you've seen so far in the class. Specifically, do not wait until the second week to start the project. Also note that there is no style-based grading on this project.

This will be your first project towards completing HaverQuest, shown here:

HaverQuest Gameplay

HaverQuest is a tile-based game, meaning that the game board is represented as a grid composed of tiles. An individual tile can be something like a piece of grass, a piece of a wall, etc... A map is a big matrix of tiles with various properties: grass, walls, and so on. HaverQuest allows maps to be loaded in a format specified by its game engine. For example, the above map is represented as a file like this:

# HaverQuest Map Level 1
# G -- Grass
# B -- Grey brick
# R -- Red brick

The lines that start with # are comments, and are ignored by HaverQuest's engine as it loads the map. The map is comprised of an n-by-k matrix of characters, where each character stands in for the name of an image. This configuration is also possible to change in a file named config.json, which specifies the properties of various tiles.

On top of the map sits various other tiles. For example, there's a squirrel (the game's main character that you can move with the up, down, left, and right keys) along with a nut. The goal of the game is to get to the nut before running out of "fuel." You lose one fuel each time you make a move (either up, down, left, or right).

Over the course of the next few projects we're going to add a lot of cool stuff to the game: path finding, firing projectiles, AIs, etc... I'm pretty excited to see where it goes, and the hope is that the last project in the class will be to have you build an AI and compete with other students' AI to see whose works best (but frankly, I'm not entirely sure what form that will take quite yet).

Setting up HaverQuest

To run HaverQuest, you'll need to have the pygame module installed. To do this, please run the following command on your computer (reach out to me if this doesn't work):

pip3 install pygame

HaverQuest uses pygame to perform the work of rendering graphics to the screen.

You should then be able to run HaverQuest by using the following command:


You should then see the empty game board set up, allowing you to play the game.

Don't try to read HaverQuest right now

For this assignment, you won't need to know too much about how HaverQuest's code works. It's decently large and fairly complicated. In fact, I ask that you please not look into the implementation too much: you will get confused, and parts of it contain features of Python's class system which we haven't yet covered. I will list out the relevant classes and methods down below and describe how you should use them.

Part 1: Implementing Doubly-Linked Lists (16 points)

This part will have you implement a doubly linked list. Doubly linked lists are linked lists where each link in the list contains a reference to both the next element and to the previous element.

This implementation will take place in the file I have implemented DoubleLink for you: you should not change its implementation. I encourage you to read over its implementation to ensure you understand how it works: it contains three fields: data, back, and nxt. The tricky thing about a doubly-linked list is that you need to be careful to account for the back links in the list, so be apt to that as you work on your implementation.

Task: The DLList class

The methods you need to implement are:

  • (2) add(self, data), which adds a piece of data to the head of the list
  • (2) size(self), which reports the size of the list
  • (2) eq(self, otherList), which tells whether or not two lists are equal
  • (2) remove(self, data), which removes some piece of data from the list
  • (2) contains(self, data), which checks whether or not the list contains some data
  • (2) reverse(self), which reverses the list
  • (2) toArray(self), which converts the list to a Python array (i.e., normal python list)
  • (2) getIth(self, i), which returns the ith element

These eight methods comprise 16 points, 8 of which are given in the public tests, 8 of which are given in the private tests. You will use this class in your implementation of Part 2 of the project.

My implementation for this part is about ~50 lines, and the code is fairly straightforward. The most complicated ones to write are remove (be careful to account for what happens when you remove the first link) and reverse (be careful to reset first link), which are a bit tricky.

Tests for Part 1

You can run the public tests for Part 1 using:


I encourage you to add your own tests. Doubly-linked lists have nuanced invariants that you need to think through carefully.

Part 2: Solving the Game (19 points)

In this part of the project, you will construct an algorithm that solves a level. If the level is solvable, you will produce a path from the starting position to the nut, otherwise you will signal that there is no solution.

Here's an example of an impossible level:

Impossible Level

By contrast, here's an example of a solution to a level:


This part of the project will be fairly open-ended, in the sense that I will give you considerable flexibility with how you implement your solution. I will sketch out my solution, but you can also create your own as long as it fits within the parameters of the specification. Specifically, your algorithm must always return an answer, and must never infinite loop.

Solving Levels: High-level Idea

Your job in this part is to figure out whether a level has a given solution. To do this, you will need to know a few things:

  • The starting coordinate as an (x,y) pair
  • The ending coordinate as an (x,y) pair
  • The width / height of the level
  • The locations of all of the walls

The game board is a two-dimensional grid. A "move" is either up, down, left, or right. I typically represent moves as two-tuples, e.g., (1,0) for right one, or (0,-1) for up one. Since our game board is drawn starting at the top left, moving "up" one tile means subtracting one from the y coordinate.

In this project, whenever I use the term "path", I am going to mean a Python array such that the first element of that array is a starting (x,y) coordinate pair and each subsequent element of the array (after the first) is either (1,0) (right), (-1, 0) (left), (0, -1) (up), or (0, 1) (down).

For example, here is an animation of the path from (1,13) to (5,5):

HaverQuest Gameplay

The corresponding path looks like:

[(1, 13), (1, 0), (1, 0), (1, 0), (1, 0)
,(0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1)
, (0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1)]

You can see that we start at (1, 13) and then take one move right to (2,13), etc...

Finding Solutions to Levels

In this section I give a sketch as to one solution for solving a level. It is not the only solution, and I encourage you to think about doing it in whatever way makes sense to you.

In general, path finding algorithms are a somewhat-complex topic. Our tile-based game will be structured so that it's a bit easier than it would be usually. I'm not going to give you a full algorithm on how to perform path finding generally, but instead I'm going to sketch a simple algorithm that will work for the purposes of this project.

First, consider an empty game board with a squirrel starting at (0,3) and the nut at (2,0):

squirrel at (0,3) and nuts at (2,0)

If you want to find out whether it's possible for the squirrel to get to the nuts, you can take the following approach:

  • Keep a list of "next" tiles to explore. Initially, this is just the initial tile (which is (0,3) in our example).

  • Keep a matrix of "already explored" tiles.

  • On each move, grab the next tile (call it cur) from your "next" pile, add it to the list of "already explored" tiles, and add any tiles to the up, down, left, or right of cur to the list of "next" tiles as long as (1) they haven't already been explored, and (2) they are possible to explore (within the bounds of the map, do not contain a wall).

For example, starting from (0,3), we can add (0,2) and (1, 3) to our "next" pile, but not (-1,3) or (0,4) (since those are both outside of the map) and also not (1,2) (since moves must be either up, down, left, or right, not right and up at the same time).

This gives us a "next" set of (0,2) and (1,3) and our explored matrix would contain an entry for (0,3) (since we just visited that).

After exploring (0,3)

Next, we could choose to visit either (0,2) or (1,3). You should always pull things out of the "next" list in the order in which they were put on. For example, if we placed (0,2) on the "next" list first, it is important that we pull it off the "next" list first. This will ensure that we always find the shortest path to the solution (rather than just a path).

Let's say that we explored (0,2) next, leaving our "next" list containing only (1,3). Then we would ask: where can we go from (1,3)? We can't go to (0,3), since that's already been explored, but we can go to (0,1) and (1,2), so let's add those to the "to visit" list after (1,3) (the tile we could have explored rather than (0,2)). We will also mark (0,2) as having been visited. Now, our "next" tiles list contains the sequence of [(1,3), (0,1), (1,2)]:

After exploring (0,2)

Next, let's visit (1,3). This time we can add (1,2) to the next list (even though it's already there) along with (2,3), and then mark (1,3) as visited:

After exploring (1,3)

We can keep going and going, until eventually either (a) we reach the nut or (b) we run out of "next" tiles to explore. Whenever we visit the nut, we know we've won the game. If instead we get to a point where we haven't reached the nut but there are no more "next" tiles to explore, we know there is no solution.

Accounting for walls

Note that accounting for walls is extremely straightforward: similar to how you decide not to visit a node outside of the boundaries of the map, you can decide simply not to visit any node with a wall. This will be implemented in code as the canMoveTo method.

From solutions to paths

The above method tells you how to check if a solution exists. But if we want to find a path to the solution there is a simple tweak: the "visited" matrix can be modified not just to hold a boolean indicating whether the tile has been visited, but so that it instead holds a partial path. Then, when you finally get to the nut you'll have the entire path that got you there.

Lists as paths

In this case, the visited matrix will contain either False (to say that the coordinate has not yet been explored) or a path (which I suggest you implement as a DLList).

Task: The PathFinder class

For this part of the project, you will be extending the PathFinder class in The class contains a few different fields:

  • board: A reference to an underlying game board. This class is defined in Please do not try to read too much of its implementation: you won't need to use it to complete the assignment, and if you find yourself using it you are doing something wrong.
  • player: The object representing the squirrel (main character). You should not need to touch this at all, but it is useful for the beginning coordinates.
  • startX: The beginning x coordinate of the squirrel
  • startY: The beginning y coordinate of the squirrel
  • width / height: The width / height of the game board
  • visited: A width-by-height matrix initially containing False that you can use to implement the algorithm

I have implemented one utility method for you, which will check for the existence of a wall at a given coordinate:

  • wallAt(self,x,y): returns True if there is a wall at (x,y) (which are assumed to be within the boundaries of the map)

Task 2.1: canMoveTo(self,x,y) (2 points)

  • Returns True if it is possible to visit (x,y). I.e., (x,y) is within the bounds of the map and doesn't contain a wall.

Task 2.2: checkValidPath (2 points)

  • validPath(self,path): returns True if and only if path is a "valid" path. A path is a Python array whose first element is a starting coordinate (which is assumed to be within the boundaries of the map and to not contain a wall). Each subsequent element of path is a tuple representing the direction: (1,0) (right), (-1,0) (left), (0,-1) (up), or (0,1) (down).

This method returns true whenever the path is "valid:" i.e., it represents a walk from the starting coordinate to some other point (not necessarily the nut) without (a) going outside of the map or (b) walking into a wall.

Task 2.3: canSolve(self, toCoordinate) (9 points)

  • Returns True if it is possible to solve the level with a valid path from the starting coordinate to toCoordinate (an (x,y) tuple representing the ending point). If no valid path from the starting coordinate to toCoordinate exists, returns false.

You will receive no points if your solution "times out" (i.e., runs forever).

Task 2.4: findPath(self,toCoordinate) (6 points)

  • Returns either False or a valid path from the starting coordinate to toCoordinate.

You will receive no points if your solution "times out" (i.e., runs forever).

Tests for Part 2

The tests for Part 2 allow you to configure basically every aspect of the project, and do not require you to run a physical game. To run the tests do:


Visualizing the output

I have modified the game engine so that if you call it like this it will solve the level and present you with the output as a series of arrows starting from the (x,y) coordinate:

python3 solve startX startY endX endY

All of the parameters must be specified, otherwise the game will complain and exit. If you just use python3, the values of (startX,startY) and (endX,endY) will be loaded from a configuration file. This is a fun way to actually see what you've produced, and I really encourage you to play around with it.

For example, with my solution I get:

python3 solve 1 1 17 13

Solving example

Strategic advice on this part

This part of the project is probably the toughest thing in the course so far, algorithmically speaking. I suggest that you really sit down for a long while and sketch out a solution on a piece of paper before you start coding things up. Remember, coding around hoping to find a solution when you don't even understand the basic premise of the project is always a bad idea.

Next, I strongly recommend using elements from your linked-list class to implement this part of the project. Things like contains, remove, and reverse will likely be helpful, depending on how you implement things. Remember that you should always be writing your own tests. Start with small examples and make sure you understand what your code is doing before moving on to larger levels.

Last, note that canSolve is only superficially different than findPath. In fact, here's my implementation of canSolve:

    def canSolve(self, toCoordinate):
        return (self.findPath(toCoordinate) != None)

The trick is that findPath requires a bit more effort than checking if a solution merely exists: it requires actually keeping track of the path.

I would recommend that you implement canSolve first, getting the basic ideas right, before then moving on to findPath

Scoring Breakdown

  • Part 1 (DLList):
    • Public tests: X/8
    • Secret tests: X/8
  • Part 2 (Level solving):
    • canMoveTo
      • Public tests: X/1
      • Secret tests: X/1
    • checkValidPath
      • Public tests: X/1
      • Secret tests: X/1
    • canSolve
      • Public tests: X/4
      • Secret tests: X/5
    • findPath
      • Public tests: X/3
      • Secret tests: X/3
  • Total: X/35


Project 6 in CS107: Linked lists and HaverQuest Intro






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