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ngx-lazy-loader makes Lazy-loading Angular components a breeze. Now with Input bindings!

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$ npm install @dotglitch/ngx-lazy-loader

Import with App Module

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxLazyLoaderModule } from '@dotglitch/ngx-lazy-loader';
import { ProgressDistractorComponent } from './@framework/progress-distractor/progress-distractor.component';
import { NotFoundComponent } from './@framework/not-found/not-found.component';
import { ErrorComponent } from './@framework/error/error.component';
import { Pages } from 'src/app/page.registry';
import { Dialogs } from 'src/app/dialog.registry';
import { Charts } from 'src/app/chart.registry';

    declarations: [
    imports: [
            entries: [
            loaderDistractorComponent: ProgressDistractorComponent,
            errorComponent: ErrorComponent,
            notFoundComponent: NotFoundComponent
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

Loading a Component

        prop1: value1,
        prop2: value2
        buttonClicked: onChildButtonClicked.bind(this)

As of release 0.0.17, outputs must be bound with .bind(this). We're working on improvements, but this is the most stable fix so far.


     * A list of lazy-loadable component registrations that we will
     * initialize with. This list can be added to during runtime.
     * Adding a component _after_ loading it via the lazy loader 
     * will not auto-resolve the component off of the notFoundComponent
    entries: RegisteredComponents,
     * A component to show when the loader can't resolve a provided ID
     * WIP: A component to show when something functionally fails when
     * bootstrapping a lazy-loadable component. 
     * > usually happens in the constructor 
     * A component to show as a progress spinner / distractor
     * What strategy should be used to resolve components
     * @default ComponentResolveStrategy.FuzzyIdClassName
    componentResolveStrategy: ComponentResolveStrategy,
     * When `componentResolveStrategy` is set to `Custom`,
     * the method that identifies which component to resolve to.
    customResolver: (registry: (CompiledComponent | CompiledModule)[]) => Object

Component Grouping

If you use a lot of components all over the place, you may need to group lazy-loadable components in order to organize them and ensure that you don't encounter conflicts.

All you need to do when registering the component is add the group property:


import { ComponentRegistration } from '@dotglitch/ngx-lazy-loader';

export const RegisteredComponents: ComponentRegistration[] = [
    // Components are added into the "default" group unless otherwise specified.
    { id: 'Landing', load: () => import('src/app/pages/general/landing/landing.component')},
    { id: 'About', load: () => import('src/app/pages/general/about/about.component')},

    { id: 'TermsOfUse', group: "dialog", load: () => import('src/app/pages/general/termsofuse/termsofuse.component') },
    { id: 'PrivacyPolicy', group: "dialog", load: () => import('src/app/pages/general/privacypolicy/privacypolicy.component') },

    { id: 'barchart', group: "chart", load: () => import('src/app/@charts/barchart/barchart.component')},
    { id: 'piechart', group: "chart", load: () => import('src/app/@charts/piechart/piechart.component')},
    { id: 'areachart', group: "chart", load: () => import('src/app/@charts/areachart/areachart.component')},
    { id: 'mapchart', group: "chart", load: () => import('src/app/@charts/mapchart/mapchart.component')},
    { id: 'histogram', group: "chart", load: () => import('src/app/@charts/histogram/histogram.component')},

    // You can overlap IDs as long as they have different groups
    { id: 'barchart', group: "dashboardtile", load: () => import('src/app/pages/dashboard/@tiles/barchart/barchart.component')},
    { id: 'piechart', group: "dashboardtile", load: () => import('src/app/pages/dashboard/@tiles/piechart/piechart.component')},
    { id: 'areachart', group: "dashboardtile", load: () => import('src/app/pages/dashboard/@tiles/areachart/areachart.component')},
    { id: 'mapchart', group: "dashboardtile", load: () => import('src/app/pages/dashboard/@tiles/mapchart/mapchart.component')},
    { id: 'histogram', group: "dashboardtile", load: () => import('src/app/pages/dashboard/@tiles/histogram/histogram.component')},

Then, you just need to add the group when you reference the component:

        prop1: value1,
        prop2: value2,
        prop5: 'asd',
        complex: complicated,
        myExternalKey: 'balloon',
        prop3: onOutputFire,
        buttonClicked: onChildButtonClicked,

Using ID Matchers

const registry: ComponentRegistration[] = [
        group: "editor",
        matcher: [
        height: "750px",
        width: "1450px",
        load: () => import('src/app/pages/food-editor.component')
    // This catches any value that doesn't exist on the previous matcher in the same group.
    // Order of these entries matters.
        group: "editor",
        matcher: /.*/,
        height: "700px",
        width: "500px",
        load: () => import('src/app/pages/generic-editor.component')

        group: "dialogs",
        // Custom matchers can be provided, and will check against the original input
        matcher: (value: string) => value.contains("-dialog") && !value.contains("navigation"),
        height: "750px",
        width: "1450px",
        load: () => import('src/app/pages/@dialogs/confirmation.component')
    // If using matchers and no match can be made, the standard NotFound component/template is loaded

This example contains additional properties on the registrations. When these are present, getting the matched component by running this.lazyLoader.resolveRegistrationEntry(name, || "default") from a DI injected instance of private lazyLoader: NgxLazyLoaderService will return the original entry. This can be used to additionally change parts of the UI as necessary.


My Component doesn't load

  • Look for formatted console logs.

Component could not be resolved

  • Make sure the component is registered and the registry is imported in your app.module
  • Make sure the registration id is valid
  • Make sure the registration group is the same as in the HTML attribute <ngx-lazy-loader group="group1"/>
  • Check the registration matchers
  • Check the specified component selector

Matchers slugify the strings that they check


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