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kn service create

Create a service

kn service create NAME --image IMAGE


  # Create a service 's0' using image knativesamples/helloworld
  kn service create s0 --image knativesamples/helloworld

  # Create a service with multiple environment variables
  kn service create s1 --env TARGET=v1 --env FROM=examples --image knativesamples/helloworld

  # Create or replace a service using --force flag
  # if service 's1' doesn't exist, it's a normal create operation
  kn service create --force s1 --image knativesamples/helloworld

  # Create or replace environment variables of service 's1' using --force flag
  kn service create --force s1 --env TARGET=force --env FROM=examples --image knativesamples/helloworld

  # Create a service with port 8080
  kn service create s2 --port 8080 --image knativesamples/helloworld

  # Create a service with port 8080 and port name h2c
  kn service create s2 --port h2c:8080 --image knativesamples/helloworld

  # Create or replace default resources of a service 's1' using --force flag
  # (earlier configured resource requests and limits will be replaced with default)
  # (earlier configured environment variables will be cleared too if any)
  kn service create --force s1 --image knativesamples/helloworld

  # Create a service with annotation
  kn service create s3 --image knativesamples/helloworld --annotation

  # Create a private service (that is a service with no external endpoint)
  kn service create s1 --image knativesamples/helloworld --cluster-local

  # Create a service with 250MB memory, 200m CPU requests and a GPU resource limit
  # []
  # []
  kn service create s4gpu --image knativesamples/hellocuda-go --request memory=250Mi,cpu=200m --limit

  # Create the service in offline mode instead of kubernetes cluster (Beta)
  kn service create gitopstest -n test-ns --image knativesamples/helloworld --target=/user/knfiles
  kn service create gitopstest --image knativesamples/helloworld --target=/user/knfiles/test.yaml
  kn service create gitopstest --image knativesamples/helloworld --target=/user/knfiles/test.json

  # Create a service with profile
  kn service create profiletest --image knativesamples/helloworld --profile istio

  # Create a service with node selector
  kn service create nodeselectortest --image knativesamples/helloworld --node-selector Disktype="ssd"

  # Create a service with toleration
  kn service create tolerationtest --image knativesamples/helloworld --toleration Key="",Effect="NoSchedule",Operator="Equal",Value=""

  # Create a service with node affinity
  kn service create nodeaffinitytest --image knativesamples/helloworld --node-affinity Type="Required",Key="",Operator="In",Values="antarctica-east1 antarctica-east2"


  -a, --annotation stringArray            Annotations to set for both Service and Revision. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple annotations.
      --annotation-revision stringArray   Revision annotation to set. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple annotations. To unset, specify the annotation name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-). This flag takes precedence over the "annotation" flag.
      --annotation-service stringArray    Service annotation to set. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple annotations. To unset, specify the annotation name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-). This flag takes precedence over the "annotation" flag.
      --arg stringArray                   Add argument to the container command. Example: --arg myArg1 --arg --myArg2 --arg myArg3=3. You can use this flag multiple times.
      --cluster-local                     Specify that the service be private. (--no-cluster-local will make the service publicly available)
      --cmd stringArray                   Specify command to be used as entrypoint instead of default one. Example: --cmd /app/start or --cmd sh --cmd /app/ or --cmd /app/start --arg myArg to pass additional arguments.
      --concurrency-limit int             Hard Limit of concurrent requests to be processed by a single replica.
      --containers string                 Specify path to file including definition for additional containers, alternatively use '-' to read from stdin. Example: --containers ./containers.yaml or --containers -.
  -e, --env stringArray                   Environment variable to set. NAME=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple environment variables.
      --env-file string                   Path to a file containing environment variables (e.g. --env-file=/home/knative/service1/env).
      --env-from stringArray              Add environment variables from a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) or a Secret (prefix secret:). Example: --env-from cm:myconfigmap or --env-from secret:mysecret. You can use this flag multiple times.
      --env-value-from stringArray        Add environment variable from a value of key in ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) or a Secret (prefix sc: or secret:). Example: --env-value-from NAME=cm:myconfigmap:key or --env-value-from NAME=secret:mysecret:key. You can use this flag multiple times.
  -f, --filename string                   Create a service from file. The created service can be further modified by combining with other options. For example, -f /path/to/file --env NAME=value adds also an environment variable.
      --force                             Create service forcefully, replaces existing service if any.
  -h, --help                              help for create
      --image string                      Image to run.
  -l, --label stringArray                 Labels to set for both Service and Revision. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple labels.
      --label-revision stringArray        Revision label to set. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple labels. To unset, specify the label name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-). This flag takes precedence over the "label" flag.
      --label-service stringArray         Service label to set. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple labels. To unset, specify the label name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-). This flag takes precedence over the "label" flag.
      --limit strings                     The resource requirement limits for this Service. For example, 'cpu=100m,memory=256Mi'. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a resource limit, append "-" to the resource name, e.g. '--limit memory-'.
      --lock-to-digest                    Keep the running image for the service constant when not explicitly specifying the image. (--no-lock-to-digest pulls the image tag afresh with each new revision) (default true)
      --mount stringArray                 Mount a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:), a Secret (prefix secret: or sc:), an EmptyDir (prefix ed: or emptyDir:), a PersistentVolumeClaim (prefix pvc: or persistentVolumeClaim) or an existing Volume (without any prefix) on the specified directory. Example: --mount /mydir=cm:myconfigmap, --mount /mydir=secret:mysecret, --mount /mydir=emptyDir:myvol or --mount /mydir=myvolume. When a configmap or a secret is specified, a corresponding volume is automatically generated. You can mount a volume with readOnly config (true | false) also. Example: --mount /mydir=ed:ed1:readOnly=true. You can specify a volume subpath by following the volume name with slash separated path. Example: --mount /mydir=cm:myconfigmap/subpath/to/be/mounted. You can use this flag multiple times. For unmounting a directory, append "-", e.g. --mount /mydir-, which also removes any auto-generated volume.
  -n, --namespace string                  Specify the namespace to operate in.
      --no-cluster-local                  Do not specify that the service be private. (--no-cluster-local will make the service publicly available) (default true)
      --no-lock-to-digest                 Do not keep the running image for the service constant when not explicitly specifying the image. (--no-lock-to-digest pulls the image tag afresh with each new revision)
      --no-wait                           Do not wait for 'service create' operation to be completed.
      --node-affinity strings             Add node affinity to be set - only works if the feature gate is enabled in Knative Serving feature flags configuration. When key, operator, values (whitespace separated) and weight are defined for a type, they will be appended in nodeSelectorTerms in case of Required clause, implying the terms will be ORed, and for Preferred clause, all of them will be added in preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution. Example: --node-affinity Type="Required",Key="",Operator="In",Values="antarctica-east1 antarctica-west1" or --node-affinity Type="Preferred",Key="",Operator="In",Values="antarctica-east1",Weight="1"
      --node-selector stringArray         Add node selector to be set, you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple node selectors, works if feature flag is enabled in Knative Serving feature flags configuration. Example: --node-selector Disktype="ssd". To unset, specify the key name followed by a "-", example: --node-selector Disktype- .
  -p, --port string                       The port where application listens on, in the format 'NAME:PORT', where 'NAME' is optional. Examples: '--port h2c:8080' , '--port 8080'.
      --probe-liveness string             Add liveness probe to Service deployment. Supported probe types are HTTGet, Exec and TCPSocket. Format: [http,https]:host:port:path, exec:cmd[,cmd,...], tcp:host:port.
      --probe-liveness-opts string        Add common options to liveness probe. Common opts (comma separated, case insensitive): InitialDelaySeconds=<int_value>, FailureThreshold=<int_value>, SuccessThreshold=<int_value>, PeriodSeconds=<int_value>, TimeoutSeconds=<int_value>
      --probe-readiness string            Add readiness probe to Service deployment. Supported probe types are HTTGet, Exec and TCPSocket. Format: [http,https]:host:port:path, exec:cmd[,cmd,...], tcp:host:port.
      --probe-readiness-opts string       Add common options to readiness probe. Common opts (comma separated, case insensitive): InitialDelaySeconds=<int_value>, FailureThreshold=<int_value>, SuccessThreshold=<int_value>, PeriodSeconds=<int_value>, TimeoutSeconds=<int_value>
      --profile string                    The profile name must be defined in config.yaml or part of the built-in profile, e.g. Istio. Related annotations and labels will be added to the service.To unset, specify the profile name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-).
      --pull-policy string                Image pull policy. Valid values (case insensitive): Always | Never | IfNotPresent
      --pull-secret string                Image pull secret to set. An empty argument ("") clears the pull secret. The referenced secret must exist in the service's namespace.
      --request strings                   The resource requirement requests for this Service. For example, 'cpu=100m,memory=256Mi'. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a resource request, append "-" to the resource name, e.g. '--request cpu-'.
      --revision-name string              The revision name to set. Must start with the service name and a dash as a prefix. Empty revision name will result in the server generating a name for the revision. Accepts golang templates, allowing {{.Service}} for the service name, {{.Generation}} for the generation, and {{.Random [n]}} for n random consonants (e.g. {{.Service}}-{{.Random 5}}-{{.Generation}})
      --scale string                      Set the Minimum and Maximum number of replicas. You can use this flag to set both to a single value, or set a range with min/max values, or set either min or max values without specifying the other. Example: --scale 5 (scale-min = 5, scale-max = 5) or --scale 1..5 (scale-min = 1, scale-max = 5) or --scale 1.. (scale-min = 1, scale-max = unchanged) or --scale ..5 (scale-min = unchanged, scale-max = 5)
      --scale-activation int              Minimum non-zero value that a service should scale to.
      --scale-init int                    Initial number of replicas with which a service starts. Can be 0 or a positive integer.
      --scale-max int                     Maximum number of replicas.
      --scale-metric string               Set the name of the metric the PodAutoscaler should scale on. Example: --scale-metric rps (to scale on rps) or --scale-metric concurrency (to scale on concurrency). The default metric is concurrency.
      --scale-min int                     Minimum number of replicas.
      --scale-target int                  Recommendation for what metric value the PodAutoscaler should attempt to maintain. Use with --scale-metric flag to configure the metric name for which the target value should be maintained. Default metric name is concurrency. The flag defaults to --concurrency-limit when given.
      --scale-utilization int             Percentage of concurrent requests utilization before scaling up. (default 70)
      --scale-window string               Duration to look back for making auto-scaling decisions. The service is scaled to zero if no request was received in during that time. (eg: 10s)
      --security-context string           Predefined security context for the service. Accepted values: 'none' for no security context and 'strict' for dropping all capabilities, running as non-root, and no privilege escalation. (default "none")
      --service-account string            Service account name to set. An empty argument ("") clears the service account. The referenced service account must exist in the service's namespace.
      --tag strings                       Set tag (format: --tag revisionRef=tagName) where revisionRef can be a revision or '@latest' string representing latest ready revision. This flag can be specified multiple times.
      --target string                     Work on local directory instead of a remote cluster (experimental)
      --timeout int                       Duration in seconds that the request routing layer will wait for a request delivered to a container to begin replying (default 300)
      --toleration strings                Add toleration to be set, works if the feature gate is enabled in Knative Serving feature flags configuration. Example: --tolerations Key="key1",Operator="Equal",Value="value1",Effect="NoSchedule"
      --user int                          The user ID to run the container (e.g., 1001).
      --volume stringArray                Add a volume from a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) a Secret (prefix secret: or sc:), an EmptyDir (prefix ed: or emptyDir:) or a PersistentVolumeClaim (prefix pvc: or persistentVolumeClaim). PersistentVolumeClaim only works if the feature gate is enabled in Knative Serving feature flags configuration. Example: --volume myvolume=cm:myconfigmap, --volume myvolume=secret:mysecret or --volume emptyDir:myvol:size=1Gi,type=Memory. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a ConfigMap/Secret reference, append "-" to the name, e.g. --volume myvolume-.
      --wait                              Wait for 'service create' operation to be completed. (default true)
      --wait-timeout int                  Seconds to wait before giving up on waiting for service to be ready. (default 600)
      --wait-window int                   Seconds to wait for service to be ready after a false ready condition is returned (default 2)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --as string              username to impersonate for the operation
      --as-group stringArray   group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups
      --as-uid string          uid to impersonate for the operation
      --cluster string         name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
      --config string          kn configuration file (default: ~/.config/kn/config.yaml)
      --context string         name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string      kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
      --log-http               log http traffic