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Ellis Springe edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 10 revisions

A few prerequisites are required to use CredMaster to the fullest.

  • AWS access keys
  • Python3
  • A supported target

AWS access keys can be acquired from the AWS website, a helpful blog can be found here:

Example Usage

This will run the o365 module with 5 threads and a 10-20 second jitter. It will attempt 3 passwords every 6 hrs (360 min).

python3 --access_key <key> --secret_access_key <key> \
    --plugin o365 \
    -u userfile.txt -p passfile.txt -a useragents.txt -o outputfile \
    -t 5 -j 20 -m 10 -d 360 --passwordsperdelay 3

This will run the Okta module with one thread and a 10-30 second jitter. It will attempt one password every one hour (60 min) with a randomized user list.

python3 --access_key <key> --secret_access_key <key> \
    --plugin okta -u userfile.txt -p passfile.txt -a useragents.txt -o outputfile \
    -t 1 -j 30 -m 10 -d 60 --passwordsperdelay 1 -r --url

This will run the MSOL module with a userpass file and config file, with a custom header on each request for attribution

python3 --config aws.config --plugin msol -f userpass.txt -a useragents.txt --header "X-ID: ABCD"


Destroy all FireProx created APIs

python3 {access args} --clean

List all APIs with ID, name and creation date

python3 {access args} --api_list

Delete a single API

python3 {access args} --api_destroy {api id}

Help Message

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Basic Inputs:
  --plugin PLUGIN       Spray plugin
  -u USERFILE, --userfile USERFILE
                        Username file
                        Password file
                        Username-Password file (one-to-one map, colon separated)
                        Useragent file
  --config CONFIG       Configure CredMaster using config file config.json

Advanced Inputs:
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        Output file to write contents (omit extension)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Thread count (default 1, max 15)
  --region REGION       Specify AWS Region to create API Gateways in
  -j JITTER, --jitter JITTER
                        Jitter delay between requests in seconds (applies per-thread)
  -m JITTER_MIN, --jitter_min JITTER_MIN
                        Minimum jitter time in seconds, defaults to 0
  -d DELAY, --delay DELAY
                        Delay between unique passwords, in minutes
  --passwordsperdelay PASSWORDSPERDELAY
                        Number of passwords to be tested per delay cycle
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Number of request to perform per thread
  --batch_delay BATCH_DELAY
                        Delay between each thread batch, in minutes
  -r, --randomize       Randomize the input list of usernames to spray (will remain the same password)
  --header HEADER       Add a custom header to each request for attribution, specify "X-Header: value"
  --xforwardedfor XFORWARDEDFOR
                        Make the X-Forwarded-For header a static IP instead of RNG
  --weekday_warrior WEEKDAY_WARRIOR
                        If you don't know what this is don't use it, input is timezone UTC offset
  --color               Output spray results in Green/Yellow/Red colors
  --trim, --remove      Remove users with found credentials from future sprays

Notification Inputs:
  --slack_webhook SLACK_WEBHOOK
                        Webhook link for Slack notifications
  --pushover_token PUSHOVER_TOKEN
                        Token for Pushover notifications
  --pushover_user PUSHOVER_USER
                        User for Pushover notifications
  --ntfy_topic NTFY_TOPIC
                        Topic for Ntfy notifications
  --ntfy_host NTFY_HOST
                        Ntfy host for notifications
  --ntfy_token NTFY_TOKEN
                        Ntfy token for private instances
  --discord_webhook DISCORD_WEBHOOK
                        Webhook link for Discord notifications
  --teams_webhook TEAMS_WEBHOOK
                        Webhook link for Teams notifications
  --keybase_webhook KEYBASE_WEBHOOK
                        Webhook for Keybase notifications
  --operator_id OPERATOR_ID
                        Optional Operator ID for notifications
  --exclude_password    Exclude discovered password in Notification message

Fireprox Connection Inputs:
  --profile_name PROFILE_NAME, --profile PROFILE_NAME
                        AWS Profile Name to store/retrieve credentials
  --access_key ACCESS_KEY
                        AWS Access Key
  --secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
                        AWS Secret Access Key
  --session_token SESSION_TOKEN
                        AWS Session Token

Fireprox Utility Options:
  --clean               Clean up all fireprox AWS APIs from every region, warning irreversible
  --api_destroy API_DESTROY
                        Destroy single API instance, by API ID
  --api_list            List all fireprox APIs

Command line option details

  • --threads - The number of attempts to make at the same time. Each thread is a unique AWS region so there is less overlap. The max number of threads is 15
  • --useragentfile - A list of user agents to rotate through while password spraying
  • --userpassfile - A file containing username and password combinations, separated by a colon
  • --plugin - The module/target you wish to use during your password spraying attempts
  • --jitter and --jitter_min - Upper and lower jitter limits, alters time between login attempts
  • --delay - Provided with a password list, this option allows you to set the amount of time to wait before attempting the next password in the file. This is helpful for preventing rate-limiting and account lockouts.
  • --randomize - Take the input list of users and randomize the order in which the users are attempted
  • --header - Add a custom specified header to each authentication request made. Helpful for when a client wants to know which attempts were yours, so they can be attributed
  • --xforwardedfor - Statically set the X-Forwarded-For header that by default is randomized. Specifying the fake source IP as part of your client's IP range may make them believe it is a false positive
  • --weekday-warrior - Spray at 7AM, 11AM and 3PM based off an input UTC time, best for blending into network traffic
  • --passwordsperdelay - The number of passwords per delay cycle. This is helpful for when the lockout counter is high (10 passwords) and you can spray more than one password per delay.
  • --access_key, --secret_access_key, --profile_name and --session_token - Parameters for AWS access to create FireProx API proxies for use during spraying.
  • --config - An easy way to specify a file that you can store your AWS access tokens in. A template can be found in this repo.
  • --clean - remove all APIs from AWS. If you cancel your operations mid-spray, credmaster may leave API gateways configured. This cleans them up.
  • --api_destroy - remove a single API by ID
  • --api_list - list all APIs with information about them
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