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solution-finder is a command-line tool for searching piece operations and calculating probabilities under specified conditions in Tetris. It can perform calculations under complex conditions by combining commands.

Features (List of Commands)

  • percent : Calculate the probability of getting a perfect clear from a specified field.
  • path : Output all the operations for a perfect clear from a specified field.
  • setup : Outputs all the operations to fill according to a specified form.
  • ren : Output all the operations to continue REN(COMBO) from a specified field.
  • spin : Output all the operations that can be T-spin from a specified field.
  • cover : Calculate the coverage of piece sequences for specified operations.
  • util fig : Generate images based on the fumen.
  • util fumen : Convert the input fumens and output new fumens.
  • util seq : Expand to piece sequences from solution-finder patterns.
  • verify kicks : Check confirmation of the kick property file.


Please see the documents for setup and usage instructions.


This software includes the work that is distributed in the Apache License 2.0.

Apache Commons CLI
Copyright 2001-2017 The Apache Software Foundation

This product includes software developed at
The Apache Software Foundation (