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Example of ports as in This is an ElixirSips episode (194), and below you'll find the video and the script for the episode. Just playing around with fun stuff :)


Episode 194: Interoperability - Ports

You will eventually want to interoperate with another system. We've already played a little bit with ports, but this is an example of writing a C port that can talk directly to your Elixir system. For now, I'm mostly just going to rebuild what is in the Erlang tutorial for ports, but with Elixir in mind.


We'll start a new project:

mix new complex
cd complex
vim lib/complex.ex

OK, so now it's worth talking a little bit about how ports work. Basically, we spin up a process inside our operating system and we send and receive messages with that process using ports. We've done this before with existing UNIX programs using standard in and standard out, but now we're going to do it with a custom protocol.

defmodule Complex do
  def start(external_program) do
    spawn(__MODULE__, :init, [external_program])

OK, so we're going to call start with a string that represents an external program to run, and this will spawn a process that calls this module's init function with that argument. Nothing weird is happening yet.

defmodule Complex do
  def init(external_program) do
    Process.register(self, :complex)
    Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
    port ={:spawn, external_program}, [packet: 2])

Now the init function just registers this process as the atom complex and says it wants to trap exits. Then it opens up a port. This port spawns an external program, which is the binary whose name is the string we passed in to 'start'. We'll use a 2 byte length indicator to communicate between the two systems. The Erlang VM will automatically add this indicator when it's talking to the C program, but we'll have to handle this bit explicitly from the C side.

Finally, we just loop on the port we opened.

Now, before we move on I want to show you the C code that we'll be calling out to. It's intentionally simple, and again this is just the example used in the erlang user's guide for the C Port tutorial. We support 2 functions, foo and bar. I think you can understand the C code even if you aren't a whiz with C.

mkdir src
vim src/complex.c
/* complex.c */

int foo(int x) {
  return x+1;

int bar(int y) {
  return y*2;

Alright, so you've got that to keep in mind as what we're integrating with.

Next, we'll implement the Elixir side of our API. We'll provide 2 functions, foo and bar, that take an integer argument and pass it on to the port, returning whatever it returns.

defmodule Complex do
  def foo(x) do
    call_port({:foo, x})

  def bar(y) do
    call_port({:bar, y})

Then comes call_port:

defmodule Complex do
  def call_port(message) do
    send(:complex, {:call, self, message})
    receive do
      {:complex, result} -> result

This just sends a 3-tuple to the Elixir process we spawned and registered under the name complex. The second element in the 3-tuple is our pid. It then blocks until our process receives a message that matches the 2-tuple pattern. Finally, it returns the result when it receives it.

Now we can get to the loop itself.

defmodule Complex do
  def loop(port) do
    receive do
      {:call, caller, message} ->
        send(port, {self, {:command, encode(message)}})
        receive do
          {^port, {:data, data}} ->
            send(caller, {:complex, decode(data)})

OK, so this is the core piece that wires this process together with the port. If we receive a message that tells us to make a call, we send the port a 2-tuple. The first element is our pid, and the second is a 2-tuple whose first element is the atom command and whose second element is the message, encoded. We then block to receive data from the port. This is sent as a 2-tuple whose first element is the atom data, inside a 2-tuple whose first element is the port we opened, so we can be sure the message is coming from where we're expecting it to come from. Once we've received this message from the port, we send the caller the result, decoding it on the way out. The elixir component that used our API will just deal with nicely formatted elixir data, and all of the encoding and decoding lives in this piece of code.

Now that I've talked through all of that, we're going to add a couple of things that allow us to explicitly stop the port or handle a crash from the C code moderately gracefully:

defmodule Complex do
  def loop(port) do
    receive do
      {:call, caller, message} ->
        send(port, {self, {:command, encode(message)}})
        receive do
          {^port, {:data, data}} ->
            send(caller, {:complex, decode(data)})
      :stop ->
        send(port, {self, :close})
        receive do
          {^port, :closed} ->
      {'EXIT', ^port, _reason} ->

Now all that's left is to define the encode and decode functions.

defmodule Complex do
  # OK so we'll encode the 'foo' command as 1, and the 'bar' command as 2.  It's
  # important to realize we're going to be sending raw bytes here, so this is
  # the bit of the code that will break down for values greater than 255.
  def encode({:foo, x}), do: [1, x]
  def encode({:bar, y}), do: [2, y]

  # We'll decode messages that come back - they're just a list of 1 byte, and we
  # want to treat that like the integer that it is in this case.
  def decode([int]), do: int

Finally we'll add the stop function that tells the process to close the port, which we've already supported in the loop:

  def stop do
    send(:complex, :stop)

Alright, all that code put together looks like this:

defmodule Complex do
  def start(external_program) do
    spawn(__MODULE__, :init, [external_program])

  def stop do
    send(:complex, :stop)

  def foo(x) do
    call_port({:foo, x})

  def bar(y) do
    call_port({:bar, y})

  def init(external_program) do
    Process.register(self, :complex)
    Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
    port ={:spawn, external_program}, [packet: 2])

  def call_port(message) do
    send(:complex, {:call, self, message})
    receive do
      {:complex, result} -> result

  def loop(port) do
    receive do
      {:call, caller, message} ->
        send(port, {self, {:command, encode(message)}})
        receive do
          {^port, {:data, data}} ->
            send(caller, {:complex, decode(data)})
      :stop ->
        send(port, {self, :close})
        receive do
          {^port, :closed} ->
      {'EXIT', ^port, _reason} ->

  def encode({:foo, x}), do: [1, x]
  def encode({:bar, y}), do: [2, y]

  def decode([int]), do: int

Now we've defined a couple of C functions but that's not enough to actually communicate with our system here - there's no concept of dealing with standard in and standard out, which is what we're going to use to wire these things together. For this, we have a couple of utilities that are also provided in the erlang interoperability tutorial. We'll talk through them fairly quickly:

vim src/erl_comm.c
/* erl_comm.c */

typedef unsigned char byte;

read_cmd(byte *buf)
  int len;

  // if we can't read 2 bytes we freak out
  if (read_exact(buf, 2) != 2)
  // those 2 bytes tell us how long this message is.  We then read the message
  // This is the bit where I said the elixir side has it easy but the c code has
  // to be explicit.
  len = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
  return read_exact(buf, len);

// when we write a message out, we write the 2 byte length indicator
// as well, so that the erlang program's knowledge that we're using
// 2 byte length indicators is satisfied.
write_cmd(byte *buf, int len)
  byte li;

  li = (len >> 8) & 0xff;
  write_exact(&li, 1);

  li = len & 0xff;
  write_exact(&li, 1);

  return write_exact(buf, len);

// This is just a function to read a certain number of bytes into a buffer from
// standard input (0)
read_exact(byte *buf, int len)
  int i, got=0;

  do {
    if ((i = read(0, buf+got, len-got)) <= 0)
    got += i;
  } while (got<len);


// and this is a function to write a certain number of bytes from a buffer to
// standard output (1)
write_exact(byte *buf, int len)
  int i, wrote = 0;

  do {
    if ((i = write(1, buf+wrote, len-wrote)) <= 0)
      return (i);
    wrote += i;
  } while (wrote<len);

  return (len);

OK, so that's the general communication protocol between C and Elixir. Next, we will make the file that actually specifies the port - this is the piece that wires the communication piece with our functional specification of the foo and bar functions:

vim src/port.c
/* port.c */

typedef unsigned char byte;

int main() {
  int fn, arg, res;
  byte buf[100];

  // We just read commands from standard input as long as we can...
  while (read_cmd(buf) > 0) {
    // Once we've gotten a command, we know the function is determined by the
    // first byte and its argument is the second byte
    fn = buf[0];
    arg = buf[1];

    if (fn == 1) {
      // We said that 1 was foo
      res = foo(arg);
    } else if (fn == 2) {
      // and 2 was bar
      res = bar(arg);

    // We set the response value in the first byte of our buffer
    buf[0] = res;
    // and we write that byte back to the elixir program over standard out
    write_cmd(buf, 1);

OK, so that's the whole shebang. But does it work? We can build it with gcc:

mkdir priv
gcc -o priv/extprg src/complex.c src/erl_comm.c src/port.c

That will output it to the priv directory as a file named "extprg". We can then spin up iex and try it out:

iex -S mix

And since we know that this is using 1 byte for communicating the result, we can do terrible things like send a valid command that cannot possibly receive a valid response!

Right, so foo increments by 1. But then we get a single byte. So this is...right...sort of. Ditto for bar:

And of course if we try to call a function with an integer that can't be represented by a single byte, bad things will happen:


19:59:08.259 [error] Bad value on output port 'priv/extprg'

Hey look we crashed everything! Don't make your port return a value that's outside of the range of acceptable values you specified when spawning it!

If we start back up, we can see the program is running with ps:

((( do it ))) ((( then in a new terminal tab )))

ps ax|grep extprg

Now if we tell the module to stop the port, this OS process will go away:

ps ax|grep extprg


Anyway, that's it. Today we saw how you can build a C program to interoperate with your Elixir system, and we saw how you can make things go horribly wrong if you say it'll operate in one particular way and it doesn't, with respect to sending back 1 byte responses. I have personally used this facility to have erlang manage some C code that was using opencv to resize images, because writing a webserver in C to front for that function was pretty horrible. I hope you enjoyed it - see you soon!
