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Releases: kniazkov/goat

Warhol goat

20 Apr 12:21
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This version contains changes related to preparation for real use. I have implemented an example in which a 3-axes CNC router is controlled by a script written on the Goat programming language. The router contains 4 stepper motors and a Raspberry PI board. During preparation, a number of bugs were fixed, and some improvements were implemented.


Overdrive [0.5.1]

16 Jan 14:37
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The new version fixes most issues in the garbage collector and expands the Goat standard library.


02 Dec 13:33
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It's been a year since the previous version was released. What took it so long? I was rewriting the interpreter from the beginning, from scratch. The previous version was working too slowly, and the interpreter architecture did not allow for optimization of script execution. I tried to deal with it, but as a result, I erased it all and doing it again. The new version runs 10 times faster, eats less memory, contains fewer errors - but most importantly, there are opportunities for further optimization.
I won't say I'm at the start point now, but there's still a lot of work to be done.

Pretty Fly

01 Oct 08:49
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The interpreter supports all main data types (String, Char, Integer, Real, Boolean, Void, Undefined and Null), arrays, objects, all operators (including operator overloading), prototypes, inheritance (including multiple inheritance), multithreading, importing files from others, and much, much more.
In the version 0.3.4:

  • added methods getc() and gets(): reads characters and strings from the standard input
  • some issues was fixed
    The document "The Goat programming language reference" contains up-to-date information. It is available at

Pretty fly

28 Jul 18:17
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The interpreter supports all main data types (String, Char, Integer, Real, Boolean, Void, Undefined and Null), arrays, objects, all operators (including operator overloading), prototypes, inheritance (including multiple inheritance), multithreading, importing files from others, and much, much more.
In the version 0.3.3 were added:

  • the 'void' datatype;
  • the null conditional operator '?.'
    The document "The Goat programming language reference" contains up-to-date information. It is available at

Pretty fly

23 Jul 14:23
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The interpreter supports all main data types (String, Char, Integer, Real, Boolean, Null), arrays, objects, all operators (including operator overloading), prototypes, inheritance (including multiple inheritance), multithreading, importing files from others, and much, much more.
In the version 0.3.2, the operator '@' (locking) was added.
The document "The Goat programming language reference" contains up-to-date information. It is available at

Pretty fly

22 Jul 13:21
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The interpreter supports all main data types (String, Char, Integer, Real, Boolean, Null), arrays, objects, all operators (including operator overloading), prototypes, inheritance (including multiple inheritance), multithreading, importing files from others, and much, much more.
Added some built-in functions. Improved stability, some bugs fixed. Also, the development of a standard library has begun.
In the version 0.3.1, the performance is slightly increased.
The document "The Goat programming language reference" was written. It is available at

Pretty Fly

18 Jul 07:39
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The interpreter supports all main data types (String, Char, Integer, Real, Boolean, Null), arrays, objects, all operators (including operator overloading), prototypes, inheritance (including multiple inheritance), multithreading, importing files from others, and much, much more.
Added some built-in functions. Improved stability, some bugs fixed. Also, the development of a standard library has begun.
The document "The Goat programming language reference" was written. It is available at


04 Jan 14:30
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The interpreter supports all main data types (String, Char, Integer, Real, Boolean, Null), arrays, objects, all operators (including operator overloading), prototypes, inheritance (including miltiple inheritance), multithreading, importing files from others, and so on. But it is still absolutely raw product. Need more testing and write some libraries.

Raw meat

09 Nov 10:16
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First solution that contains a lot of problems and errors