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Code review checklist / guidelines


The purpose is to provide guidance on doing code reviews by showing bad/good practices with examples.

Table of Contents

  1. Magic numbers and hardcoded values
  2. Lack of defensive code
  3. Too defensive code
  4. Functions / Classes / Methods / Variables names
  5. Return types
  6. Functions / Classes / Methods / Variable access
  7. Remove unused and commented code
  8. Format code
  9. Code coverage
  10. Cyclomatic complexity
  11. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
  12. Data structures and Big-O complexities
  13. Adherence to the project's architectural pattern
  14. SOLID Principles
  15. References and useful resources

Magic numbers and hardcoded values

  • Bad:
// 26 doesn't mean anything
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {}
  • Good:
// Variable gives the number 26 context
int alphabetLength = 26;

for (i = 0; i < alphabetLength; i++) {}

Lack of defensive code

  • Bad:
// "emptyList" could be null or empty
void notDefensive(List<String> emptyList) {
  System.out.println("Index 1: " + emptyList.get(1));
  • Good:
// Avoids undesired exceptions.
void defensive(List<String> emptyList) {
  if (emptyList != null && emptyList.size() > 1) {
    System.out.println("Index 1: " + emptyList.get(1));
  } else {
    System.err.println("List has no elements.");

Too defensive code

  • Bad:
private static boolean isNumber(String str) {
  // The "try-catch" block is too generic, it will catch exceptions besides the number parse one (NumberFormatException)
  try {
      return true;
  } catch (Exception e) {
      return false;
  • Good:
private static boolean isNumber(String str) {
  // The "try-catch" block only catches NumberFormatException.
  try {
      return true;
  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      return false;

Functions / Classes / Methods / Variables names

  • Bad:
public class Calendar {

  public void print(boolean datBoi) {
    int mSize = 12;

    for (int z = 0; z < mSize; z++) {
      Month m = Month.of(z);
      if (datBoi) {
      } else {
  • Good:
public class MonthService {

  public void printAllMonths(boolean isDisplayName) {
    int numberOfMonths = 12;

    for (int monthNumber = 1; monthNumber <= numberOfMonths; monthNumber++) {
      Month month = Month.of(monthNumber);
      if (isDisplayName) {
      } else {

Return types

// Returns implementation
void HashMap<Long, LinkedList<String>> namesById() {...}
  • Good:
// Returns abstraction
void Map<Long, List<String>> namesById() {...}

Functions / Classes / Methods / Variable access

  • Bad:
package org.checklist.codereview;

// Only classes from "org.checklist.codereview" package uses "Service" class
public class Service {

  final Dao dao;

  Service(Dao dao) {
    this.dao = dao;

  public void insert() {
    Long id = getId();

  public void update() {
    Long id = getId();

  // Only methods from "Service" class uses "getId"
  public Long getId() {
    return 1L;

public class Resource {

  private Service service;

  Resource(Service service) {
    this.service = service;

  public void insert() {

  public void update() {
  • Good:
package org.checklist.codereview;

// Only classes from "org.checklist.codereview" package uses "Service" class
class Service {

  private final Dao dao;

  Service(Dao dao) {
    this.dao = dao;

  public void insert() {
    Long id = getId();

  public void update() {
    Long id = getId();

  // Only methods from "Service" class uses "getId"
  private Long getId() {
    return 1L;

public class Resource {

  private Service service;

  Resource(Service service) {
    this.service = service;

  public void insert() {

  public void update() {

Remove unused and commented code

  • Bad:
// This method does something
public void doSomething(int a, int b) {
  // Uncomment in 3 months
  // int c = a + b;
  // int d = c * c * b - a;

  System.out.println("Hello darkness my old friend...");

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  • Good:
public void doSomething(int a, int b) {
  System.out.println("Doing something...");

Format code

  • Use the same code format style across your IDEs.

  • Put it on your CI/CD pipeline.

  • Bad:

// Unformatted code
public static
int a,
String b
{return b + a
  • Good:
// Formatted code (stick to IntelliJ / VSCode or use a styleguide like Google's:
public static String iAmFormatted(int a, String b) {
  return b + a;

Code coverage

  • Provides highly integrated tools to group, merge, archive, and compare coverage reports.

  • Bad:

class HelloWorld {
  String hello(boolean isGoingHome) {
    if (isGoingHome) {
      return "Bye!";

    return "Hello!";

  // Ternary operators can result in false positives against some categories of code coverage, like the statement coverage type
  String world(int type) {
    return type < 0 ? "Not a planet." : "Planet.";

// Covers half of the "HelloWorld" class
class HelloWorldTest {
  private HelloWorld helloWorld;

  // Covers 50% of the "hello" method
  void shouldSayHello() {
    assertEquals("Hello!", helloWorld.hello(false));

  // False positive: covers 100% of the "world" method but isn't reaching "type < 0" condition
  void shouldBeAPlanet() {
  • Good:
class HelloWorld {
  String hello(boolean isGoingHome) {
    if (isGoingHome) {
      return "Bye!";

    return "Hello!";

  String world(int type) {
    if (type < 0) {
      return "Not a planet.";

    return "Planet.";

// Covers all of the "HelloWorld" class
class HelloWorldTest {
  private HelloWorld helloWorld;

  // Covers half of the "hello" method
  void shouldSayHello() {
    assertEquals("Hello!", helloWorld.hello(false));

  // Covers the other half of "hello" method
  void shouldSayBye() {
    assertEquals("Bye!", helloWorld.hello(true));

  // Covers half of the "world" method
  void shouldBeAPlanet() {

  // Covers the other half of "world" method
  void shouldNotBeAPlanet() {
    assertEquals("Not a planet.",;

Cyclomatic complexity

void tooComplex() {

  • Good:
void simple() {


DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

  • Bad:
int sum(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;

Integer sumToo(int a, int b) {
  return Integer.sum(a, b);
  • Good:
int sum(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;

Data structures and Big-O complexities

Adherence to the project's architectural pattern

  • Resource:

    • Each resource class is associated with a URI template (@Path).
    • Each method represents an endpoint:
      • The method should validate its input (request) using a validator.
      • The method should call the service after validating the request.
  • Service:

    • Lógica de negócios da funcionalidade.
    • Normalmente é onde os DAOs e Utils/Commons/Helpers são injetados e usados.
    • Responsável por manipular models e transformar objetos de acordo com a necessidade.
  • Model / Entity:

    • Podem representar:
      • Tabelas do banco de dados.
      • Requests HTTP (DTOs).
      • Responses HTTP (DTOs), normalmente correspondentes às necessidades de layout do front-end.
  • DAO:

    • Objeto que abstrai o acesso ao banco de dados.
    • Cada método da classe corresponde a um SELECT/INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE.
  • Mapper:

    • Fazem o "de-para" do resultado das queries do DAO para objetos.
  • Validator:

    • Responsável pela validação das requests recebidas nos Resources:
      • Campos estão nulos ou vazios.
      • Tamanho de campos.
      • IDs existem no banco de dados.
  • Enums / Types

  • Util / Commons / Helper:

    • General function
  • Excel (import and export):

    • ExcelImport:

      • Object that represents the imported/exported spreadsheet.
      • Each class attribute corresponds to the column on the spreadsheet
      • Implements interface "ExcelImport".
      • Implements interface "DuplicateValidable" for validations purposes.
    • ExcelExportTab:

      • Fill rows (ExcelRow object) with an ExcelImport implementation.
      • The ExcelRow object is used to generate an new spreadsheet through ExcelGenerator class.
      • Implements interface "SkeletonExportTab".
    • ExcelHeader:

      • Header's translation keys.
      • Instruction tab content.
      • Implements interface "ExcelHeader".
    • ImportTab:

      • Process row (ImportRow object) and returns an ExcelImport implementation.
      • Implements interface "ImportTab".
    • ExcelImportValidator:

      • Similar to validators, but checks spreadsheets instead of a serialized JSON.

SOLID Principles

Single Responsibility Principle

  • A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.

  • Bad:

public interface Modem {
  public void dial(string pno);
  public void hangup();
  public void send(char c);
  public char recv();

public class ConcreteModem implements Modem {...}
  • Good:
public interface Connection {
  public void dial(string pno);
  public void hangup();

public interface DataChannel {
  public void send(char c);
  public char recv();

public class ConcreteModem implements Connection, DataChannel {...}

Open-Closed Principle

  • Software entities should be open for extension and closed for modification.

  • You should be able to extend a classes behavior, without modifying it.

  • Bad:

public class EventInterceptor {
  public void preLoad(Entity entity) {...}
  public void postLoad(Entity entity) {...}
  public void prePersist(Entity entity) {...}
  public void preSave(Entity entity) {...}

public class EventHandler {
  private Entity entity;
  private EventInterceptor ei;

  // Should modify this method for every new Event implementation
  public void handleEvent(Event event) {
    if (event instanceof PreLoad) {
    } else if (event instanceof PostLoad) {
    } else if (event instanceof PrePersist) {
    } else if (event instanceof PreSave) {
  • Good:
public abstract class Event {
  abstract void interceptEvent(Entity entity);

public class PreLoad extends Event {
  void interceptEvent(Entity entity) {...}

public class PostLoad extends Event {
  void interceptEvent(Entity entity) {...}

public class PrePersist extends Event {
  void interceptEvent(Entity entity) {...}

public class PreSave extends Event {
  void interceptEvent(Entity entity) {...}

public class EventHandler {
  private Entity entity;
  private EventInterceptor ei;

  // Method is now closed for changes
  public void handleEvent(Event event) {

Liskov Substitution Principle

  • Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes.

  • Bad:

class Rectangle {
  private int width, height;

  Rectangle(int width, int height) {
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;

  void setWidth(int width) {
    this.width = width;

  void setHeight(int height) {
    this.height = height;

  int getArea() {
    return this.width * this.height;

class Square extends Rectangle {
  Square(int widthAndHeight) {
    super(widthAndHeight, widthAndHeight);

  void setWidth(int width) {

  void setHeight(int height) {

class ShapeTest {
  void shouldEvaluateRectangleArea() {
    Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(10);

    // OK
    assertEquals(20, rectangle.getArea());

  void shouldEvaluateSquareArea() {
    Rectangle rectangle = new Square(10);

    // rectangle.getArea() will return 25 because Square class is overriding setHeight to set both width and height
    assertEquals(20, rectangle.getArea());
  • Good (through composition):
class Rectangle {
  private int width, height;

  Rectangle(int width, int height) {
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;

  void setWidth(int width) {
    this.width = width;

  void setHeight(int height) {
    this.height = height;

  int getArea() {
    return this.width * this.height;

class Square {
  private Rectangle rectangle;

  Square(Rectangle rectangle) {
    this.rectangle = rectangle;

  void setWidthAndHeight(int widthAndHeight) {

  int getArea() {
    return rectangle.getArea();

class ShapeTest {
  void shouldEvaluateRectangleArea() {
    Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(10);

    // OK
    assertEquals(20, rectangle.getArea());

  // You can't test squares as rectangles anymore
  void shouldEvaluateSquareArea() {
    Square square = new Rectangle(10);

    assertEquals(20, square.getArea());

Interface Segregation Principle

  • Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific.

  • Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use.

  • Bad:

interface Codec<T> {
  T decode(Reader reader);
  void encode(final T value, Writer writer);

class StringCodec implements Codec<String> {
  public String decode(Reader reader) {...}

  public String encode(final String value, Writer writer) {...}
  • Good:
interface Decoder<T> {
  T decode(Reader reader);

interface Encoder<T> {
  void encode(final T value, Writer writer);

class StringCodec implements Decoder<String>, Encoder<String> {
  public String decode(Reader reader) {...}

  public String encode(final String value, Writer writer) {...}

class BooleanEncoder implements Encoder<Boolean> {
  public void encode(final Boolean value, Writer writer) {...}

class DoubleFloatCodec implements Decoder<Double>, Encoder<Float> {
  public Double decode(Reader reader) {...}

  public void encode(final Float value, Writer writer) {...}

Dependency Inversion Principle

  • High level modules should not depend upon low level modules, both should depend on abstraction.

  • Abstractions should not depend upon details, details should depend upon abstractions.

  • High level modules: policy setter.

  • Low level modules: dependency modules, often used by high level modules.

  • Bad:

// High level module
class ServiceImpl implements IService {

  // Bad: using implementation over abstraction (ValidatorImpl)
  private ValidatorImpl validator;
  // Bad: using implementation over abstraction (DAOImpl)
  private DAOImpl dao;

  // Bad: using implementation over abstraction (ArrayList)
  void insert(ArrayList<Object> model) {

// Low level module
class ValidatorImpl implements IValidator {

  // Bad: using implementation over abstraction (ArrayList)
  void validate(ArrayList<Object> model) {...}

// Low level module
class DAOImpl implements IDAO {

  // Bad: using implementation over abstraction (LinkedList)
  void insert(LinkedList<Object> model) {...}
  • Good:
// High level module
class ServiceImpl implements IService {

  // Good: using abstraction over implementation (IValidator)
  private IValidator validator;
  // Good: using abstraction over implementation (IDAO)
  private IDAO dao;

  // Good: using abstraction over implementation (Iterable / Collection / List)
  void insert(Collection<Object> model) {

// Low level module
class ValidatorImpl implements IValidator {

  // Good: using abstraction over implementation (Iterable / Collection / List)
  void validate(Collection<Object> model) {...}

// Low level module
class DAOImpl implements IDAO {

  // Good: using abstraction over implementation (Iterable / Collection / List)
  void insert(Collection<Object> model) {...}

References and useful resources




  1. "Expectations, Outcomes, and Challenges of Modern Code Review", paper by Alberto Bacchelli and Christian Bird
  2. "What to Look for in a Code Review", short book written by Trisha Gee
  3. Code review checklist example
  4. Code review checklist example
  5. Atalassian blog post
  6. Jeff Atwood blog post
  7. Cyclomatic Complexity
  8. Uncle Bob: The Principles of OOD
  9. What is the dependency inversion principle and why is it important?