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Johann edited this page Dec 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Knowledge SSM

This is the SSM adapter for knowledge gem. It allows you to fetch your configuration variables on AWS SSM service.

Basic usage

By default, the SSM client is instantiate using current AWS config.

See the official Aws::SSM::Client#initialize documentation for more details.

If you need to instantiate yourself the client to pass specific params, see the section below.

require 'knowledge/ssm'
knowledge =
knowledge.variables = { ssm: { my_secret: 'path/to/secret' } }
knowledge.use(name: :ssm)
knowledge.add_adapter_params(adapter: :ssm, params: { root_path: '/project' })
Knowledge::Configuration.my_secret # "Secret value"

Use your own client

require 'knowledge/ssm'
knowledge =
knowledge.variables = { ssm: { my_secret: 'path/to/secret' } }
ssm_client = # Instanciate it with your own config
knowledge.use(name: :ssm)
knowledge.add_adapter_params(adapter: :ssm, params: { root_path: '/project', client: ssm_client })

# Will use your SSM Client to fetch variables
Knowledge::Configuration.my_secret # "Secret value"

Errors Handling - Aws::SSM::Client errors

All errors generated by Aws::SSM::Client are rescued and re-raised as Knowledge::SsmError.

The 3 main errors you can face are:

  • Aws::SSM::Errors::AccessDeniedException
  • Aws::SSM::Errors::UnrecognozedClientException
  • Aws::SSM::Errors::ParameterNotFound

You can chose not to raise in case of Aws::SSM::Errors::ParameterNotFound.

To do so, just pass raise_on_parameter_not_found to false as custom param for the adapter:

require 'knowledge/ssm'
knowledge =
knowledge.variables = { ssm: { my_secret: 'path/to/unexisting/param' } }
knowledge.use(name: :ssm)
knowledge.add_adapter_params(adapter: :ssm, params: { raise_on_parameter_not_found: false })
knowledge.gather! # Will not raise because of the unexisting param
Knowledge::Configuration.my_secret # "Secret value"
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