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1. What is Entity Component Tree?

Knowlife4 edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 10 revisions

What is Entity Component Tree (ECT)

Entity Component Tree (ECT) is a replacement for Unity's traditional MonoBehaviours, providing a structured and organized approach to managing projects.

Benefits of ECT:

  • Modular and reusable code

    By separating data into different categories and using smaller, more focused components, ECT allows for modular and reusable code that is easy to maintain and scale.

  • Structured and organized approach

    ECT offers a structured and organized approach to managing entities and their components.

    Data is separated into different the categories Serialized, Non-Serialized, and Scene-References.

  • Multithreaded and burst-compiled efficient systems

    ECT allows you to easily create multithreaded and burst-compiled systems with minimal changes to syntax.

    This allows for faster and more efficient code and ensures that your project runs smoothly and reliably across a range of devices.

  • Flexibility and guaranteed safety

    ECT offers flexibility and guaranteed safety in how different types can interact and depend on each other.

    This allows for greater customization and control over your project and reduces the risk of errors and unwanted behavior.

  • Seamless integration

    ECT can be seamlessly integrated into existing Unity projects, making it easy to adopt and use in your development workflow.

  • Ongoing improvements

    ECT is actively being improved, with ongoing updates and optimizations to improve performance and reliability.