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John Nieri edited this page Jul 5, 2014 · 4 revisions

This project started as a math + programming exercise for me. I can see some potential for making it more useful so when I have time I will be developing according to this roadmap. If you have any feedback, please make a note or an issue. If you want to contribute or take the project in a different direction with some real application, that would be great.

Prioritized Feature Required Functionality
basic image overlay combine the maze and the base image
de-emphasize background individual area gamma and blur effects for background
allow effects off grid additional off-grid area
visual maze creation time limits (speed optimization)
real time interactive demo simple point-click ui
Some kind of app TBD
Features Under Consideration Required Functionality
more flexible grid / drawing [replace direct drawing with PIL --> cairocffi] (../issues/13)
Completed Feature Completed Functionality
see the grid edge color + alpha
see a maze individual edge settings
non-transparent maze full grid area color + alpha
mark entrance/exit individual area settings
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