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Fluent Bit Plugin

The Fluent Bit output plugin for ClickHouse can be used to write the collected logs from Fluent Bit into ClickHouse.



An example configuration file can be found in the fluent-bit-cm.yaml ConfigMap. The following options are available:

Option Description Default
Metrics_Server_Address The address, where the metrics server should listen on. :2021
Address The address, where ClickHouse is listining on, e.g. clickhouse-clickhouse.clickhouse.svc.cluster.local:9000.
Database The name of the database for the logs. logs
Username The username, to authenticate to ClickHouse.
Password The password, to authenticate to ClickHouse.
Dial_Timeout ClickHouse dial timeout. 10s
Conn_Max_Lifetime ClickHouse maximum connection lifetime. 1h
Max_Idle_Conns ClickHouse maximum number of idle connections. 1
Max_Open_Conns ClickHouse maximum number of open connections. 1
Async_Insert Use async inserts to write logs into ClickHouse. false
Wait_For_Async_Insert Wait for the async insert operation. false
Batch_Size The size for how many log lines should be buffered, before they are written to ClickHouse. 10000
Flush_Interval The maximum amount of time to wait, before logs are written to ClickHouse. 60s
Force_Number_Fields A list of fields which should be parsed as number. 60s
Force_Underscores Replace all . with _ in keys. false
Log_Format The log format for the Fluent Bit ClickHouse plugin. Must be console or json. console
Log_Level The log level for the Fluent Bit ClickHouse plugin. Must be debug, info, warn, error, fatal or panic. info


We are using kind for local development. To create a new Kubernetes cluster using kind you can run the cluster/ script, which will create such a cluster with a Docker registry:


Once the cluster is running we can build and push the Docker image for Fluent Bit:

docker build -f cmd/plugin/Dockerfile -t localhost:5000/klogs:latest-plugin .
docker push localhost:5000/klogs:latest-plugin

# To run the Docker image locally, the following command can be used:
docker run -it --rm localhost:5000/klogs:latest-plugin

In the next step we have to create our ClickHouse cluster via the ClickHouse Operator. To do that we can deploy all the files from the cluster/clickhouse-operator and cluster/clickhouse folder:

k apply -f cluster/clickhouse-operator
k apply -f cluster/clickhouse

Once ClickHouse is running we have to connect to one ClickHouse instance to create our SQL schema. The schema can be found in the schema.sql file, just execute each SQL command one by one on the ClickHouse instance:

k exec -n clickhouse -it chi-clickhouse-sharded-0-0-0 -c clickhouse -- clickhouse-client

Now we can deploy Fluent Bit to ingest all logs into ClickHouse:

k apply -f cluster/fluent-bit/plugin
k logs -n fluent-bit -l app=fluent-bit -f

To check if the logs are arriving in ClickHouse you can use the following SQL commands:

SELECT count(*) FROM logs.logs;
SELECT * FROM logs.logs LIMIT 10;

SELECT count(*) FROM logs.logs_local;
SELECT * FROM logs.logs_local LIMIT 10;

To clean up all the created resources run the following commands:

kind delete cluster --name fluent-bit-clickhouse
docker stop kind-registry
docker rm kind-registry