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Repository files navigation

1. Introduction

"imgtree" is a tool to view image files using web browser. A structure of directories containing image files is kept, so users can easily browse tons of image files that are systematically stored in the directory tree. Source codes are written in javascript, html5 and perl.

Brief procedures to get started are as follows:

(1) Create image files.
(2) Copy image files to the local PC, server, etc (if necessary).
(3) Make xml database for the images (perl is necessary).

(2) and (3) can be reversed depending on the availability of Perl.

2. Files in imgtree

  Sample html files for browsing. You can use sample_default.html as it is.

  Index file generator.

  Detailed configurations for browsing (see Section Advanced).

  Javascript source code for browsing.

3. Install

Belows are examples of using imgtree:

(A) Create image files on a workstation and put image files on a public server for browsing.

(B) Create image files on a workstation and put image files on a laptop PC for local browsing.

(C) Create image files and browse them on a local PC.

Here, we define terms "FIG-SERVER" and "BRO-SERVER" as servers on which images are created and browsed, respectively. In the case (C), FIG-SERVER is equivalent to BRO-SERVER and copying data should be omitted.

Unzip imgtree and rename it as you like.
 (let ${imgtree} be a directory name for imgtree.)
 $ unzip
 $ mv imgtree-release-XXXXXXXX ${imgtree}
 $ cd ${imgtree}

Make directory for image files in ${imgtree} and create or copy images.
 $ mkdir img  (<- by default)
 $ (create or copy figures to img/)

Set img_dir in cnf.js to the image directory. For example,
  var img_dir = './img';

After these, execute img2xml.cgi to create database file (in xml format).
 $ perl ./img2xml.cgi
Please check that list.xml is created in ${imgtree}.

Rename default html file.
$ mv sample_default.html index.html

Copy all the files in ${imgtree} to BRO-SERVER and see index.html. Browse index_default.html to check.

Tips: img2xml.cgi can be run on BRO-SERVER instead of FIG-SERVER. If BRO-SERVER is a webserver, running img2xml.cgi on BRO-SERVER is often easier than on FIG-SERVER. Note that img2xml.cgi can be also run on CGI mode if BRO-SERVER permit CGI execution.

4. Advanced configurations

4.1 cnf.js

Configurations such as image directory are described in cnf.js. It is loaded in index.html before js/common.js is loaded. See head of js/common.js for available variables.

4.2 Overview of type and value

Each child directory in image directory may have a "type" which shows meaning of the directory. Name of the directory in the image directory is called "value". For example, the directory whose type is "year" may contains child directories named "2012", "2013", and "2014", all are values. You can specify any strings as type and value, but it should have some meaning to avoid confusion. Be careful that one directory has only one type.

Type is specified in .type file in each directory. In the above example, followings are possible directory and file structures:

(...parent dir)
    |-.type (<- "year")
    |   |-
    |  (child dir/file...)
    |   |-
    |  (child dir/file...)
    |   |-
    |  (child dir/file...)

4.3 Display style

By configuring disp.xml (in usr/default/ by default), an appearance of the web can be changed. Sample file in usr/nicam/ (mainly for NICAM) may be also helpful even for non-NICAM people.

Structure of disp_list.xml is as follows:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <disp> ... </disp>
  <disp> ... </disp>

<disp> defines a set of menu or buttons for each type or group of types.

----- <disp> -----
-Parent: <disp_list>
  <disp ...> (contents...) </disp>
  type =      : "type(s)-name"
                 Separate with "/" if more than one types are specified.
                 Use "default" for default behavior.
  size = "size" : size in [0-100] (default: 20)
  loop =
    "group"   : loop within group (default)
    "ingroup" : loop within group, no loop in total
    "each"    : loop within each type
    "no"      : not loop
   <button>, <menu>

Note that if the type is matched more than one times, the uppermost matched type is used.

In <disp>, a series of <button> and <menu> are described.

----- <button> -----
-Parent: <disp>
  <button ...> (contents) </disp>
   type = "type-name"
     (default: following <disp>)
     If type in <disp> has more than one type, type must be specified.
   inc = "increment" (such as +1, -1, +100)
   Strings shown on the button.

----- <menu> -----
-Parent: <disp>
  <menu ...></menu>
   type = "type-name"
     (default: following <disp>)
     If type in <disp> has more than one type, type must be specified.

4.4 Type and value settings

By configuring type.xml (in usr/default/ by default), details of types and values can be specified.

Structure of disp_list.xml is as follows:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <type> ... </type>
  <type> ... </type>

<type> defines a description of type and series of values within.

----- <type> -----
-Parent: <type_list>
  <type ...> (contents...) </type>
  name = "type-name"
   <desc>, <value>

----- <desc> -----
-Parent: <type>
  <desc> (contents) </desc>
   Description of the type, which is shown as tooltip.

----- <value> -----
-Parent: <type>
  <value ...> (contents...) </type>
  name = "value-name"
   <running>, <desc>
  Order of <value> affects orfer of menu.

----- <running> -----
-Parent: <value>
  <running> (contents) </running>
   running title of the value, which is shown in menu.

----- <desc> -----
-Parent: <value>
  <desc> (contents) </desc>
   Description of the value, which is shown as tooltip.

Good luck!