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kodefuguru edited this page Jun 17, 2012 · 3 revisions

Code samples and walkthrus from Telerik Developer Evangelist , C# MVP, and international speaker, Chris Eargle. This project is also used to incubate classes and ideas that do not have a home in other projects.

Secrets of a .NET Ninja

In my years developing C# applications, I have seen techniques both good and bad. I will demonstrate those that are good, rant against those that are bad, and reveal those unknown to many. Whether a novice or a seasoned coder, you will find something useful, or perhaps even wicked, that you can do with C# and the .NET Framework.

Declarative Refactoring in C#

Bob Martin’s first rule of methods (found in Clean Code) is that they should be small. His second rule is that they should be smaller than that! The ideal method length is 2 to 4 lines of code, but many developers are puzzled at how to achieve such a thing or even if it is worth striving for. Indeed, every method has a story to tell, and that story is best realized with declarative code and meaningful names.

You will learn how to fully utilize the C# language to assign functionality where it belongs, make your code readable even for that future you, and in the process end up with a reusable framework.

The Legend of Lambda

Lambda expressions are a powerful feature of C#, one that can be wielded for good or evil. Attend this session for an adventure through the evolution of the C# language, from the depths of the delegate keyword to the expressiveness of the lambda expression. I will show you how anyone can easily learn to wield and empower code with lambda expressions. It's dangerous to go alone! Take this: =>.

The Evolution of Patterns

Design and Implementation patterns have changed in object-oriented languages such as C# with the introduction of new language features, advances in object-oriented design, and the inclusion of functional language aspects. This session will explore the impact this has on design and implementation patterns and how they can be leveraged to build more elegant systems.