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Kodo Protocol

This repo contains the contracts for Kodo, an AMM on Taiko inspired by Velodrome & Solidly. Learn more


This repo uses both Foundry (for Solidity testing) and Hardhat (for deployment).

Foundry Setup

forge init
forge build
forge test

Hardhat Setup

npm i
npx hardhat compile


This project's deployment process uses Hardhat tasks. The scripts are found in tasks/.

Deployment guide:

npx hardhat deploy:taiko which deploys the core contracts to Taiko.


Kodo Exchange ensures transparency in terms of risks, changes, and the security audits of smart contracts. As a friendly fork of Velodrome and Solidly, you can find the security records for Velodrome here and for Solidly here. We will soon publish our own audit results.


The contracts we've deployed on Taiko

Name Address
Kodo 0x7e91F29F8a213c8311712A8FC8c61219fb9477CB
PairFactory 0x535E02960574d8155596a73c7Ad66e87e37Eb6Bc
Router 0xd04d75E1CDe512b195E70C6c18Cf7Ec4b2B12f41
BribeFactory 0x7149E14784f9d88B5497a9bf135c643151379F95
GaugeFactory 0x3a9E14D73AD40E70baFaFfefE8893Eb318Fc2312
Voter 0xbf6fabcc707aC239Be2D7818797745F678A411ad
VotingEscrow 0x6c4A102B7aafFA9a8C9440c08A5c09deECAFB324
VeArtProxy 0x8ba3C594Dc3796c171a1B7F0e143577abE03300F
RewardsDistributor 0x1A805BBcE7F87365daC956cFD8d078ef827E73d1
Minter 0x0e16aA850AF7956B476Ad6056ead67A32f099504
MerkleClaim 0x7E034Ef620D2fb403e8bB6a1130670110287A7a1
KodoLibrary 0x46E9cef07e01ab5a73E9B10cfb423E9319cD68c9

Existing contract legos on Taiko we've utilized

Name Address
WETH 0xA51894664A773981C6C112C43ce576f315d5b1B6
USDC 0x07d83526730c7438048D55A4fc0b850e2aaB6f0b
USDT 0x2DEF195713CF4a606B49D07E520e22C17899a736
USDC.e 0x19e26B0638bf63aa9fa4d14c6baF8D52eBE86C5C
LRC 0xd347949f8c85d9f3d6b06bfc4f8c2e07c161f064
TAIKO 0xA9d23408b9bA935c230493c40C73824Df71A0975
Multicall3 0xcb2436774C3e191c85056d248EF4260ce5f27A9D


We are maintaining a tokenlist. If you want your token to be listed, make a PR to this repo(kodo-exchange/tokenlist) and become our partner.