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#16 Game Information Exchange

MarcelEwinger edited this page Jun 7, 2022 · 11 revisions

Start Phase

Loop Diagramm If the lobby is full (4 Players), the Server send to the cleints the event'START_GAME',, room.players). The second parameter (room) contains the room.players object.

    "A5MfiQGFeJwNiY9SAAAF": {
        "socket": "A5MfiQGFeJwNiY9SAAAF",
        "playerIndex": 1,
        "money": 1000000,
        "position": 1,
        "stocks": {
            "HardSteel_PLC": 0,
            "ShortCircuit_PLC": 0,
            "DryOil_PLC": 0
        "yourTurn": false,
        "dice_1": 0,
        "dice_2": 0,
        "dice_Count": 0
    "fGATPLFoFazxs7VNAAAH": {
        "socket": "fGATPLFoFazxs7VNAAAH",
        "playerIndex": 2,
        "money": 1000000,
        "position": 2,
        "stocks": {
            "HardSteel_PLC": 0,
            "ShortCircuit_PLC": 0,
            "DryOil_PLC": 0
        "yourTurn": false,
        "dice_1": 0,
        "dice_2": 0,
        "dice_Count": 0
    "MZK8E_21DhjleWaPAAAD": {
        "socket": "MZK8E_21DhjleWaPAAAD",
        "playerIndex": 3,
        "money": 1000000,
        "position": 3,
        "stocks": {
            "HardSteel_PLC": 0,
            "ShortCircuit_PLC": 0,
            "DryOil_PLC": 0
        "yourTurn": false,
        "dice_1": 0,
        "dice_2": 0,
        "dice_Count": 0
    "oQV9u7TyN6XH1wcIAAAE": {
        "socket": "oQV9u7TyN6XH1wcIAAAE",
        "playerIndex": 4,
        "money": 1000000,
        "position": 4,
        "stocks": {
            "HardSteel_PLC": 0,
            "ShortCircuit_PLC": 0,
            "DryOil_PLC": 0
        "yourTurn": false,
        "dice_1": 0,
        "dice_2": 0,
        "dice_Count": 0

The next step is to choose the two stocks. For that, the client will create a object ` const stock = { HardSteel_PLC: 2, ShortCircuit_PLC: 0, DryOil_PLC : 0 }

and send it to the server, socket.emit("CHOSE_STOCKS", lobby, stock)

If all clients have selected their stocks the server send an event to the clients with the updated players object. socket.on('ROLE_THE_HIGHEST_DICE', (room)

After this event the client will roll the highest dice and send the result bach to the server. The result should be saved in an array. diceCounts = [dice1, dice2]'ROLE_THE_HIGHEST_DICE', rooms[room].players);

If all clients have send their reults to the server, the server will check if we have one winner.

  • Case One Winner The server will send an event socket.on('START_ROUND', (data, winner) data= players Object, winner = winner ID Round will start

  • Case Two ore more Winners The server will send an event socket.on('ROLE_THE_HIGHEST_DICE_AGAIN', (data, winner) data = players object, winner = winner Array Loop the array and check if the socketID eqauls your id, if this is true roll the dice again and emit to the server. socket.emit('ROLE_THE_HIGHEST_DICE_AGAIN', lobby, diceCounts, winner.length) This loop will last unit we have an winner.