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Lara2Step is a Laravel package that provides two-step authentication to your Laravel applications


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Lara2Step is a Laravel package that provides two-step authentication to your Laravel applications.


Install the package via composer:

composer require kohaku1907/lara2step

Publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="2step-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="2step-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'default_channel' => 'email', // email, sms
    'table_name' => 'two_step_auths', // table name
    'code_length' => 4, // code length
    'numeric_code' => false, // numeric code only
    'confirm_key' => '_2fa', // session key name
    'timeout' => 300, // timeout of verifed session in minutes
    'max_attempts' => 5, // max attempts
    'exceed_countdown_minutes' => 1440, // exceed countdown in minutes
    'resend_code_seconds' => 60, // resend code in seconds

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="2step-views"


The Lara2Step package can be integrated into your Laravel application by following these steps:

  1. Implement the TwoStepAuthenticatable contract to your User model:
  2. Add the TwoStepAuthentication trait to your User model:

Here is an example of a User model:

use Kohaku1907\Lara2step\Contracts\TwoStepAuthenticatable;
use Kohaku1907\Lara2step\TwoStepAuthentication;

class User extends Authenticatable implements TwoStepAuthenticatable {
    use TwoStepAuthentication;

    public function registerTwoStepAuthentication(): void
        $this->configureCodeFormat(length: 4, numericCode: true);

In the registerTwoStepAuthentication method, you can configure the two-step authentication settings for the user. The following methods are available:

  • configureForceEnable(string $channel): Force enable two-step authentication for the user. The user will not be able to disable two-step authentication.
  • configureCodeFormat(int $length, bool $numericCode): Configure the code format for the user. The code length and whether the code should be numeric or not can be configured.
  1. Add the alias middleware to routes that should be protected by two-step authentication:
Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
    // Only verified users...

The middleware will redirect the user to the named route 2step.confirm by default if the user is not verified. Lara2step comes with TwoStepController and default views for quick start. You can publish the views using php artisan vendor:publish --tag="2step-views" and customize them to your needs.

use Kohaku1907\Lara2step\Http\Controllers\TwoStepController;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('2fa-confirm', [TwoStepController::class, 'form'])
Route::post('2fa-confirm', [TwoStepController::class, 'confirm']);
Route::post('2fa-resend', [TwoStepController::class, 'resend'])


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Lara2Step is a Laravel package that provides two-step authentication to your Laravel applications







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