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Wordmap: Semi-supervised Multinomial Document Classifier

wordmap is a semi-supervised algorithm for multinomial document classification originally created for newsmap. wordmap is separated from newsmap to expand the score of its application beyond geographical classification of news.

The algorithm is also useful in extracting features associated with document meta-data (industry group, patent class etc.) from vary larger corpora. The list of features could be used to create a lexicon to perform dictionary analysis.

How to install

wordmap is available on CRAN since the v0.9.1 You can install the package using the R command.


If you want to the latest version, please install by running this command in R. You need to have devtools installed beforehand.



In this example, we identify topics of sentences from using a seed topic dictionary adopted from Watanabe & Zhou (2020). data_corpus_ungd2017 contains transcripts of speeches delivered at the United Nations General Assembly in 2017.

## Loading required package: quanteda
## Warning: package 'quanteda' was built under R version 4.3.3
## Warning in .recacheSubclasses(def@className, def, env): undefined subclass
## "ndiMatrix" of class "replValueSp"; definition not updated
## Package version: 4.0.2
## Unicode version: 15.1
## ICU version: 74.1
## Parallel computing: 16 of 16 threads used.
## See for tutorials and examples.
## Loading required package: wordmap
dict <- data_dictionary_topic
## Dictionary object with 6 key entries.
## - [greeting]:
##   - greet*, thank*, congratulat*, sir, express*
## - [un]:
##   - united nations, international court*, security council, general assembly, organization*, reform*, secretary-general, resolution*, permanent member*, charter*, session*, conference*
## - [security]:
##   - secur*, kill*, attack*, dispute*, victim*, peac*, terror*, weapon*, nuclear*, conflict*, war*, disarmament*, threat*, cris*, solution*, settlement*, force*, destruction*, militar*, violence* [ ... and 2 more ]
## - [human]:
##   - human rights, violat*, race*, dignit*, protect*, citizen*, educat*
## - [democracy]:
##   - democra*, autocra*, dictator*, vote*, represent*, elect*, leader*, president*, government*, leadership*
## - [development]:
##   - develop*, market*, investment*, econom*, climate change, assistance*, sustain*, povert*, trade*, grow*, social*, environment*, prosperit*, progress*, financ*, cooperation*
corp <- data_corpus_ungd2017 %>% 

toks <- tokens(corp, remove_url = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE) %>% 
    tokens_remove(stopwords("en"), min_nchar = 2, padding = TRUE) #%>% 
    #tokens_remove("^[A-Z]", valuetype = "regex", case_insensitive = FALSE, padding = TRUE)
dfmt_feat <- dfm(toks, remove_padding = TRUE) %>% 
    dfm_trim(min_termfreq = 5)
dfmt_label <- tokens_lookup(toks, dict) %>% 

map <- textmodel_wordmap(dfmt_feat, dfmt_label)
## $greeting
##         express    congratulate           thank          thanks congratulations 
##        7.675771        7.504707        7.443149        6.595851        6.435508 
##       expressed       greetings      expression             sir  congratulating 
##        6.162215        5.825743        5.784921        5.697909        5.497239 
## $un
##           session      organization            reform secretary-general 
##          6.882983          6.872202          6.658498          6.581806 
##        resolution       resolutions        conference           charter 
##          6.170891          6.049001          6.036579          6.030309 
##     organizations           reforms 
##          5.895879          5.605796 
## $security
##     peace  security   nuclear terrorism   weapons  conflict       war  peaceful 
##  7.680667  7.540309  6.529089  6.526995  6.278372  6.203023  6.049838  5.987099 
## conflicts    threat 
##  5.942974  5.852540 
## $human
##   citizens  education    protect protection    dignity violations protecting 
##   7.244883   7.127100   6.972950   6.807157   6.703617   6.307201   6.063579 
##  violation  protected       race 
##   5.787326   5.787326   5.404334 
## $democracy
##  government   president  democratic   democracy  leadership     leaders 
##    7.933901    7.509994    7.070978    6.657607    6.589889    6.438918 
##    election governments   elections   represent 
##    6.408841    6.148764    5.738336    5.708031 
## $development
## development sustainable    economic cooperation      social     poverty 
##    8.045268    7.523939    7.034871    6.713516    6.396488    6.262509 
##    progress  developing environment  assistance 
##    6.229719    6.042943    5.914501    5.862406

Predict topics of sentences

dat <- data.frame(text = corp, topic = predict(map))
text topic
Afghanistan.1 As I stand here before the General Assembly today, I am reminded that the wise men and women of 1945 displayed a unique capacity to learn from and act on the lessons of history. un
Afghanistan.2 Shaped by the Great Depression and tempered by the carnage of the Second World War, they established global order through institutions that would provide security and stability for generations to come. security
Afghanistan.3 The United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other organizations were founded to coordinate responses to international challenges and to make crimes against humanity a thing of the past. un
Afghanistan.4 There can be little doubt that today the scale, scope and speed of their imagination and efforts have not yet been matched. security
Afghanistan.5 But future historians will judge those institutions on how they respond to the challenges of today and the challenges we must confront in the future. development
Afghanistan.6 As global leaders, we seek certainty and familiarity in the rules of the game that dominated the twentieth century. democracy
Afghanistan.7 But in today’s ever-changing world, the dominant contextual characteristic defining our times is extreme uncertainty. security
Afghanistan.8 It is easy to illustrate this uncertainty by looking at threats we are facing - to our economies, our security and our values. security
Afghanistan.9 There is an emerging consensus that advanced economies have yet to arrive at proper growth models to overcome high unemployment, decreasing income and wealth inequality. development
Afghanistan.10 The threat of economic crisis, therefore, still hangs over us. security

Create a topic dictionary

Create a quanteda dictionary object from the extracted features. The dictionary could be use to perform analysis of other corpora.

as.dictionary(map, n = 100)
## Dictionary object with 6 key entries.
## - [greeting]:
##   - express, congratulate, thank, thanks, congratulations, expressed, greetings, expression, sir, congratulating, expressing, lajčák, miroslav, expresses, congratulates, outset, expressions, warm, election, warmly [ ... and 80 more ]
## - [un]:
##   - session, organization, reform, secretary-general, resolution, resolutions, conference, charter, organizations, reforms, seventy-second, seventy-first, seventy, organization's, reforming, commissioner, lajčák, miroslav, reformed, repositioning [ ... and 80 more ]
## - [security]:
##   - peace, security, nuclear, terrorism, weapons, conflict, war, peaceful, conflicts, threat, solution, crisis, violence, fight, threats, terrorist, force, military, crises, destruction [ ... and 80 more ]
## - [human]:
##   - citizens, education, protect, protection, dignity, violations, protecting, violation, protected, race, violate, violated, citizenship, educational, citizen, violates, protectionism, educated, violating, protects [ ... and 80 more ]
## - [democracy]:
##   - government, president, democratic, democracy, leadership, leaders, election, governments, elections, represent, representative, government's, represents, elected, represented, representation, representatives, leader, electoral, president's [ ... and 80 more ]
## - [development]:
##   - development, sustainable, economic, cooperation, social, poverty, progress, developing, environment, assistance, prosperity, growth, economy, financial, trade, developed, financing, investment, environmental, growing [ ... and 80 more ]


No description, website, or topics provided.







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