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  • If a trace is a sto_trace, removing the last action in the trace (i.e., the first element in the trace) generates a new sto_trace.
Lemma sto_trace_app tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) -> sto_trace t.
  • If a trace is a sto_trace, removing several of its last actions (i.e., first several elements in the trace) generates a new sto_trace.
Lemma sto_trace_app2 t1 t2:
  sto_trace (t1 ++ t2) -> sto_trace t2.
  • In a sto_trace, if the last action in the trace with its transaction id tid is not seq_point and tid is not in the sequential list, then tid is not in the sequential list even after removing that last action
Lemma seq_list_not_seqpoint tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  action <> seq_point ->
  ~ In tid (seq_list ((tid, action) :: t))
  -> ~ In tid (seq_list t).
  • In a sto_trace, if its sequential list does not contain tid, then tid is not in the sequential list even after removing the last action of the trace
Lemma seq_list_not_seqpoint2 tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  ~ In tid (seq_list ((tid, action) :: t))
  -> ~ In tid (seq_list t).
  • If the last action in a sto_trace is seq_point, then the tid associated with that action should be in the sequential list of the trace
Lemma seq_list_seqpoint tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  action = seq_point ->
  In tid (seq_list ((tid, action) :: t)).
  • Any tids that have seq_point in the trace should also be in the sequential list of that trace
Lemma trace_seqlist_seqpoint t tid:
  In (tid, seq_point) t
  -> In tid (seq_list t).
  • If a tid is in the sequential list of the trace, then that tid must have a seq_point action in that trace
Lemma trace_seqlist_seqpoint_rev t tid:
  In tid (seq_list t)
  -> In (tid, seq_point) t.
  • Fact about filter function
Lemma filter_app (f: nat * action -> bool) l1 l2:
  filter f (l1 ++ l2) = filter f l1 ++ filter f l2.
  • Fact about trace_filter_tid function
Lemma trace_filter_tid_app tid tr1 tr2:
  trace_filter_tid tid (tr1 ++ tr2) =
  trace_filter_tid tid tr1 ++ trace_filter_tid tid tr2.

  • Fact about Forall function
Lemma Forall_app (P: action -> Prop) l1 l2:
    Forall P (l1 ++ l2) <-> Forall P l1 /\ Forall P l2.
  • A transaction tid should not have two seq_point actions in a sto_trace
Lemma seq_list_no_two_seqpoint t tid:
  sto_trace ((tid, seq_point) :: t)
  -> ~ In (tid, seq_point) t.
  • If seq_point action associated with a transaction tid has appeared in a sto_trace, it should not appear again later in the same trace
Lemma seq_list_no_two_seqpoint2 t1 t2 tid:
  sto_trace (t1 ++ (tid, seq_point) :: t2)
  -> ~ In (tid, seq_point) t1.
  • In a sto_trace, if there is a seq_point associated with a transaction tid, then there must be a commit_txn associated with the same tid later in the trace. ADMITTED
Lemma seq_point_after t1 t2 tid action:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t1 ++ (tid, seq_point) :: t2)
  -> action = commit_txn (trace_commit_complete_last (t1 ++ (tid, seq_point) :: t2)).
  • In a sto_trace, if tid is in its sequential list, then the last action of that transaction in the trace cannot be start_txn
Lemma seq_list_last_tid_start_txn tid t:
  sto_trace t ->
  In tid (seq_list t) ->
  trace_tid_last tid t <> start_txn.
  • In a sto_trace, if the last action of a transaction tid is seq_point action, then this tid must be in the sequential list of that trace
Lemma seq_list_commit tid t:
  sto_trace t ->
  trace_tid_last tid t = seq_point
  -> In tid (seq_list t).
  • In a sto_trace, if a transaction tid has a commit_txn action, then it must have a seq_point action in the trace before that the seq_point action
Lemma seq_point_before_commit (t:trace) (tid: tid) n:
  sto_trace ((tid, commit_txn n) :: t) ->
  In (tid, seq_point) t.
  • In a sto_trace, if a transaction tid has a seq_point action in the trace, then its next action must be commit_txn action.
Lemma seq_point_before_commit2 t tid action:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  In (tid, seq_point) t ->
  action = commit_txn (trace_commit_complete_last t).
  • If a transaction tid has either a seq_point or a commit_txn action in a sto_trace, then tid must also be in the sequential list of that trace, and vice versa.
Lemma seq_list_action tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  action = seq_point \/ action = commit_txn (trace_commit_complete_last t)
  <-> In tid (seq_list ((tid, action) :: t)).
  • If a transaction tid has neither a seq_point nor a commit_txn action in a sto_trace, then this tid must not be in the sequential list of that trace, and vice versa.
Lemma seq_list_action_neg tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  action <> seq_point /\ action <> commit_txn (trace_commit_complete_last t)
  <-> ~ In tid (seq_list ((tid, action) :: t)).
  • In a sto_trace, if a transaction tid does not have seq_point action in the trace, then adding all actions belonging to tid in this trace to another trace does not change the sequential list of that trace
Lemma seqlist_filter t t' tid:
  sto_trace t
  -> ~ In (tid, seq_point) t
  -> seq_list (trace_filter_tid tid t ++ t') = seq_list t'.
  • Fact about seq_list function
Lemma seq_list_split_no_seqpoint t1 t2:
  seq_list (t1 ++ t2) = seq_list t1 ++ seq_list t2.

Lemma seq_list_split_with_seqpoint t1 tid t2:
  seq_list (t1 ++ (tid, seq_point) :: t2) = seq_list t1 ++ tid :: (seq_list t2).
  • If a sto_trace does not have tid in its sequential list, then the serial trace of that sto_trace created from the sequential list does not change even if a new action belonging to tid is added to the sto_trace (since it is the sequential list that determines the serial trace).
Lemma serial_action_remove tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  ~ In tid (seq_list t) ->
  create_serialized_trace ((tid, action) :: t) (seq_list t)= create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t).
  • For a given sto_trace, its serial trace does not change if an action other than seq_point and commit_txn is added to the trace. Ltac Needed
Lemma serial_action_helper tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  action <> seq_point /\ action <> commit_txn (trace_commit_complete_last t)
  -> create_serialized_trace ((tid, action) :: t) (seq_list ((tid, action) :: t)) =
     create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t).
  • If a seq_point action of a tid is added to a sto_trace, then the serial trace of the new sto_trace must be the serial trace of the old sto_trace with all actions of tid appended after it
Lemma serial_action_helper2 tid t:
  sto_trace ((tid, seq_point)::t)
  -> create_serialized_trace ((tid, seq_point)::t) (seq_list ((tid, seq_point)::t)) = trace_filter_tid tid ((tid, seq_point)::t) ++ create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t).
  • If adding an action of tid to a sto_trace does not change the sequential list of the trace, then doing so does not change the serial trace of that trace either
Lemma serial_action_seq_list tid action t:
  sto_trace ((tid, action) :: t) ->
  ~ In tid (seq_list ((tid, action) :: t))
  -> create_serialized_trace ((tid, action) :: t) (seq_list ((tid, action) :: t)) = create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t).
  • All actions belonging to a tid in a sto_trace are included in its serial trace if seq_point action of that tid is included in the sto_trace
Lemma serial_action_split tid t t1 t2:
  sto_trace t
  -> t = t1 ++ (tid, seq_point) :: t2
  -> create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t) =
  create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t1) ++ trace_filter_tid tid ((t1 ++ (tid, seq_point) :: t2)) ++ create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t2).
  • Is the following lemma true?
Lemma serial_action_before_commit tid t1 t2 t:
  sto_trace t
  -> t = t1 ++ (tid, seq_point) :: t2
  -> create_serialized_trace ((tid, commit_txn (trace_commit_complete_last t)) :: t) (seq_list ((tid, commit_txn (trace_commit_complete_last t)) :: t)) =
  create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t1) ++ (tid, commit_txn (trace_commit_complete_last t)) :: trace_filter_tid tid t ++ create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t2).
  • For a sto_trace, its sequential list and the sequential list of its serial trace is the same Ltac Needed
Lemma seq_list_equal trace:
  sto_trace trace ->
  seq_list (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace)) = seq_list trace.
  • In a sto_trace, if a transaction tid is not in the sequential list of the trace, then appending all actions belonging to tid after the serial trace of the original trace creates a new sto_trace ADMITTED, BUT WHY DO WE NEED THIS?
Lemma serial_action_add tid t:
  sto_trace t
  -> sto_trace (create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t))
  -> ~ In tid (seq_list t)
  -> sto_trace (trace_filter_tid tid t ++ create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t)).
  • If a tid in a sto_trace has a seq_point action at the end of the trace, then its serial trace must have all actions belonging to tid appended at the end ADMITTED, BUT WHY ARE WE PROVING STO_TRACE?
Lemma sto_trace_single tid t:
  sto_trace ((tid, seq_point) :: t)
  -> sto_trace (create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t))
  -> sto_trace ((trace_filter_tid tid ((tid, seq_point) :: t)) ++ (create_serialized_trace t (seq_list t))).
  • The serial trace of a sto_trace should also be a sto_trace ADMITTED
Lemma is_sto_trace trace:
  sto_trace trace ->
  sto_trace (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace)).
  • If a trace is a serial trace, then removing its last action does not change this fact
Lemma check_app a tr:
  check_is_serial_trace (a :: tr) -> check_is_serial_trace tr.
  • If a trace is a serial trace, then removing its several last action does not change this fact
Lemma check_split_right tr1 tr2:
  check_is_serial_trace (tr1 ++ tr2)
  -> check_is_serial_trace tr2.
  • create_serialized_trace function on a sto_trace actually creates a serial trace ADMITTED
Lemma is_serial trace:
  sto_trace trace ->
  check_is_serial_trace (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace)).
  • A sto_trace and its serial trace should have the same global write effects ADMITTED
Lemma write_consistency trace:
  sto_trace trace
  -> sto_trace (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace))
  -> check_is_serial_trace (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace))
  -> write_synchronization trace (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace)).
  • A sto_trace and its serial trace should have the same global read effects ADMITTED. Use is_serial_trace instead of check_is_serial_trace?
Lemma read_consistency trace:
  sto_trace trace
  -> sto_trace (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace))
  -> is_serial_trace (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace))
  -> read_synchronization trace (create_serialized_trace trace (seq_list trace)).
  • Capstone theorem A sto_trace should have a corresponding serial trace that affects the state of the machine in the same manner.
Theorem txn_equal t:
  sto_trace t
  -> exists t', sto_trace t'
  -> is_serial_trace t'
  -> Exec_Equivalence t t'.


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