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koko-ng edited this page Jan 10, 2016 · 8 revisions

First, create an openshift application:

rhc app create discourse ruby-2.0 -s
cd discourse
rhc cartridge add postgresql-9.2 -a discourse
rhc cartridge add -a discourse

I suggest you to disable openshift's auto-deploy, so you can have a greater control of the deployment process. rhc app-configure --no-auto-deploy Then, add the quickstart

git remote add upstream
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master

Modify the configuration in .openshift/action_hooks/prepare, especially the smtp config, the developer emails and the redis pass later. When everything is ready add, commit and push to openshift

git add .openshift/action_hooks/prepare
git commit -m "config"
git push

If you disabled auto-deploy login into your app rhc ssh and deploy gear deploy. To start the app run

gear stop
gear start

On small gears (the free ones) the compilation of assets usually fails, but don't worry just login into the app and run ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}script/ precompile "${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}discourse_data/" until it succeeds. Then, just re-run gear deploy.

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