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Pixi Matters

Game demo using PixiJS, MatterJS with Typescript in OOP. The project is compiled using Parcel.

Try the demo here


Installing this example

First install NodeJS. Then install all required libraries in one go. (PixiJS, MatterJS, Typescript and Parcel)

npm install

Start development in a live server

npm run start

Build the project for publication

npm run build

Physics basics

In Game.ts we create a physics world. The physics world gets updated 60 times per second using Pixi's update loop. You can update your own sprites after the physics world has updated.


import Matter from 'matter-js'

class Game {
        this.engine = Matter.Engine.create()
    update() {
        Matter.Engine.update(this.engine, 1000 / 60)
        // update your sprites 
        // ...

Sprites classes can create a rigidBody at the same size as their sprite image. The rigidbody has to be added to the physics simulation. You can add a label, this will be useful later for collision detection.

Then, every frame, the sprite reads the position of its own rigidBody, to know where to draw itself on the canvas. In other words: MatterJS creates the physics simulation, and PixiJS draws the sprites on the canvas.


class Fish extends PIXI.Sprite {
    constructor(texture:PIXI.Texture, game:Game) {
        this.rigidBody = Matter.Bodies.rectangle(300, 30, 60, 60, {label:"Fish"}) //x,y,w,h
        Matter.Composite.add(, this.rigidBody)
    update() {
        this.position.set(this.rigidBody.position.x, this.rigidBody.position.y)
        this.rotation = this.rigidBody.angle

Now you can add a new Fish() to your game!


class Game {
        this.myfish = new Fish(this.pixi.loader.resources["fish"].texture!, this)
         Matter.Engine.update(this.engine, 1000 / 60)


Rigidbodies automatically move and bounce because forces are applied to them (gravity, friction, bouncyness, and other forces). This results in a velocity (current movement) of the sprite. You can always check the velocity using console.log(this.rigidBody.velocity)

To move a physics sprite yourself, you can add a force that affects the rigidbody. You can also directly set the velocity of the rigidbody.

// apply a upward force (jump)
Matter.Body.applyForce(this.rigidBody, { x: this.rigidBody.position.x, y: this.rigidBody.position.y }, { x: 0, y: -0.25 })

// set velocity directly
Matter.Body.setVelocity(this.rigidBody, { x: 10, y: 10 })

Static elements have no forces applied to them, but can still collide with other physics elements. This is ideal for the ground and platforms.

this.rigidBody = Matter.Bodies.rectangle(450, 480, 900, 100, { isStatic: true, label:"Ground" })

If your object only has to move through player interaction (a player character), then you can set inertia to false.

 const playerOptions: Matter.IBodyDefinition = {
    inertia: Infinity,
    inverseInertia: Infinity,
    label: "Player"
this.rigidBody = Matter.Bodies.rectangle(600, 230, 75, 100, playerOptions)


The best part of a physics engine is that you get detailed collision detection:

class Game {
    onLoaded() {
        this.engine = Matter.Engine.create()
        Matter.Events.on(this.engine, 'collisionStart', (event) => this.onCollision(event))
    onCollision(event: Matter.IEventCollision<Matter.Engine>) {
        let collision = event.pairs[0]
        let [bodyA, bodyB] = [collision.bodyA, collision.bodyB]
        console.log(`${bodyA.label} collides with ${bodyB.label}`)

Finding the sprite that collided

Collision detection returns only the rigidBody that collided, we have to find the sprite that uses this rigidbody:

findSpriteWithRigidbody(rb: Matter.Body) {
    return this.allSprites.find((sprite) => sprite.rigidBody === rb)

If you want certain items (for example coins in a mario game) not to collide with each other (but still collide with other items in the game), then you can add a Collision Filter


By making the rigidbody a different size than the sprite, you can create a custom hitbox.

this.rigidBody = Matter.Bodies.rectangle(15, 15, 30, 30, {label:"Fish"}) 
// draw the sprite with 15 pixels offset
this.position.set(this.rigidBody.position.x - 15, this.rigidBody.position.y - 15)

Drawing the hitbox

Just to be sure what's happening you can draw your hitbox using Pixi's drawing code.

constructor(texture: PIXI.Texture, game:Game) {
    let hitbox = new PIXI.Graphics()
    hitbox.lineStyle(2, 0x33FF33, 1)
    hitbox.drawRect(-30, -30, 60, 60) // x offset, y offset, width, height

⚠️ A hitbox could also be a circle. Or you can create a compound hitbox out of several rigidbodies. Finally there is the option of creating a hand-drawn hitbox with a physics editor.


PixiJS demos