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This library was initially written in 2013 for analyzing Mafia/Werewolf games but it is suitable to solving problems. it has 3 main methods:

  • .init([one set],[another set]) - initializes table columns and rows
  • .aIsNotB("element of the first set","element of the second set") - used when it is known that 2 elements differ
  • .removePairAndResolve(name1, name2) - used when it is known that 2 elements are equal

Look the examples (the problems were taken from .

Problem 1 - Clowns

The three clown: Bim, Bom and Bam act in green, red and blue shirts. Their shoes are of the same colors. Colors of Bim's shoes and shirt match. Neither Bom's shirt, nor shoes are red. Bam wears green shoes and a shirt of a different color. How are the clowns dressed? (All the clowns wear different shirts and different shoes).

var a = new SolutionTable();
var shoes={}, shirts={};
a.onResolved.push(function(v){for(let n in v) shoes[n]=v[n];});

// prbs/clowns_shoes.prb
a.isNot("Bom","r");  // Neither Bom's shirt, nor **shoes are red**.
a.equal("Bam","g");  // Bam wears green shoes

a.onResolved[a.onResolved.length-1]=(function(v){for(let n in v) shirts[n]=v[n];});
a.init(["Bim", "Bom", "Bam"],["r", "g", "b"]);
a.isNot("Bom", "r");//**Neither Bom's shirt**, nor shoes **are red**.
a.isNot("Bam", "g");//Bam wears green shoes
a.equal("Bim", shoes["Bim"]);//Colors of Bim's shoes and shirt match.

Problem 2 - Plant

One plant employs three friends: turner, fitter and welder. Their surnames are Borisov, Ivanov and Semenov. The fitter has neither brothers, nor sisters. He is the youngest of the friends. Semenov is married to Borisov's sister and he is older than the turner. Match the surnames to the occupations.

var a = new SolutionTable();
// prbs/plant.prb
a.init(["turner", "fitter", "welder"], ["Borisov", "Ivanov", "Semenov"]);
a.isNot("fitter","Borisov"); // fitter has no sisters, Borisov has
a.isNot("turner","Semenov"); // Semenov is older than the turner
a.isNot("fitter", "Semenov"); // fitter is the youngest, Semenov is older than someone

Initially this was developed to reveal roles from mafia game log

var a = new SolutionTable();
a.init(["maniac", "maf", "doc", "psy"], ["Paul", "Vlad", "Nick", "Paul"]);
var alone = a.equal("doc", "Paul"); // we know he is doc
var alone = a.equal("maniac", "Paul"); // you need to be careful - no checks are implemented, so this will delete maniac column though Paul cannot be a maniac and this can be seen from the table.

// prbs/mafia_2.prb
a.init(["maniac", "maf", "doc", "psy"],["Paul", "Vlad", "Nick", "Paul"]);
var alone = a.isNot("doc", "Paul");
var alone = a.isNot("maniac", "Paul");
var alone = a.isNot("maniac", "Vlad");
var alone = a.isNot("psy", "Vlad");
var alone = a.isNot("psy", "Nick");
var alone = a.isNot("maniac", "Nick");
console.log(alone, a.hash1, a.hash2);


This repo also contains some python classes. They are not finished yet.

  • contains my try to implement the same as in SolutionTable.js, but using Bayessian approach.
  • prbs contains machine-readable problems in a form of *.prb files. You need to read them. You can also open them with Logic Problem Solver by Gary Darby. The archives with the tool contain quite some pre-formalized examples, that may be used in future to test this library.