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This repo is resolve of interview task of background video processing

The main app functionalities (Task that have been solved)

  • User can use the mobile app to upload video and define timing parameters. After that, the request must be processed in the background.
  • User can see the list of the request with their statuses(done, failed, scheduled, processing).
  • User can restart failed requests.
  • When a new user starts using a mobile app, the app sends a request to the server for a unique key which is used to subscribe user requests to identify user.
  • API has to return information about all errors in proper format including validation errors.
  • All videos should be returned in form of a link to the video and video duration
  • We will need to handle different versions of the app depending for different clients.. That’s why we need API versioning mechanism

Manual Deployment without Docker

  • Create a .env file using the cp .env.example .env command and replace the existing env variables with personal settings (MongoDB URL either srv or localhost)

  • Download dependencies using npm i or yarn

  • Start the app in pre-production mode using npm run start or npm run start:dev for development (the app will be exposed on the port 9000; not to conflict with React, Angular, or Vue)

Swagger documentation

Swagger docs are production ready and you can use them as you wish To do that go to /api/json route and you will get json with all routes defined

After issue: nestjs/swagger#932 is fixed - you can use route /api/ to see docs locally

🔒 Environment Configuration

By default, the application comes with a config module that can read in every environment variable from the .env file.

APP_ENV - the application environment to execute as, either in development or production. Determines the type of logging options to utilize. Options: dev or prod.

APP_URL - the base URL for the application. Made mainly to showcase the power of ConfigService and can be removed as it doesn't serve any other purpose

WEBTOKEN_SECRET_KEY - the secret key to encrypt/decrypt web tokens with. Make sure to generate a random alphanumeric string for this.

WEBTOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME - the time in seconds indicating when the web token will expire; by default, it's 2400 seconds which is 40 mins.

DB_URL - the URL to the MongoDB collection

Full Project install workflow

Project usage example

  • Learn Swagger documentation for current project

  • When done - upload && trim && manage videos following next flow

    • Register
    • Login
    • Create video on current project (you will get _id in response)
    • Using this _id from the previous step upload video file to the cloud project
    • Check status of your uploaded videos using videos/my route

    In the background on cloud cron job will: - Get video info to trim - Find corresponding file in untrimmed folder - Trim video - Notify video-trimmer-backend with the info on trim status - Go to next video trimming


Video trimmer project







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