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The loan prediction model actually predicts whether a loan will be approved or not on the applicant's profile/info

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End-to-End Loan-prediction Model with deployment on heroku

The loan prediction model actually predicts whether a loan will be approved or not on the applicant's profile/info

Model preprocessing

In this Model, i have applied the preprocessing techniques as follows:

  1. Hypothesis generation before model builting: It come from the domian knowledge..I actually chosen some key points that we face while applying for any loan in Bank
  2. Uni and Bivariate Analysis: By visualising insights and trends of the features with target help us in future while feature selection and outlier treatment.
  3. Data Cleaning: Missing value Treatment by mode or median and Outlier Removal by percentile or boxplot method.
  4. Feature Engineering: Add/removal of features by visualising correlation using heatmap or pairplot and also multicollinarity can be checked that would bias our model and confuse gradient descent also.
  5. Standardisation: It actually makes our population/data into standard normal(Gaussian) distribution..instead our data if right skewed using log transformation we can convert it into normal distribution...standardisation means mean=0 & standard deviation=1
  6. Principle components analysis: Best method for model selection before going to any ML algorithm.
  7. Model Building: By chosing different ML algo's and checking the training and validation accuracy we can best select the model.
  8. Imbalance Dataset handling: If our dataset is imbalance then it would bias towards some data may lead to incorrect can effectively handled using smote as oversampling technique and Ensemble with undersampling.
  9. Model performace: If our model has high bias and very low Variance >6%...model is overfitting and is both bias and variance are low then underfitting
  10. Validation Technique: To deal with overfitting and imbalance dataset StratifiedKFold is efficient.
  11. Feature engineering: It's better to add any features for improving model performance on them..addition of new features based on hypothesis generated before..
  12. Model Selection: I have applied LogisticRegression , DecisionTreeClassifier , RandomForestClassifier, SVC, Naive bayes, KNN, linear-discriminant analyser.
  13. Performance improvement by using hyper-parameter optimisation..and Select the Model..I have chosen Logistic Regression coz, it's giving better accuracy,precision,f1 score.

Tools Used-

  1. Python - 3.9.6
  2. Google Colab - for analysis.
  3. Pycharm - for streamlit webapp builting.
  4. Heroku - for deployment.


From Kaggle i got the dataset

Libraries Used -

  1. Pandas - 1.2.4
  2. Numpy - 1.20.4
  3. Matplotlib- 3.3.4
  4. Seaborn - 0.11.0
  5. Scikit-learn- 0.24.1
  6. Streamlit- 0.88.0

Classifiers Used:

  1. Logistic Regression --> 0.81%
  2. Polynomial Regression --> 0.77%
  3. Decision Tree classifier --> 0.79%
  4. Random Forest classifier --> 0.80%
  5. Support vector classifier--> 0.61%
  6. KNN --> 0.62%
  7. Naive Bayes --> 0.77%
  8. LinearDiscriminantAnalyis--> 0.79% 10.XGBoost --> 85%

Deployment -

Streamlit Deployment through GitHub : "Below is the loan-prediction-webapp Link"


The loan prediction model actually predicts whether a loan will be approved or not on the applicant's profile/info






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