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This is demo in context of my preparation to the AZ204 exam. It is all about to show azure service bus with topics straightforward and simple as possible.


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Azure Service Bus Topics

Run Build and Test

This is demo in context of my preparation to the AZ204 exam. It is all about to show azure service bus with topics straightforward and simple as possible.

Infrastructure provision

  • Switch to proper subscription:
    • az account set --subscription <name or id>
  • Create resource group
    • az group create --name "service-bus-topics-rg" --location "westus"
  • Create service bus namespace
    • az servicebus namespace create --name "pkolosovsbnamespace" --resource-group "service-bus-topics-rg"
  • Create service bus queue
    • az servicebus queue create --name "pkolsovqueue" --namespace-name "pkolosovsbnamespace" --resource-group "service-bus-topics-rg"
  • Create service bus topics
    • az servicebus topic create --namespace-name "pkolosovsbnamespace" --name "topic_one" --resource-group "service-bus-topics-rg"
    • az servicebus topic create --namespace-name "pkolosovsbnamespace" --name "topic_two" --resource-group "service-bus-topics-rg"
  • Create subscriptions
    • az servicebus topic subscription create --resource-group "service-bus-topics-rg" --namespace-name "pkolosovsbnamespace" --name "topic_one_subscription" --topic-name "topic_one"
    • az servicebus topic subscription create --resource-group "service-bus-topics-rg" --namespace-name "pkolosovsbnamespace" --name "topic_two_subscription" --topic-name "topic_two"
  • Get service bus connection string of format: Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=

Application components

  • Message sender (ASP NET API)
  • Message consumer (ASP NET API)
  • Service bus

Required Nuget Packages

  • dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus


This is demo in context of my preparation to the AZ204 exam. It is all about to show azure service bus with topics straightforward and simple as possible.






