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File System Management is built using the Fixers framework and is based on S3 storage and SSM.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation



FS (File System) is a micro-service for handling files. It serves both as an interface for S3 storage and SSM.

Each and every file uploaded to this service are saved within S3. Optionally, it is possible to hash and send some of those files into an SSM.


The communication with the S3 storage is done via a MinIO SDK, which can communicate with any S3-compatible API.

The communication with the SSM is done with an event-sourcing S2 automate and uses Redis as a cache.

Getting Started

FS is designed to be deployed as a standalone micro-service. A docker image can be found here and used in a docker-compose:

version: "3.7"
    container_name: fs-gateway
    image: komune-io/fs-gateway:${VERSION}
      - fs_s3_internal-url=${INTERNAL_URL}
      - fs_s3_external-url=${EXTERNAL_URL}
      - fs_s3_bucket=${BUCKET}
      - fs_s3_password=${MINIO_PASS}
      - 8090:8090

Once it is up and running, you can start making requests via HTTP.

⚠️ To run FS, you need to have a reachable MinIO instance, and a Redis and a SSM if you want to use S2.

If you are in a java environment, all the necessary models and commands can be found here. An SDK that sugarcoats the http requests is also available here.


The client provided in the SDK uses Ktor under the hood and should be a singleton in your application in order to prevent any memory leak. Ex:

class FsConfig {

    lateinit var fsUrl: String

    fun fsClient() = FileClient(
        url = fsUrl

Endpoints & Roles

Endpoints Associated role
fileGet fs_file_read
fileList fs_file_read
fileUpload fs_file_write
fileDelete fs_file_write
initPublicDirectory fs_policy_write
revokePublicDirectory fs_policy_write
Roles Endpoints
fs_file_read fileGet, fileList
fs_file_write fileUpload, fileDelete
fs_policy_write initPublicDirectory, revokePublicDirectory



Properties prefix: fs.s3

Property Description Example Default
internal-url URL used by FS to communicate with the S3 server http://minio:9000 http://localhost:9000
external-url URL used to build usable file URLs http://localhost:9000
region Name of the location of the server sbg us-west-1
username Login to S3 johndeuf minio
password Login to S3 smartpassword minio123
bucket S3 bucket in which the files will be uploaded bananas fs-sample
dns Enable or disable virtual style endpoint i.e. if the bucket name is respectively part of :
- the url domain (ex: - the url path (ex:
true false


The configurations below are optional. If you don’t intend to save any of your files into a blockchain, you can skip this section.


Properties prefix: ssm.couchdb

Property Description Example Default
url URL of the CouchDB associated with the SSM http://localhost:5984
username CouchDB login couchdb
password CouchDB login couchdb
serviceName fs

Properties prefix: ssm.chaincode

Property Description Example Default
url URL of a peer http://localhost:9090

Properties prefix: fs.ssm

Property Description Example Default
channel Channel of the SSM to send to files to stuff sandbox
chaincode Chaincode of the SSM to send to files to fs ssm
signerName Name of the SSM user signing the transactions ssm-admin
signerKey Path to a file containing the key of the signer user/ssm-admin


Properties prefix: spring.redis

Property Description Example Default
database Index of the database to use 3 0
host Redis host redis localhost
port Redis port 6379 6379
password Redis login password blblbl sOmE_sEcUrE_pAsS



File System Management is built using the Fixers framework and is based on S3 storage and SSM.





