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Docker usage inside crouton on a chromebook

we will run a small django app using docker in ubuntu in a chromebook.



  • clone this repository into ~/docker_chromebook its important you clone it to that directory since it will be used by the ansible provisioning script. But you can clone it to any directory so long as you change the ansible task(copy app dir) found in provisioning/start.yml to point to your new directory.
    git clone ~/docker_chromebook

  • change directory to it
    cd ~/docker_chromebook

  • start vagrant;
    vagrant up

  • Vagrant will provision a virtual machine installed with ubuntu 14.04 and also install docker among a few other packages. see the file provisioning/start.yml

  • Once vagrant finishes provisioning, ssh into the virtual machine(VM)
    vagrant ssh

  • Once in the VM, change directory to /home/appdir/docker_chromebook (or wherever you asked ansible to copy the project directory to: see the ansible task called, copy app dir, inside provisioning/start.yml)
    cd /home/appdir/docker_chromebook

  • Build a docker image using the Dockerfile in this project
    sudo docker build -t test_img .

  • This will create an image called test_img

  • Now lets create an app/container based of this image
    sudo docker run --name test_app -v /home/appdir/docker_chromebook:/home/appdir/docker_chromebook -p 7000:7000 -i -t test_img make run

  • This creates a container named test_app and we are using the -v option to 'attach' the application directory to the container and we are also exposing the port 7000

  • We are also 'executing' the make run command. If you open the Makefile, you'll see that this just installs the application requirements, syncdb and then runserver.

  • Go to; http://localhost:7000/ in your host machine and your app will be running there.

  • NB: That in the Dockerfile we exposed port 7000. If you look inside the Vagrantfile, this is the same port we forwaded.
    The app is running in a container inside a VM inside Ubuntu in a chromebook. Thats many levels of 'virtualization'
    Its important that you expose the same port in your Dockerfile as is forwarded in your Vagrantfile.


  • Questions can be addressed to:
    komuw05 [at] gmail [dot] com


Use docker inside crouton on a Chromebook






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