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David Moreno García edited this page Jul 20, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to Operator Toolkit, a framework and a collection of helpers to construct Kubernetes operators.

Getting started

Prior to making use of any of the solutions provided by Operator Toolkit, it is essential to have a functioning Kubernetes operator in place.

If you already possess an existing operator, you are all set to proceed. However, if you do not have one, you can initiate the process by downloading Operator-SDK, an open-source toolkit designed to facilitate the creation of operators. Operator-SDK supports multiple languages including Go (which we will be using), Ansible, and Helm.

Once you have successfully downloaded Operator-SDK, follow their comprehensive quickstart to effortlessly set up your development environment and get started on the right foot.

What's next?

Now that your operator is up and running, it's a perfect moment to explore the essence of Operator Toolkit: defining controllers and reconciling resources by using helpers and adapters. These components serve as the core building blocks that empower you to craft concise and elegant reconcile functions. By delving into the details of helpers and adapters, you'll discover how to streamline your code, resulting in shorter and more maintainable implementations.