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puppet module to install and configure Asterisk

To install Asterisk on a server, simply use the following:

include asterisk

To install Asterisk and Zaptel kernel modules (NOTE: This is deprecated, Zaptel is now DAHDI and we should implement setting up DAHDI instead of Zaptel now):

include asterisk::zaptel

To include french sounds, you can use the following:

include asterisk::french


In order to use this module, you need to also have the following module:

common :

Once that module is placed in your module path, add the following to your site.pp (or main manifest) in order to make all the definitions available:

import 'common'


  • asterisk::context::extensions

    asterisk::context::extensions { "incoming":
      ensure => present,
      source => "...",
    asterisk::context::extensions { "incoming":
      ensure  => present,
      content => template(...),
    asterisk::context::extensions { "incoming":
      ensure => absent,
  • asterisk::context::sip

    asterisk::context::sip { "1234":
      ensure  => present,
      secret  => 'blah',
      context => 'incoming',
    asterisk::context::sip { "1234":
      ensure => absent,

    You can also use the 'template_name' argument to either define a template, by giving it a value of '!', or inherit from a template:

    asterisk::context::sip { "corporate_user":
      context => 'corporate',
      type => 'friend',
      # ...
      template_name => '!',
    asterisk::context::sip { "hakim":
      secret => 'ohnoes!',
      template_name => 'corporate_user',
  • asterisk::registry::sip

    asterisk::registry::sip { 'providerX':
      server => '',
      user => 'doyoufindme',

    Password, authuser, port number and extension are optional parameters. If you define authuser, you must specify a password.

    asterisk::registry::sip { 'friends_home':
      server => '',
      port => '8888',
      user => 'me',
      password => 'myselfandI',
      authuser => 'you',
      extension => 'whatsupfriend',
  • asterisk::context::iax

    This class works similarly to the asterisk::context::extensions class.

    asterisk::context::iax { '5551234567':
      source => 'puppet:///modules/site-asterisk/5551234567',
  • asterisk::registry::iax

    asterisk::registry::iax { 'providerX':
      server => '',
      user => 'doyoufindme',
      pass => 'attractive?',
  • asterisk::context::voicemail

    asterisk::context::voicemail { "3000":
      context => 'some_context',
      password => '5555',
      user_name => 'Bob Bobby',
      email => 'bob@bobby.comcom',

    You can also use the optional 'pager_email' to set the email that should receive a page about new voice messages.

    And finally, the argument 'options' can take a hash of voicemail options like the following:

    asterisk::context::voicemail { "3001":
      context => 'blah',
      password => '112233',
      options => { 'attach' => 'yes', 'delete' => 'yes' },

IAX2 Options

If you are using the IAX2 protocol, you'll want to set some global configuration options. The default values are taken from Debian's default iax.conf file.

For passing in settings, you need to send a hash to the asterisk class with the iax_options parameter:

$iax_options = {
    autokill => 'yes',
    jitterbuffer => 'no',
    forcejitterbuffer => 'no',
class { 'asterisk':
    iax_options => $iax_options,

One thing to watch out for, is that when you are giving a hash to the asterisk class, all the default values are not present anymore! So, you need to define values for all of those that you are not overriding. Here is the default hash with the default values:

$iax_options = {
  disallow => ['lpc10'],
  allow => ['gsm'],
  delayreject => 'yes',
  bandwidth => 'high',
  jitterbuffer => 'yes',
  forcejitterbuffer => 'yes',
  maxjitterbuffer => '1000',
  maxjitterinterps => '10',
  resyncthreshold => '1000',
  trunktimestamps => 'yes',
  autokill => 'yes',

Here is a complete list of all available options:

  • bindport: Bind Asterisk to this port. If you are binding to multiple addresses, you can specify the port for each interface in bindaddr (see below).

  • bindaddr: Make asterisk listen on the following IP addresses (can be used more than once). To specify the port on which an address should listen, add it after the address and a colon (e.g. '').

  • iaxcompat: Useful when you use layered switches.

  • nochecksums: Disable UDP checksums.

  • delayreject: Delay the sending of authentication reject to alleviate brute force attacks on passwords.

  • amaflags: Default AMA flag. It must be one of 'default', 'omit', 'billing', or 'documentation'.

  • adsi: Enable ADSI-compatible equipment.

  • srvlookup: Perform an SRV lookup on outbound calls.

  • accountcode: Default account for CDR.

  • language: Global default language for users.

  • mohinterpret: Default, preferred music on hold channel.

  • mohsuggest: Defaul, suggested music on hold channel.

  • bandwidth: Specify bandwidth of low, medium, or high to control which codecs are used in general.

  • disallow: Array of codec names to prevent Asterisk from using with IAX2.

  • allow: Array of codec names to allow Asterisk to use with IAX2.

  • jitterbuffer: Global default for enabling/disabling the jitter buffer (can be set per-user).

  • forcejitterbuffer: Force the use of the jitter buffer even if the other end has a poorly performing jitter buffer.

  • dropcount: Maximum number of frames to overlook (e.g. consider "too late") inside the last 2 seconds.

  • maxjitterbuffer: Maximum size for the jitter buffer.

  • resyncthreshold: Number of frames over twice the measured jitter after which a resync is performed.

  • maxjitterinterps: The maximum number of interpolation frames the jitterbuffer should return in a row.

  • maxexcessbuffer: Maximum size by which the jitter buffer can be over what is needed. After a period of high jitter, Asterisk will gradually lower the buffer to follow this maximum.

  • minexcessbuffer: Minimum amount of unused buffer.

  • jittershrinkrate: Number of millisecs by which to shrink the jitter buffer for each 20ms when buffer is too big.

  • minregexpire: Minimum amount of time (seconds) that can be requested as a registration expriation interval.

  • maxregexpire: Maximum amount of time (seconds) that can be requested as a registration expriation interval.

  • encryption: Enable IAX2 encryption.

  • forceencryption: Refuse to connect unencrypted.

  • trunkmaxsize: Maximum payload in bytes an IAX2 trunk can support at a given time.

  • trunkmtu: Maximum transmission unit for IAX2 UDP trunking.

  • trunkfreq: How frequently trunk messages are sent in milliseconds.

  • trunktimestamps: Whether to send timestamps for the individual sub-frames within trunk frames or not.

  • iaxthreadcount: Number of iax helper threads to handle I/O.

  • iaxmaxthreadcount: Number of extra dynamic threads that may be spawned.

  • authdebug: disable authentication debugging to reduce the amount of debugging traffic.

  • tos / cos: Settings for Quality of service. See Asterisk documentation in /usr/share/doc/asterisk-doc/asterisk.pdf.gz (from package asterisk-doc).

  • regcontext: dynamically created and destroyed NoOp priority 1 extension for a given peer who registers or unregisters with Asterisk.

  • autokill: Cancel transaction if we don't get ACK to our NEW within 2000ms.

  • codecpriority: Control the codec negotiation of an inbound IAX call.

  • allowfwdownload: serve out firmware to IAX clients which request it.

  • rtcachefriends: Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list.

  • rtupdate: Whether or not to send registry updates to database using realtime.

  • rtautoclear: Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule as if it had just registered.

  • rtignoreregexpire: use the stored address information regardless of whether the peer's registration has expired.

  • parkinglot: Default parkinglot for IAX peers and users.

  • calltokenoptional: Set call token validation as optional.

  • requirecalltoken: Global setting for call token verification. Can be set to 'no', 'auto', or 'yes'.

  • maxcallnumbers: Maximum amount of call numbers per IP before refusing new connections.

  • maxcallnumbers_nonvalidated: Global maximum amount of call numbers before refusing new connections.

Still not implemented !


  • asterisk::context::manager
  • asterisk::queue


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