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Samm Cooper edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 1 revision

The osd (on-screen display) element is used to display the status of a Loopin device as text on the screen. The text is shown as a white-on-black box in the top left of the screen. The OSD is intentionally turned on by default when the Loopin device is bootstrapped, and must be turned off for clean output.

Disabling the OSD


# Disable the OSD
osd/enabled/: false


// Disable the OSD
loopin.patch( false, 'osd/enabled/' )


/osd/ (boolean)

/osd/enabled/ (boolean)

Whether the OSD is shown on screen.

/osd/client/ (string)

An arbitrary string containing upstream information from the client connected to the Loopin device. This may include information such as http connection information. This is shown by default.

/osd/text/ (string)

Replace the entire OSD display with arbitrary text. If an empty string is supplied, the default OSD format will be used. The text may be multi-line, using '\n' as a delimiter.

The following tokens will be replaced:

  • '%fps' - Current frame-rate.
  • '%files' - The absolute local path which the Loopin device is using as the root of its files.
  • '%show' - Information about the currently shown Buffer.
  • '%hostname' - The OS-supplied hostname of the machine on which the Loopin device is running.
  • '%client' - The arbitrary client string ( see above )
  • '%window' - Resolution of the current window.
