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cytoClustR employs hierarchical clustering to identify cell population in SPADE data and facilitate comparisons among multiple groups of samples.



Install R 3.4 from

Within R, install and load shiny package by running the following commands:


You are all set. To run cytoClustR run within R:

runGitHub("cytoClustR", "kordastilab")

Please note that when you run CytoClusteR for the first time, all additional dependencies will be installed automatically. This may take a couple of minutes. Keep an eye on R's console in case any dependencies need to be installed from source.


Some users reported rJava-related errors while running cytoClustR in MacOS. If you had such errors during setup please install JAVA, update MacOS, R and Rstudio (if applicable) to their latest versions and then follow these steps.


STEP 1: Data loading

There are 2 ways to import data in cytoClustR. For both ways some common parameters are applicable.

i. Input file: Your SPADE table. This is a single table as exported from SPADE (in single-sample mode), the locations of SPADE files for 1 or more groups of samples (in multiple-sample mode) or simply your credentials for the Cytobank login mode. See below for details.

ii. Marker cleaning file: File to clean raw column names as exported from SPADE. See example_data/needed_columns.xlsx.

iii. Filter by cell count: Set the minimum cell count for SPADE nodes to be included in the analysis.

iv. Filter by percenttotal: Set the minimum percent total for SPADE nodes to be included in the analysis.

v. Data transformation: Set the transformation method. For now only arcsinh is available. Default co-factor is 5 - remember to change it if different value was used during your SPADE analysis.

vi. Select column type: As SPADE output contains both scaled (medians) and non-scaled (raw medians) values, select from the drop-down menu the type of column you want to use for you CytoClusteR analysis. Also tSNE column can be included in or excluded from the analysis using the Include tSNE drop-down menu.

vii. Select markers: As soon as you press the Select markers button, your data will be imported and you will be presented with the option to select the markers for clustering. Please tick the markers you want to do the clustering on and press Go.

  • 1) Cytobank login. Use this tab to download your data directly from Cytobank. You can log in either using your username, password and your site or by using an authentication token and your site. Please note that when entering Cytobank's site, you need to omit "". For example, if your site is you only need to enter mrc in the "site" field of the login page.

  • 2) Manual input. Use Single-sample mode or Multiple-sample mode to load SPADE data directly without logging in to Cytobank. In each tab you can select among multiple options while importing your input:

    • In Multiple-sample tab you can input groups of samples by specifying the directory of SPADE files of each group in the table entitled Please define your groups. The number of groups to be imported can be adjusted by the value of the field entitled Change number of groups. If cleaning and scaling is to be performed on the data, cytoClustR provides a functionality to save the cleaned and scaled data for future use. To do this you need to press the Clean and Save button after filling the sample groups in the corresponding table and after you select the appropriate parameters for scaling in the fields described above. Clean and Save will save your data in the directory defined for each group in the Output.Directory column of the input table. You can use this data in dowstream analysis or as input to other visualising tools.

Define sample tags (optional)

After importing your data using the Cytobank log in option you can switch to Sample tags tab to group your samples. This is particularly useful if no groups have been defined in Cytobank. To push these tags back to Cytobank press the Push sample tags button. Please note that this operation uses Cytobank's API and you make changes in your actual Cytobank experiment.

Step 2: Clustering

cytoClustR draws cell population heatmaps for your SPADE data using the expression values of the markers you selected in the previous step. If you used Single-sample mode, only one heatmap will be visible. You can work on it or export it. Additonal options appear when multiple groups are analysed and comparison between groups is of interest. In general, cytoClustR uses one group of samples as a "reference" group (defined by the user). After the clustering of cells from the reference group, pairwise comparisons are facilitated by enforcing the clustering of the reference group upon another group of samples (forced group). Reference and forced groups are visualised side-by-side to reveal differences in expression. The main options and tabs of Clustering are summarised below.

  1. Main group:. Heatmap of the main group. You can select which group to plot using the dropdown menu (visible only when using Multiple-sample mode).
  2. Forced group:. This tab is useful for comparison of SPADE nodes among different groups of samples. When you press Force heatmap button the clustering of SPADE nodes in the Main group is applied to the group selected. This allows for direct comparisons of SPADE nodes and cell subpopulations among groups.
  3. Overlay groups: Heatmap illustrates the difference in expression between the two groups. Expression values of the Forced group are subtracted from those of the Main group.
  • Visualization parameters can be altered in the Heatmap configuration box. Using the Heatmap configuration box users can also select additional markers to annotate or sort the heatmap.

  • Download the heatmap or the data using the Download plot or Download data buttons.

  • Hierarchical clustering and visualisation is performed using the default settings of ComplexHeatmap R package.

Step 3: Post-processing

In this tab you can define up to three markers to divide the SPADE nodes in High, Medium and Low expression for each marker. A z-score is calculated for each node and marker. When the z-score >= 1 the expression level is set to High(H), when the z-score > -1 and < 1 the expression level is set to Medium (M) and when the z-score <= -1 the expression level is set to Low(L) for each marker selected.

Node identification

In this tab you can define cell populations and draw bubbles onto the SPADE tree of your experiment in Cytobank using the Push node groups button. Please note that this operation uses Cytobank's API and you make changes in your actual Cytobank experiment.

Data storage

Please note that if you use the Cytobank log in utility, CytoClusteR will create a sub-directory in your home directory (~/cytocluster_temp) to download your data from Cytobank. This directory is overwritten every time you run cytoClustR. If you want to store your raw data locally, make sure you copy them to another directory before you rerun cytoClustR.

Example data

See example_data for examples of input data.


cytoClustR has been designed by Dr. Shahram Kordasti and Thanos Mourikis.

Contributions are always welcome!


Please contact Dr. Shahram Kordasti, or Thanos Mourikis,




R shiny application - Hierarchical clustering of SPADE data







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