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Cody Spratford edited this page Sep 10, 2020 · 2 revisions

The config files are found under the config folder of both the client, and server code.

Lets talk about the server config.js file.

* @file client/data/pokemon-showdown/config/config.js
// Line 6
exports.port = 8000; // This is the default port that you wish the server to be run on.
exports.bindaddress = ""; // This is url address that you wish the server to be using.
// Note that the bindaddress is the ip, not the actually url.
// Line 147
exports.loginserver = ""; // this is where the login server is. If you don't have your own login server, then don't change this.
// Line 170
// These handle the routes for the server.
exports.routes = {
	root: "", // This is where the Server side is located.
	client: "", // This is where the client side is located.
    dex: "", // This is where the dex website is. You don't need to worry about this.
    replays: "", // This is where the replays are going to go to. You don't need to worry about this.

// Line 395
// This handles the custom avatars. Read the comment above it to understand it.
exports.customavatars = {

Now lets look at the Client config.js

* @file client/config/config.js

// Line 335
// This is the connection for the client to connect to the server side.
Config.defaultserver = {
  id: 'showdown', // The id of the server.
    host: '', // the server's url
    port: 443, // The port which needs to be one to make a connect. This should stay as 443. The client and the server communicates on port 443.
    httpport: 80, // The http port, which is what port the server is on through http.
    altport: 8000, // Alternative port
    registered: true

Thats all you need to worry about in the config files.