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Leave A Note: Transforming Parking Incident Solutions

Welcome to Leave A Note – your go-to platform for seamless parking incident resolutions. With our secure and efficient system, users can effortlessly leave notes and reports in situations where direct communication isn't feasible.

How It Works

Whether you're directly involved in the incident or acting as a supportive witness, our process is simple and user-friendly:

  1. Enter Car Number: Begin by typing in the car number involved in the incident.

  2. Capture Photo: Take a quick photo of the accident scene.

  3. Send Report: Hit that "Send" button! Your report will be securely submitted through our system.

That's it! The magic of Leave A Note does the rest. If the other driver is also a user of our app, they'll promptly receive your message and can communicate with you. In the event that the driver isn't registered on the app yet, no worries – we've got you covered. Your report will be safely stored, ready to be delivered whenever they join our community.

At Leave A Note, our aim is to simplify the process, reduce stress, and foster community support among drivers. If you've got any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out. Let's make parking incidents pyhisical notes a thing of the past and create a more cooperative and hassle-free experience together! 🚗📝🤝

This repository exclusively hosts the client-side of our application. In addition, the application is further developed across two primary branches:

Table Of Contents

  1. Demo & Screenshots
  2. Tech Stack
  3. Features
  4. About The Idea
  5. Roadmap - Future Improvements
  6. Directories
  7. Environment Variables
  8. Run Locally
  9. API Reference
  10. Author & Feedback

Demo & Screenshots

Screenshots from the application.

Tech Stack

Client: React-Native, Typescript (Currant Repository)

Server for main branch : Node, Typescript, Express, Mongodb Atlas with Mongoose.

Node.JS & Mongodb version Server side Repository

Server for Net_Core_Backend branch : ASP.NET Core 7 , Entity Framework 7, Microsoft Azure Cloud Services.

.NET 7 & SQL version Server side Repository

Cloud Storage: Firebase Storage to store the images.


  • Light/dark mode toggle
  • User authentication with secure login and authorization using JWT Tokens.
  • Background and Foreground notification system for new notes and reports using FCM.
  • Camera integration for capturing,using a custom camera component.
  • Easy-to-use interface that accommodates users of all experience levels
  • Featuring animation using the lottie package.

About The Idea

The Problem: Parking incidents can be frustrating and stressful, especially when the other driver involved is not present to exchange details. This often leads to a lack of information and difficulties in resolving insurance claims. "Leave A Note" aims to bridge this communication gap and provide a reliable means for drivers and witnesses to share vital information, ensuring a fair and hassle-free process in such situations.

Target Audience: Our platform caters to all drivers, whether they have experienced a parking incident or want to assist others as witnesses. By bringing drivers together on a single platform, "Leave A Note" fosters a community-driven approach to resolve parking-related issues.

Benefits and Advantages:

  • Streamlined Process: Leave A Note takes simplicity to the next level. With just the car number involved in the accident and a quick picture, users can effortlessly document the incident. No complex forms or time-consuming processes, making it easy for anyone to use and contribute valuable information.
  • Reduced Stress: Leave A Note alleviates the stress associated with parking accidents, making it easier for drivers to handle such situations.
  • Community Support: The platform fosters a supportive community of drivers and witnesses, encouraging cooperative assistance during parking incidents.

Privacy and Security:

  • Privacy of a Reporter (3rd Party Witness): As a 3rd party witness, you have the option to remain completely anonymous when reporting an accident between two other drivers. Your identity will never be disclosed to the involved parties, ensuring you can contribute valuable information without any concerns about personal exposure.
  • Asymmetric Information Sharing: To further protect your privacy, "Leave A Note" operates on asymmetric information sharing. Only the damaged user will have access to the details of the hitting driver, while the reverse is not permitted. This ensures that the user who experienced the incident retains full control over the exchange of information, maintaining their privacy and personal safety.


  • Multi-Language Support: Recognizing our diverse user base, we plan to introduce multi-language support. Users will be able to interact with the platform in their preferred language, promoting inclusivity and ease of use for everyone.

  • Geo-Tagging and Mapping Integration: To better understand incident locations, we will integrate geo-tagging and mapping functionalities. This will help users visualize the incident locations and provide a more accurate context for reporting and resolving parking incidents.

  • Image Download and Note Share as PDF: In response to user requests, we will be introducing the ability to download incident images and notes as PDF files. This feature ensures users can keep a secure offline copy for their records or easily share the incident details with relevant parties.

  • User Feedback System for Problem and Bug Reports: Your feedback matters to us! To provide a more streamlined way for users to report problems and bugs, we will introduce a user feedback system. This feature will allow you to submit any issues you encounter directly through the platform, enabling us to address and resolve them promptly.


  • assets: Contains animations and images used throughout the app.

  • components: Houses reusable UI components and specialized components:

    • uiComponents: Holds custom UI components used across the app.
    • cameraComp.jsx: Custom camera component designed for the app.
  • config: Includes configuration files for seamless integration:

    • Firebase configuration files and other settings.
  • context: Manages context-related functionality for the app:

    • ThemeContext: Handles the app's themes and visual styles.
    • ContextProvider: Main context provider for managing global state.
  • navigatorAuth: Responsible for navigation components based on authentication status:

    • BottomTabs: Navigational layout for authenticated users.
    • NotAuthenticatedStack: Navigation stack for non-authenticated users.
  • pages: Core screens and subdirectories for organizing features:

    • kpi: Analytics tailored for admin users to visualize app statistics.
    • notesAndReports: Components for creating and viewing notes and reports.
    • profilePages: Sections like accidents history, edit information, and password updates.
  • utils: Contains utility resources for app functionality:

    • interfaces: Defines TypeScript interfaces for strong typing.
    • validation: Includes validation schemas (e.g., Joi) to ensure data integrity.
    • notifications: Houses helper functions for managing app notifications.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file. This all can be found in the .env.example file, copy the following from firebase when creating a new project.








This is for the notification you need to enable FCM with firebase.


Run Locally

Clone and install

Clone the project from this link

Go to the project directory

  cd Client/LeaveANote

Install dependencies

  npm install

Create the .env file

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file. This all can be found in the .env.example file, copy the following from firebase when creating a new project.









Launch the Project

  npm start

Choose Android

  a - run on Android

API Reference - Context Functions


Using the mongodb find method to search a user in the user's collection.

Returned Value: a user object with the projection fields or null if not found.

POST /users/getUser
Request-Body Type Description
query object The properties to search by
projection object The properties to get back


Update the user's device in the database to keep it updated.

Returned Value: Void

PUT /users/updateDeviceToken
Request-Body Type Description
deviceToken string The user's device token for sending notifications
userId string The user's ID in the database


Get the distribution data of the reports notes and unmatched reports.

Authorization: bearer token , role = 'Admin'

Returned Value: An object containing the amount of reports, notes and unmatched reports.

POST /stats/reportsDistribution
Request-Body Type Description
role string The user role, stats only available to the admin


Get registered users' data per month for a specific year.

Authorization: bearer token , role = 'Admin'

Returned Value: An object containing the amount of regiserted user of a specific year.

POST /stats/registeredUsersData

year string Year for filtering role string User role for filtering

Request-Body Type Description
year string Year for filtering
role string The user role, stats only available to the admin


Make a sign in attempt.

Returned Value: A token containing the user id, experation time and role.

POST /users/login '
Request-Body Type Description
email string The email to search the user by
password string the password of the user


Register a new user.

Returned Value: A token containing the user id, experation time and role.

POST /users/register'
Request-Body Type Description
name string The user's name
email string The user's email
password string The user's password
carNumber string The user's car number
phoneNumber string The user's phone number
deviceToken string The user's device token


Submits a new note.

Authorization: bearer token

Returned Value: Void

POST /notes/createNote'
Request-Body Type Description
damaged_user_car_num string The damaged user's car number
hitting_user_car string The offending user's car number
hitting_user_phone string The offending user's phone number
hitting_user_name string The offending user's name
imageSource string The url to the image of the accident.


Create a new report

Authorization: bearer token

Returned Value: Void

POST /reports/createReport '
Request-Body Type Description
imageUrl string The url to the image of the accident.
damagedCarNumber string The damaged user's car number
hittingCarNumber string The offending user's car number
isAnonymous bool Determines whether the reporter will stay anonymous
reporter {name: string , phoneNumber:string} ``


Update the user's inforamtion in the database.

Authorization: bearer token

Returned Value: Void

POST /users/informationUpdate'
Request-Body Type Description
userId string The ID od the user to update
update {email:str, phoneNUmber: str, carNumber:str,name:str} The data to update


Update the user's password in the database.

Authorization: bearer token

Returned Value: Void

POST /users/passwordUpdate'
Request-Body Type Description
userId string The ID od the user to update
oldPassword string Validate the old password before changing
newPassword string The new password to update to


Delete accident form the user's accident.

Authorization: bearer token

Returned Value: Void

POST /users/deleteMessage'
Request-Body Type Description
userId string The ID od the user to update
messageId string The ID of the accident's message to delete


Remove the message from the users inbox.

Authorization: bearer token

Returned Value: Void

POST /users/deleteMessageInbox'
Request-Body Type Description
userId string The ID od the user to update
messageId string The ID of the accident's message to delete

Author & Feedback