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img The Kos Programming Language

Kos is a general purpose scripting language, which builds on top of the most successful scripting languages, but is designed with usability in mind.

  • Easy to learn and easy to use.

  • Useful for creating standalone scripts.

  • Easy to embed in other applications.

  • Dynamically typed, object-oriented, with elements of functional programming.

  • Stable and reliable syntax, so your scripts will work in the future without any modifications.

  • Small code base and small footprint.

  • Simple, modern, feature-rich and powerful syntax, designed to reduce common types of bugs.

  • Robust support for native multithreading.


Kos is currently in development. Most language features are already usable.

Refer to Roadmap for list of features planned.

Branch health (master)

License: MIT Build Status Coverage Status Coverity Scan


To find out more about Kos, follow these links:


This program prints "Hello, World!":

#!/usr/bin/env kos
import base.print

print("Hello, World!")

This program prints 30 terms of the Fibonacci series:

#!/usr/bin/env kos
import base: print, range

const terms = 30
var   a     = 0
var   b     = 1

print("Fib series:")

for var i in range(terms) {
    print("    \(a)")

    const next = a + b
    a = b
    b = next

This program prints the first 1000 prime numbers:

#!/usr/bin/env kos
import base: print, range, enumerate
import math.sqrt

# Prime number generator with a fixed-size sieve
fun primes(sieve_size)
    yield 2 # Yield the only even prime number from the generator

    const sieve = [] # Empty array

    # Set array size, fills with 'void' values.
    # We set to half of the max number checked, because
    # we ignore even numbers and only check odd numbers.
    const len = sieve_size / 2

    const sqrt_sieve_size = sqrt(sieve_size)

    # Find and yield all odd primes
    for var number in range(3, sieve_size, 2) {

        const idx = number >> 1

        # Yield this number as prime if it hasn't been sifted-out
        if ! sieve[idx] {

            yield number

            # Don't clear above square root of sieve size, because
            # these numbers have already been cleared by lower primes
            if number > sqrt_sieve_size {

            # Mark all multiplicities of this prime as non-primes
            # Start from square of prime, because lower numbers have
            # already been cleared
            for var i in range(number * number / 2, len, number) {
                sieve[i] = true # Mark a non-prime

public fun main
    print("Prime numbers:")

    var count = 0

    for var idx, prime in enumerate(primes(7920)) {
        print("    prime \(idx + 1) is: \(prime)")
        count += 1

    print("Printed \(count) primes")