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Compare ancestors, clones, and segregant pools and view output on a browser.


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by John Koschwanez

This is code I wrote to analyze the results of my experimental evolution. The segregant analysis part of the code accepts three sequences: the ancestor, the clone, and the backcrossed pool. The clone and ancestor are compared to find mutations, and then the segregating percentage of the backcrossed pool is found for each mutation to call a segregant.

Please see the compare.html file in the example_output directory for an example output for read reads. I have included a script to make simulated reads in the generate_test_seq directory. The reference sequence and annotation that I used are in the ref_seq directory.

Also included in this package is a script for generating simulated sequences from a backcrossed pool, and scripts for generating a samtools pileup from a fastq file.

Required programs

  • bwa Used to align reads to the reference genome.

  • samtools Used to generate sorted alignment files and pileups.

  • GATK Used to realign indels.

  • varscan Used to call variants from the reference and between samples.

  • python The mutant anlaysis code is written in python.

  • Biopython Python library used to interface with DNA sequences.

  • pysam Python wrapper for samtools.

  • ClustalW Command line ClustalW binary.

  • ART Sequence simulation tools. This is only necessary to generate simulated backcrossed sequences.

Usage assumes that you have a sorted bam file for the ancestor and clone strains and the backcrossed pool, and Varscan variant files for the clone (compared to the ancestor) and the pool (compared to the reference). The script segtools acps will generate the required files and run segtools also contains two other functions: singlef2p generates a samtools pileup from a single-end fastq file and pairedf2p generates a samtools pileup from a paired-end fastq file.

singlef2p will generate a sorted and indel-realigned bam file and a pileup file from a single-end read sample.

segtools singlef2p -a sample_file.fq -c sample_name -g path_to_GATK 
    [-h help] -r reference.fasta -v path_to_Varscan
    -a sample_file.fq 
    -c sample_name 
    -g path to GATK (optionally set $GATK instead)
    -h help
    -r reference.fasta If this has not been indexed by bwa, segtools will index it using the bwa index routine.
    -v path to Varscan (optionally set $VARSCAN instead)

pairedf2p will generate a sorted and indel-realigned bam file and a pileup file from a paired-end read sample.

segtools pairedf2p -a sample_file_R1.fq -b sample_file_R2.fq 
    -c sample_name -g path_to_GATK
    [-h help] -r reference.fasta -v path_to_Varscan
    -a sample_file_R1.fq 
    -b sample_file_R2.fq
    -c sample_name
    -g path to GATK (optionally set $GATK instead)
    -h help
    -r reference.fasta If this has not been indexed by bwa, segtools will index it using the bwa index routine.
    -v path to Varscan (optionally set $VARSCAN instead)

acps will generate sorted and indel-realigned bam files and pileup files from three sets of fastq files: ancestor, clone, and pool. The fastq files can be single-end or paired end. An html output will be generated listing the variants, their classification, and their segregation percentage.

segtools acps -a ancestor_file_R1.fq [-b ancestor_file_R2.fq] [-c ancestor_sample_name] 
    -d clone_file_R1.fq [-e clone_file_R2.fq] [-f clone_sample_name] 
    -g path_to_GATK [-h help] 
    -i pool_file_R1.fq [-j pool_file_R2.fq] [-k pool_sample_name] 
    [-o output_directory] -r reference.fasta -s 
    [-t analysis_title] -v path_to_Varscan
    -a ancestor_file_R1.fq 
    -b ancestor_file_R2.fq Required if paired-end read.
    -c ancestor_name (optional)
    -d clone_file_R1.fq 
    -e clone_file_R2.fq Required if paired-end read.
    -f clone_name (optional)
    -g path to GATK (optionally set $GATK instead)
    -h help
    -i pool_file_R1.fq 
    -j pool_file_R2.fq Required if paired-end read.
    -k pool_name (optional)
    -o output_directory Set to seg_output by default
    -r reference.fasta If this has not been indexed by bwa,
        segtools will index it using the bwa index routine.
    -s reference_features Tabbed file - see example for yeast.
    -t analysis_title Set to "pool" by default.
    -v path to Varscan (optionally set $VARSCAN instead) takes the three sets of variants and sorted bam files and generates an html output to view mutation classification and segregation.

python [-h] [--title TITLE] --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                     --ref_seq REF_SEQ --ref_feat REF_FEAT
                     [--ref_chrom_num REF_CHROM_NUM] --ancestor_bam
                     ANCESTOR_BAM [--ancestor_name ANCESTOR_NAME]
                     --clone_bam CLONE_BAM --clone_snp CLONE_SNP
                     --clone_indel CLONE_INDEL [--clone_name CLONE_NAME]
                     [--add_clone_bam ADD_CLONE_BAM]
                     [--add_clone_name ADD_CLONE_NAME]
                     [--add_clone_snp ADD_CLONE_SNP]
                     [--add_clone_indel ADD_CLONE_INDEL]
                     [--pool_bam POOL_BAM] [--pool_name POOL_NAME]
                     [--pool_snp POOL_SNP] [--pool_indel POOL_INDEL]
                     [--mut_percent MUT_PERCENT]
                     [--seg_percent SEG_PERCENT]

    -h, --help 
    --title Title of analysis
    --output_dir Output directory
    --ref_seq fasta reference sequence
    --ref_feat Reference features tab file
    --ref_chrom_num Tab-file of chrom_name to be used and chrom_id in ref fasta
    --ancestor_bam Ancestor sorted bam file
    --ancestor_name Name of ancestor
    --clone_bam Clone sorted bam file
    --clone_snp List of ancestor to clone snps generated by Varscan
    --clone_indel List of ancestor to clone indels generated by Varscan
    --clone_name Name of first clone
    --add_clone_bam Additional clone: Sorted bam file
    --add_clone_name Additional clone: Name
    --add_clone_snp Additional clone: snp file
    --add_clone_indel Additional clone: indel file
    --pool_bam Pool sorted bam file. Required for segregation analysis.
    --pool_name Name of pool
    --pool_snp Pool snp file. Required for segregation analysis.
    --pool_indel Pool indel file. Required for segregation analysis.
    --mut_percent Percentage to call mutant from ancestor to clone
    --seg_percent Percentage to call segregant


The best way to describe the pipeline is to take you through an example. If you have your own set of reads in fastq format (ancestor.fastq, clone.fastq, pool.fastq), then use those. Single reads will be in one file, and paired reads will usually come in a matched set typically labeled with R1 and R2. If your files are gzipped (have a .tar.gz at the end), then extract them by typing:

cd directory\where\your\samples\are
tar xvfz yoursample.fastq.tar.gz

You may occasionally get multiple files for the same sample from the sequencing facility. If you are sure these are from the same end (i.e. not a matched set of paired end reads), then concatenate them as follows:

cat yoursample1.fastq yoursample2.fastq yoursample3.fastq > yourtotalsample.fastq

If you don't have a set of samples to use, I have written a script to generate simulated reads for an ancestor, clone, and backcrossed pool: This requires a reference genome in fasta format, and a tab delimited file with substitution descriptions and segregation percentages (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100% segregation.) These files are all included in the generate_test_seq directory. Modify mutation file.txt as necessary to make your own mutations. To generate sequences, run as follows (assuming you are in the mutantanalysis main directory):

cd generate_test_seq
./ s288c_sgd.fa mutation_file.txt

This script uses the program ART to generate 4 files: single-end reads for the ancestor and clone (ancestor.fq and clone.fq), and paired end reads for the backcrossed pool (pool_r1.fq and pool_r2.fq). Move these files into a working directory. For example, to make a working directory off the main directory (assuming you are still in the generate_test_seq directory):

mkdir ../working_directory
mv *.fq ../working_directory
cd ../working_directory

Now you are ready to run the mutantanalysis. You will use the program segtools (Segregation Tools), and I'm assuming that you have installed all the programs listed above. clustalw, samtools, and bwa should be set in your environmental path. This is a nice explanation of how to do this: PATH questions. You will also need a reference fasta, an annotated features file, and (optional) a translation of chromosome numbers that are in the reference fasta. I have included these files for yeast in the directory ref_seq as the files s288c_sgd.fa, s288c_ref_annot.txt, and s288c_sgd.fa.chrom. I generated the features file from, which I downloaded from SGD using SGD_features_parse.r. Modify this file as necessary for your strain or organism.

segtools contains three programs:

  • singlef2p (single-end read fastq to pileup) uses a reference sequence to convert a single end fastq file to a samtools pileup file using bwa for the alignment.
  • pairedf2p (paired-end read fastq to pileup) does the same except starting with paired-end fastq files.
  • acps (ancestor clone pool segregation) starts with three sets of fastq reads and generates an html output of the variants and the segregation percentage.

To run acps from the working directory we just created, type the following:

../segtools acps \
    -a ancestor.fq \
    -c my_ancestor_name \
    -d clone.fq \
    -f my_clone_name \
    -g /your/path/to/GATK
    -i pool_r1.fq \
    -j pool_r2.fq \
    -k my_pool_name \
    -r ../ref_seq/s288c_sgd.fa \
    -s ../ref_seq/s288c_ref_annot.txt \
    -t My_Analysis_Title
    -v /your/path/to/Varscan


Compare ancestors, clones, and segregant pools and view output on a browser.







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