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What is loader_eye and leye

Timothy Kovalev edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 7 revisions

loader_eye is just internal server runner (without daemonization), not for common usage, can be used for test eye server, loader_eye -c CONF -l stdout

leye is local version of eye, which looks for Eyefile. This is usefull when you want to run multiple eye instances for different projects. You should place Eyefile into your project (e. g. /project/Eyefile). Eyefile should contain config, or load external config: Eye.load('config/eye.rb')). Then:

cd /project/
leye load
leye info
leye restart all
leye stop all

and you would work only with this local eye for that project. leye store self pid and sock into PWD(Eyefile)/.eye by default.

leye honors the following environment variables:

  • EYE_FILE, can be specified instead of looking recursively for Eyefile from current dir (EYE_FILE=/project/Eyefile leye info)
  • EYE_HOME, custom place to store .eye folder.
  • and others

Also possible to use --eyehome, and --eyefile options, instead of env variables:

leye --eyefile /project/Eyefile load
leye --eyefile /project/Eyefile info
leye --eyefile /project/Eyefile restart all