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VBScript Utility Classes Documentation




The default property of the ArrayOfObjects class, Items, acts like a rudimentary C# ArrayList.


 Option Explicit
 Dim aoo 'ArrayOfObjects object
 Dim incl 'VBScripting.Includer object
 Add "tree", "pear"
 Add "tree", "walnut"
 Sub Initialize
     Set incl = CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
     Execute incl.Read( "ArrayOfObjects" )
     Set aoo = New ArrayOfObjects
 End Sub
 Sub Add( noun, example )
     Execute incl.Read( "NameValue" )
     aoo.Add New NameValue.Init( noun, example )
 End Sub
 Sub ShowAll
     Dim obj, s
     For Each obj In aoo() 'or aoo.Items or aoo.Items()
         s = s & obj.Name & vbTab & obj.Value & vbLf
     MsgBox s,, "ShowAll"
 End Sub
 Sub ShowAll2
     Dim i, s
     For i = 0 To UBound(aoo) 'or aoo() or aoo.Items or aoo.Items()
         s = s & aoo()(i).Name & vbTab & aoo()(i).Value & vbLf
     MsgBox s,, "ShowAll2"
 End Sub
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Items None an array of objects Returns an array of the objects that were added using the Add method. This is default property, so the name (Items) may not need to be specified. However, it may be necessary to add empty parens to the object name: See the example.
Method Add an object N/A Expands the Items array and adds the specified object to it.
Property Count None an integer Returns the number of items in the Items array.


Get a folder or file chosen by the user

Deprecated in favor of the .NET extensions VBScripting.FolderChooser ( code | doc ) and VBScripting.FileChooser ( code | doc ), which are more versatile and user friendly.

Usage example

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
     Execute .Read( "Chooser" )
 End With 

 Dim choose : Set choose = New Chooser 
 MsgBox choose.folder 
 MsgBox choose.file 

Browse for file reference.
Browse for folder reference.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property File None a file path Opens a Choose File dialog and returns the path of a file chosen by the user. Returns an empty string if no folder was selected. Note: The title bar text will say Choose File to Upload.
Property Folder None a folder path Opens a Browse For Folder dialog and returns the path of a folder chosen by the user. Returns an empty string if no folder was selected.
Property FolderTitle None the folder title Opens a Browse For Folder dialog and returns the title of a folder chosen by the user. The title for a normal folder is just the folder name. For a special folder like %UserProfile%, it may be something entirely different. Returns an empty string if no folder was selected.
Property FolderObject None an object Opens a Browse For Folder dialog and returns a Shell.Application BrowseForFolder object for a folder chosen by the user. This object has methods Title and Self.Path, corresponding to this class's FolderTitle and FolderPath, respectively. This method is recommended for when you need both the FolderTitle and FolderPath but only want the user to have to choose once. If no folder was selected, then TypeName(folderObj) = "Nothing" is True.
Method SetWindowTitle a string N/A Sets the title of the Browse For Folder window: i.e. the text below the titlebar.


The CommandParser class' Result method runs a command and searches its output for a phrase.


 Dim includer : Set includer = CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
 Execute includer.Read( "CommandParser" ) 
 Dim cp : Set cp = New CommandParser 
 Dim cmd : cmd = "cmd /c If defined ProgramFiles^(X86^) (echo 64-bit) else (echo 32-bit)" 
 Dim phrase : phrase = "64-bit" 
 MsgBox cp.Result( cmd, phrase ) 'True expected for 64-bit systems
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Result cmd, phrase a boolean Runs the specified command and returns a boolean: True if the specified phrase is found in the output of the specified command. Not case sensitive by default.
Property CaseSensitive a boolean a boolean Gets or sets whether the search is case sensitive. Default is False.


Allows for keeping configuration data for a class or script separate from the code.


  1. The configuration files are manually created with comma-delimited key/value pairs that are read/loaded into a dictionary and accessed through the Item property.
  2. The configuration files must have the configure filename extension. See LoadUserConfig for the one exception.
  3. The configuration files must have the same base name as the associated class file or calling script. Two exceptions: the UserConfigFile and GlobalConfigFile do not have base names.
  4. The configuration file for a script must be located in the same folder as the script.
  5. The configuration file for a class should be in the project's class folder, or else in another folder that is specified by the LibraryPath property. If using another folder, then the LibraryPath property must be set before calling the LoadClassConfig method or getting the ClassConfigFile property.
  6. The configuration files can have in-line or whole-line # comments.
  7. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored in both the key and the value.

Note: Three config files GlobalConfigFile, UserConfigFile, and ScriptConfigFile, are loaded in that order on instantiation of the Configure class. The most recently loaded file takes precedence if there is a conflict, so if a different precedence is desired, then the files can be reloaded in a different order. A class configuration file is loaded by the LoadClassConfig method or the LoadFile method.


 'Test1.vbs (located anywhere)
 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
     Execute .Read( "Configurer" )
 End With
 With New Configurer
     If .Exists( "command1" ) Then
         MsgBox "command1: " & .Item( "command1" )
     Else MsgBox "command1 key not found."
     End If
 End With

# Test1.configure (located in the same folder as Test1.vbs)
command1, wt powershell # requires Windows Terminal

 'Test2.vbs (located in the "class" folder)
 Class Test2
     Sub Class_Initialize
         With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
             Execute .Read( "Configurer" )
         End With
         With New Configurer
             .LoadClassConfig me
             If .Exists( "command2" ) Then
                 MsgBox .Item( "command2" )
             End If
         End With
     End Sub
 End Class

# Test2.configure (also located in the "class" folder)
command2, pwsh # requires PowerShell 6 or higher

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Item a key (string) a value (string) Returns the value of the key/value pair for the specified key. Returns Empty if the key is not found.
Property Count None an integer Gets the number of key/value pairs in the Configurer dictionary.
Property Exists a string (key) a boolean Gets whether a given key/value pair exists in the Configurer dictionary. Parameter is the key.
Property Dictionary None an object reference Returns a reference to the Configurer object's dictionary object. Properties: CompareMode, Item, Key. Methods: Add, Exists, Items, Keys, Remove, RemoveAll. See the online docs for the Dictionary object.
Method LoadFile a filespec N/A Loads the specified configuration file's key/value pairs into the object's dictionary. See Item property. See also the LoadClassConfig and LoadScriptConfig methods.
Method LoadScriptConfig None N/A Loads the configuration file associated with the calling script. The configuration file's key/value pairs are added to the Configurer object's dictionary object, or if the key exists already, the value is updated.
Property ScriptConfigFile None a filespec Returns the filespec of the configuration file associated with the script that is using the Configurer object, the calling script or .hta. The file doesn't have to exist.
Method LoadClassConfig a string or an object reference N/A Loads the configuration file associated with a class file. The configuration file's key/value pairs are added to the Configurer object's dictionary object, or if the key exists already, the value is updated. The parameter may be 1) the class name, or 2) an object reference to an instance of the class, or 3) the keyword me, if called from within the class.
Property ClassConfigFile a string or an object reference. a filespec Returns the filespec of the configuration file associated with a class (.vbs) file. The file doesn't have to exist. The parameter may be 1) the class name, or 2) an object reference to an instance of the class, or 3) the keyword me, if called from within the class.
Method LoadUserConfig None N/A Loads the user configuration file at %UserProfile%\.VBScripting. See Note for UserConfigFile.
Property UserConfigFile None a filespec Returns the filespec of a user-specific configuration file, related to the project but outside of the project folders, at %UserProfile%\.VBScripting. The file doesn't have to exist. Note: Care should be taken when privileges are elevated and the user is not a member of the Administrators group, because as privileges are elevated, %UserProfile% changes.
Method LoadGlobalConfig None N/A Loads the configuration file in the project folder. See comments for the GlobalConfigFile property. Equivalent to calling LoadFile GlobalConfigFile.
Property GlobalConfigFile None a filespec Returns the filespec of the global configuration file. The word global refers to the project only. Depending on the location of the project, the configuration file may or may not be accessible to all users. The file does not have to exist. Expected value: <project folder>\.configure.
Property LibraryPath None a path Gets or sets the location, i.e. the parent folder, of the class file and/or its associated configuration file. See the LoadClassConfig and LoadFile methods. Obscure. For an example, see the integration test Configurer.spec.wsf.
Property ToArray a string an array Converts a string to an array. Uses the delimiter set by the Delimiter property, a vertical bar ( | ) by default. Excess spaces on the left and right of each element are trimmed off.
Property PowerShell None a string Returns a string useful for starting a PowerShell process. If PowerShell 6 or 7 is installed, then the return value is the expanded filespec of the first "pwsh candidates" executable found that is listed in the file .configure in the project's root folder. If the cross-platform PowerShell is not found, returns the string powershell, which may be used to start a Windows PowerShell process. Since the return value may contain spaces, the string may need to be surrounded by quotes, depending on how it is used. For example, if the return value is used as the first argument of the Shell.Appliction object's ShellExecute method, then quotes are not recommended. But if the return value is used in the first argument of the WScript.Shell object's Run method, then quotes are recommended.
Property WT None a string Returns the filespec of a Windows Terminal executable, if installed and listed in .configure in the project folder. Returns Empty if Windows Terminal is not installed or not found.
Property Delimiter None a character Gets or sets the delimiter used in converting strings to arrays. Default is a vertical bar ( | ).
Property PsFallback None a string Returns a ten-character string suitable for starting a Windows PowerShell process: powershell. This becomes the default PowerShell when the newer cross-platform PowerShell is not installed or not found.
Property Init an object an object self-reference Initializes the Configurer object so that it can find the name of the calling script. The parameter is the WScript object, for .vbs or .wsf files, or the 'Document' object for .hta files. Required if the Configurer object was instantiated with the VBScripting.Includer object's experimental LoadObject method. Example:
 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
Set c = .LoadObject( "Configurer" ).Init( WScript )
End With


Generate html and markdown documentation for VBScript code based on well-formed code comments.
Usage Example

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
     Execute .Read( "DocGenerator" )
 End With
 With New DocGenerator
     .SetTitle "VBScript Utility Classes Documentation"
     .SetDocName "VBScriptClasses"
     .SetFilesToDocument "*.vbs | *.wsf | *.wsc"
     .SetScriptFolder "..\class"
     .SetDocFolder "..\docs"
 End With

Example of well-formed comments before a Sub statement
Note: A remark is required for Methods (Subs).

'Method: SubName
'Parameters: param1Name, param2Name
'Remark: Details about the method and parameters.

Example of well-formed comments before a Property or Function statement.
Note: A Returns (or Return or Returns: or Return:) is required with a Property or Function.

'Property: PropertyName
'Returns: a string
'Remark: A remark is not required for a Property or Function, but usually is a good idea.

Notes for the comment syntax at the beginning of a script
Use a single quote ( ' ) for general comments

  • use a single quote by itself for an empty line
  • Wrap VBScript code with pre tags, separating multiple lines with <br />.
  • Wrap other code with code tags, with each line surrounded with code tags.

Use three single quotes for remarks that should not appear in the documentation

Use four single quotes ( '''' ), if the script doesn't contain a class statement, to separate the general comments at the beginning of the file from the rest of the file.

For some characters to render correctly, they may need to be replaced by escape codes, even when used within <code> or <pre> tags:

  • For | use &#124; (vertical bar)
  • For < use &#60; (less than)
  • For > use &#62; (greater than)
  • For \ use &#92; (backslash)
  • For & use &#38; (ampersand)
  • For other characters, examples\HTML_EscapeCodes.hta can be used to generate an escape code that works with both of the generated files: Markdown and HTML. The numerical portion of the escape code is returned by the VBScript function Asc.

Visual Studio and VS Code extensions may render Markdown files differently than Git-Flavored Markdown.


  • Introductory comments at the beginning of a class file should be followed by a line containing a single quote character, or else the markdown table may not render correctly.
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method SetScriptFolder a folder N/A Required. Must be set before calling the Generate method. Sets the folder containing the scripts to include in the generated documentation. Environment variables OK. Relative paths OK.
Method SetDocFolder a folder N/A Required. Must be set before calling the Generate method. Sets the folder of the documentation file. Environment variables OK. Relative paths OK.
Method SetDocName a filename N/A Required. Must be set before calling the Generate method. Specifies the name of the documentation file. Do not include the extension name.
Method SetTitle a string N/A Required. Must be set before calling the Generate method. Sets the title for the documentation.
Method SetFilesToDocument wildcard(s) N/A Specifies which files to document. Optional. Default is *.vbs . Separate multiple wildcards with |
Method Generate None N/A Generate comment-based documentation for the scripts in the specified folder.
Method View None N/A Open the html document in the default viewer. Same as ViewHtml.
Method ViewHtml None N/A Open the html document in the default viewer. Same as View method.
Method ViewMarkdown None N/A Open the markdown document in the default viewer.
Property Colorize boolean boolean Gets or sets whether <pre> code blocks (assumed to be VBScript) in the markdown document are colorized. If False (experimental, with Git Flavored Markdown), the code lines should not wrap. Default is True.


DocGeneratorCS class

Generates html and markdown documentation for C# code from compiler-generated xml files based on three-slash ( /// ) code comments.

Four base tags are supported: summary, parameters, returns, and remarks. Within these tags, html tags are allowed, although Markdown typically does not render all html tags.

Note: When changes are made to source-code comments, the code must be compiled again in order for new .xml files to be generated, before running the doc-generator script.

Note: Html tags may result in malformed markdown table rows when there is whitespace between adjacent tags.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property XmlFolder folder folder Required. Sets (or gets) the folder containing the .xml files autogenerated by the C# compiler. Relative paths and environment variables are supported.
Property OutputFile filespec filespec Required. Sets (or gets) the path and base name of the output files. Do not include the .html or .md extension name: they will be added automatically. Older versions, if any, will be overwritten. Relative paths and environment variables are supported.
Method Generate None N/A Generates html and markdown code documentation. Requires .xml files to have been generated by the C# compiler.
Method ViewHtml None N/A Opens the html document with the default viewer.
Method ViewMarkdown None N/A Opens the markdown document with the default viewer.


Provides various properties to analyze a file's encoding.

FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. The algorithm used assumes that there is a Byte Order Mark, which in many cases is a wrong assumption.

Usage example

With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
    Execute .Read( "EncodingAnalyzer" )
End With
With New EncodingAnalyzer.SetFile(WScript.Arguments(0))
    MsgBox "isUTF16LE: " & .isUTF16LE
End With

Stackoverflow references: 1, 2.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property SetFile a filespec an object self reference Required. Specifies the file whose encoding is to be determined. Relative paths are permitted, relative to the current directory.
Property isUTF16LE None a boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the file specified by SetFile is Unicode Little Endian, aka Unicode.
Property isUTF16BE None a boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the file specified by SetFile is Unicode Big Endian.
Property isUTF7 None a boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the file specified by SetFile is UTF7.
Property isUTF8 None a boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the file specified by SetFile is UTF8.
Property isUTF32 None a boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the file specified by SetFile is UTF32.
Property isAscii None a boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the file specified by SetFile is Ascii.
Property GetType None a string Returns one of the following strings according the format of the file set by SetFile: Ascii, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF7, UTF8, UTF32.
Property GetCurrentDirectory None a folder Returns the current directory
Method SetCurrentDirectory a folder N/A Sets the current directory.
Property GetByte BOM byte number an integer Returns the Ascii value, 0 to 255, of the byte specified. The parameter must be an integer: one of 0, 1, 2, or 3. These represent the first four bytes in the file, the Byte Order Mark (BOM).


EscapeMd and EscapeMd2 Functions
Escape markdown special characters.
Usage example

    Dim includer : Set includer = CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
    ExecuteGlobal includer.Read( "EscapeMD" )
    MsgBox EscapeMd("```") ' \`\`\`
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property EscapeMd unescaped string escaped string Returns a string with Markdown special characters escaped.
Property EscapeMd2 unescaped string escaped string Returns a string with a minimal amount of Markdown special characters escaped. Escape codes.


The FolderSender class supplies methods that copy or move (send) the specified SourceFolder to the specified TargetFolder. Operator action may be required.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method Copy None N/A Copies a folder. The SourceFolder and TargetFolder properties must be specified in advance or else an error will occur. A familiar Windows-native graphical interface appears for sizeable operations or when it is necessary to overwrite existing files or to elevate privileges: Operator action may be required.
Method Move None N/A Moves a folder. The SourceFolder and TargetFolder properties must be specified in advance or else an error will occur. A familiar Windows-native graphical interface appears for sizeable operations or when it is necessary to overwrite existing files or to elevate privileges: Operator action may be required.
Property SourceFolder a string (folder) a string (folder) Required. Sets or gets the source folder for the Copy and Move methods. Relative paths are allowed. Environment variables are allowed. The source folder must exist or an error will occur.
Property TargetFolder a string (folder) a string (folder) Required. Sets or gets the target folder for the Copy and Move methods. Relative paths are allowed (see the CurrentDirectory property). Environment variables are allowed. The target folder will be created if it does not exist. The User Account Control dialog may appear to request permission to create a folder if it is in a location that has restricted write permissions such as %ProgramFiles%.
Property CurrentDirectory a string (folder) a string (folder) Gets or sets the current directory or working directory. Relative paths are allowed. Environment variables are allowed.


Generate a unique GUID
Usage example

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
     Execute .Read( "GUIDGenerator" )
 End With
 InputBox "",, New GUIDGenerator
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Generate None a GUID Returns a unique GUID. Generate is the default property for the class, so the property name is optional. A sample GUID: {928507A9-7958-4E6E-A0B1-C33A5D4D602A}
Method SetUppercase None N/A Configure the Generate property to return uppercase, the default.
Method SetLowercase None N/A Configure the Generate property to return lowercase


HTAApp class
Supports the VBSApp class, providing .hta functionality. Intended for use only within the VBSApp class.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method Sleep an integer N/A Pauses execution of the script or .hta for the specified number of milliseconds.
Method PrepareToSleep None N/A Required before calling the Sleep method when AlwaysPrepareToSleep is False in HTAApp.config.
Property GetFilespec None a string Returns the filespec of the calling .hta file.
Property GetArgs None an array Returns the mshta.exe command line args as an array, including the .hta filespec, which has index 0.


The Includer object helps with dependency management, and can be used in a .wsf, .vbs, or .hta script.

How it works: The Read property returns the contents of a .vbs class file--or any other text file.

Usage example

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
     Execute .Read( "WMIUtility.vbs" ) '.vbs may be omitted
     Execute .Read( "TextStreamer" )
 End With
 Dim wmi : Set wmi = New WMIUtility
 Dim streamer : Set streamer = New TextStreamer 

Relative paths may be used and are relative to the location of the class folder.


Although Windows Script Component (.wsc) files must be registered--unless used with GetObject("script:" & AbsolutePathToWscFile)--right clicking Includer.wsc and selecting Register probably will not work. Instead,

  1. Run the Setup.vbs in the project folder. Or,
  2. Run the following commands in a command window with elevated privileges. The first command applies to 64-bit systems and 32-bit systems. The second command applies only to 64-bit systems.

%SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe <absolute-path-to>\Includer.wsc
%SystemRoot%\SysWow64\regsvr32.exe <absolute-path-to>\Includer.wsc

Alternate registration method.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property GetObj class name An object Returns an object based on the VBScript class with the specified name. Requires a .wsc Windows Script Component file in \class\wsc. The object does not need to be registered, although the VBScripting.Includer (this) object must be registered. See StringFormatter.wsc for an example.
Property LoadObject class name an object Experimental. Returns an object based on a class (.vbs) file located in the project's class folder. The parameter is the class name, which is also the base name of the class .vbs file. Classes having an Init method may need to have the WScript object or the Document object passed in, using the Init method, before calling certain procedures. See the Configurer and VBSApp classes for examples of using an Init method in this way. Experimental. Does not work well when used within a Class block.
Property Read a file the file contents Returns the contents of the specified file, which may be expressed either as an abolute path, or as a relative path relative to the class folder. The file name extension may be omitted for .vbs files.
Property ReadFrom file, path file contents Returns the contents of the specified file, which may be expressed either as an abolute path, or as a relative path relative to the path specified. The file name extension may be omitted for .vbs files.
Property LibraryPath None a folder path Returns the resolved, absolute path of the class folder, which is the reference for relative paths passed to the Read method.


The KeyDeleter class provides a method for deleting a registry key and all of its subkeys.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method DeleteKey root, key N/A Deletes the specified registry key and all of its subkeys. Use one of the root constants for the first parameter.
Property HKCR None &H80000000 Provides a value suitable for the first parameter of the DeleteKey method.
Property HKCU None &H80000001 Provides a value suitable for the first parameter of the DeleteKey method.
Property HKLM None &H80000002 Provides a value suitable for the first parameter of the DeleteKey method.
Property HKU None &H80000003 Provides a value suitable for the first parameter of the DeleteKey method.
Property HKCC None &H80000005 Provides a value suitable for the first parameter of the DeleteKey method.
Property Result None an integer Returns a code indicating the result of the most recent DeleteKey call. Codes can be looked up in WbemErrEnum or WMI Error Constants.
Property Delete a boolean a boolean Gets or sets the boolean that controls whether the key is actually deleted. Default is True. Used for testing.


Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property pi None 3.14159265358979 pi can be generated by the expression 4 * Atn(1).
Property DegRad None pi/180 To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by DegRad.
Property RaDeg None 180/pi To convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by RaDeg. Same as RadDeg. Included for backwards compatibility.
Property RadDeg None 180/pi To convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by RadDeg.
Property e None 2.71828182845905 e can be generated by the expression Exp( 1 ).


The MathFunctions class provides math functions not native to VBScript.
These functions are derived from functions that are native to VBScript: Sin, Cos, Tan, Atn, and Log.

Log is base e. Angles are in radians. Convert from degrees to radians by multiplying by pi/180.
Adapted from Derived Math Functions (Visual Basic). See also the MathConstants class.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property pi None 3.14159265358979 pi can be generated by the expression 4 * Atn(1).
Property DegRad None pi/180 To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by DegRad.
Property RaDeg None 180/pi To convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by RaDeg. Same as RadDeg.
Property RadDeg None 180/pi To convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by RadDeg.
Property e None 2.71828182845905 e can be generated by the expression Exp( 1 ).
Property Sec Angle in radians Secant Sec = 1 / Cos(X)
Property Cosec Angle in radians Cosecant Cosec = 1 / Sin(X)
Property Cotan Angle in radians Cotangent Cotan = 1 / Tan(X)
Property Arcsin A ratio Arcsine Arcsin = Atn(X / Sqr(-X * X + 1))
Property Arccos A ratio Inverse Cosine Arccos = Atn(-X / Sqr(-X * X + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)
Property Arcsec A ratio Inverse Secant Arcsec = Atn(X / Sqr(X * X - 1)) + Sgn((X) -1) * (2 * Atn(1))
Property Arccosec A ratio Inverse Cosecant Arccosec = Atn(X / Sqr(X * X - 1)) + (Sgn(X) - 1) * (2 * Atn(1))
Property Arccotan A ratio Inverse Cotangent Arccotan = Atn(X) + 2 * Atn(1)
Property HSin Hyperbolic angle Hyperbolic Sine HSin = (Exp(X) - Exp(-X)) / 2
Property HCos Hyperbolic angle Hyperbolic Cosine HCos = (Exp(X) + Exp(-X)) / 2
Property HTan Hyperbolic angle Hyperbolic Tangent HTan = (Exp(X) - Exp(-X)) / (Exp(X) + Exp(-X))
Property HSec Hyperbolic angle Hyperbolic Secant HSec = 2 / (Exp(X) + Exp(-X))
Property HCosec Hyperbolic angle Hyperbolic Cosecant HCosec = 2 / (Exp(X) - Exp(-X))
Property HCotan Hyperbolic angle Hyperbolic Cotangent HCotan = (Exp(X) + Exp(-X)) / (Exp(X) - Exp(-X))
Property HArcsin X Inverse Hyperbolic Sine of X HArcsin = Log(X + Sqr(X * X + 1))
Property HArccos X Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine of X HArccos = Log(X + Sqr(X * X - 1))
Property HArctan X Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent of X HArctan = Log((1 + X) / (1 - X)) / 2
Property HArcsec X Inverse Hyperbolic Secant of X HArcsec = Log((Sqr(-X * X + 1) + 1) / X)
Property HArccosec X Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant of X HArccosec = Log((Sgn(X) * Sqr(X * X + 1) +1) / X)
Property HArccotan X Inverse Hyperbolic Cotangent of X HArccotan = Log((X + 1) / (X - 1)) / 2
Property LogN X, N Logarithm of X to base N LogN = Log(X) / Log(N)


The NameValue class has two properties, Name and Value, which can be used, for example, to describe a startup item in the registry Run key. See the StartupItems class.

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
     Execute .Read( "NameValue" )
 End With
 Set obj = New NameValue.Init( "age", 70 )
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Name a variant a variant None
Property Value a variant a variant None
Property Init name, value an object self reference Initializes the object. The Init property returns an object self reference, so an object may be instantiated and initialized in the same statement. See the example. See the code.


The default property of the PrivilegeChecker class, Privileged, returns True if the calling script has elevated privileges.
Usage example

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
     Execute .Read( "PrivilegeChecker" ) 
 End With 
 Dim pc : Set pc = New PrivilegeChecker 
 If pc Then 
     WScript.Echo "Privileges are elevated" 
     WScript.Echo "Privileges are not elevated" 
 End If 


Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Privileged None a boolean Returns True if the calling script is running with elevated privileges, False if not. Privileged is the default property.


Regular Expression functions - a work in progress

Usage example

  With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" )
      Execute .Read( "RegExFunctions" )
  End With
  Dim reg : Set reg = New RegExFunctions
  reg.SetTestString "'Method SetSomething"
  reg.SetPattern "(M).*(od).*(tS)"
  Dim s, submatch, subs : s = ""
  Set subs = reg.GetSubMatches
  For Each submatch In subs
      s = s & " " & submatch
  MsgBox s 'M od tS 
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Pattern wildcard a regex expression Returns a regular expression equivalent to the specified wildcard expression(s). Delimit multiple wildcards with a vertical bar ( | ). See algorithm/ for more comments.
Property re None an object reference Returns a reference to the RegExp object instance.
Method SetPattern a regex pattern N/A Required before calling FirstMatch or GetSubMatches. Sets the pattern of the RegExp object instance.
Method SetTestString a string N/A Required before calling FirstMatch or GetSubMatches. Specifies the string against which the regex pattern will be tested.
Method SetIgnoreCase a boolean N/A Optional. Specifies whether the regex object will ignore case. Default is False.
Method SetGlobal a boolean N/A Optional. Specifies whether the pattern should match all occurrences in the search string or just the first one. Default is False.
Property GetSubMatches None an object Returns the RegExp SubMatches object for the specified pattern and test string. The matches can be accessed with a For Each loop. See general usage comments. Work in progress. You must handle errors in case there are no matches.
Property FirstMatch None a string Regarding the string specified by SetTestString, returns the first substring in the string that matches the regex pattern specified by SetPattern.


Provides functions relating to the Windows® registry

Usage example

  With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
      Execute .Read( "RegistryUtility" ) 
  End With 
  Dim reg : Set reg = New RegistryUtility 
  Dim key : key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" 
  MsgBox reg.GetStringValue( reg.HKLM, key, "ProductName" ) 

Set valueName to vbEmpty or "" (two double quotes) to specify a key's default value.

StdRegProv docs online.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method SetPC a computer name N/A Optional. A dot (.) can be used for the local computer (default), in place of the computer name.
Property Reg None an object Returns a reference to the StdRegProv object.
Property GetStringValue rootKey, subKey, valueName a string Returns the value of the specified registry location. The specified registry entry must be of type string (REG_SZ).
Method SetStringValue rootKey, subKey, valueName, value N/A Writes the specified REG_SZ value to the specified registry location. Writing to HKLM or HKCR requires elevated privileges.
Property GetExpandedStringValue rootKey, subKey, valueName a string Returns the value of the specified registry location. The specified registry entry must be of type REG_EXPAND_SZ.
Method SetExpandedStringValue rootKey, subKey, valueName, value N/A Writes the specified REG_EXPAND_SZ value to the specified registry location. Writing to HKLM or HKCR requires elevated privileges.
Property GetDWordValue rootKey, subKey, valueName an integer Returns the value of the specified registry location. The specified registry entry must be of type REG_DWORD.
Method SetDWordValue rootKey, subKey, valueName, value N/A Writes the specified REG_DWORD value to the specified registry location. Writing to HKLM or HKCR requires elevated privileges.
Property HKLM None &H80000002 Represents HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. For use with the rootKey parameter.
Property HKCU None &H80000001 Represents HKEY_CURRENT_USER. For use with the rootKey parameter.
Property HKCR None &H80000000 Represents HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. For use with the rootKey parameter.
Property GetPC None a string Returns the name of the current computer. . (dot) indicates the local computer.
Property GetRegValueType rootKey, subKey, valueName an integer Returns a registry key value type integer.
Method CreateKey rootKey, subKey N/A Creates the specified subKey and all of it's parent keys, if necessary.
Method EnumValues rootKey, subKey, aNames, aTypes N/A Enumerates the value names and their types for the specified key. The aNames and aTypes parameters are populated with arrays of key value name strings and type integers, respectively. Wraps the StdRegProv EnumValues method, effectively fixing its lonely Default Value bug, except that with HKCR and HKLM, elevated privileges are required or else aNames and aValues may be null if the default value is the only value.
Property REG_SZ None 1 Returns a registry value type constant.
Property REG_EXPAND_SZ None 2 Returns a registry value type constant.
Property REG_BINARY None 3 Returns a registry value type constant.
Property REG_DWORD None 4 Returns a registry value type constant.
Property REG_MULTI_SZ None 7 Returns a registry value type constant.
Property REG_QWORD None 11 Returns a registry value type constant.
Property GetRegValueTypeString rootKey, subKey, valueName a string Returns a registry key value type string suitable for use with WScript.Shell RegWrite method argument #3. That is, one of "REG_SZ", "REG_EXPAND_SZ", "REG_BINARY", or "REG_DWORD".


Class SetupHelper
Supported alternative, experimental, setup scenarios:

  1. The original purpose was to provide custom registration of project Windows Script Component (.wsc) files and VBScript extension .dll files using HKey_Current_User instead of HKey_Local_Machine. For a brief explanation of why this approach was abandoned, see
  2. Another alternate use was for experimental registration of .wsc (Windows Script Component) files when the registration failed after the Windows 10 feature edition 20H2 update on Windows 10 Home edition. The same behavior was not observed on Windows 10 Pro edition, or after the second Windows restart.
    If the calling script is not in the project root folder (recommended), then the ComponentFolder and ConfigFile properties must be set before calling the Setup method, specifying the paths or relative paths to the items. It is suggested that the working directory be set first, so that the other properties can be set with reference to that, without ambiguity. This can be done with the class CurrentDirectory property or by using the WScript.Shell CurrentDirectory property, or by other means.
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method Init None N/A Initialize certain properties, if they have not been already.
Method EnsureValidRegData arr, indexStart, indexStep, indexOffset, pattern N/A Ensure that the registration data to be entered into the registry is valid by raising an error when invalid data is found, which will stop the calling script, provided that the error is not supressed with an 'On Error Resume Next' statement. indexOffset: the integer to add to the current index, i, to get the array index of the partial class progid or partial interface progid.
Method Char2IsUpperCase None N/A If the second char of the partial progid is upper case, then the type is an interface, in which case the validation may be ignored. In this project the interface is compiled into the same .dll as the associated class.
Property HKCU None &H80000001 Returns a value suitable for use with the root parameter of the KeyExists property.
Property HKLM None &H80000002 Returns a value suitable for use with the root parameter of the KeyExists property.


Constants for use with WScript.Shell.Run

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property RunHidden None 0 Window opens hidden.
For use with Run method parameter #2
Property RunNormal None 1 Window opens normal.
For use with Run method parameter #2
Property RunMinimized None 2 Window opens minimized.
For use with Run method parameter #2
Property RunMaximized None 3 Window opens maximized.
For use with Run method parameter #2
Property Synchronous None True Script execution halts and waits for the called process to exit.
For use with Run method parameter #3
Property Asynchronous None False Script execution proceeds without waiting for the called process to exit.
For use with Run method parameter #3


ShellSpecialFolders class

Adapted from ShellSpecialFolderConstants enumeration (shldisp.h): Specifies unique, system-independent values that identify special folders. These folders are frequently used by applications but which may not have the same name or location on any given system. For example, the system folder can be "C:\Windows" on one system and "C:\Winnt" on another.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Path an integer a path Returns the path to a special folder. The parameter is one of the ssf constants. This path is suitable for navigating in Windows Explorer. For ssfCONTROLS, ssfPRINTERS, ssfBITBUCKET, ssfDRIVES, and ssfNETWORK, the return value looks different than a typical path: for ssfDrives it is ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}.
Property AllConstants None an array Returns an array with all of the ssf constants (integers).
Property AllPaths None an array Returns an array with all of the ssf paths.
Property ssfDESKTOP None 0 None
Property ssfPROGRAMS None &h2 None
Property ssfCONTROLS None &h3 Virtual folder that contains icons for the Control Panel applications.
Property ssfPRINTERS None &h4 Virtual folder that contains installed printers.
Property ssfPERSONAL None &h5 File system directory that serves as a common repository for a user's documents. A typical path is C:\Users\username\Documents.
Property ssfFAVORITES None &h6 None
Property ssfSTARTUP None &h7 None
Property ssfRECENT None &h8 None
Property ssfSENDTO None &h9 None
Property ssfBITBUCKET None &ha According to the docs: "Virtual folder that contains the objects in the user's Recycle Bin."
Property ssfSTARTMENU None &hb None
Property ssfDESKTOPDIRECTORY None &h10 According to the docs: "File system directory used to physically store the file objects that are displayed on the desktop. It is not to be confused with the desktop folder itself, which is a virtual folder." A typical path is C:\Users\username\Desktop.
Property ssfDRIVES None &h11 My Computer—the virtual folder that contains everything on the local computer: storage devices, printers, and Control Panel. This folder can also contain mapped network drives.
Property ssfNETWORK None &h12 Network Neighborhood—the virtual folder that represents the root of the network namespace hierarchy.
Property ssfNETHOOD None &h13 A file system folder that contains any link objects in the My Network Places virtual folder. It is not the same as ssfNETWORK, which represents the network namespace root. A typical path is C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts.
Property ssfFONTS None &h14 None
Property ssfTEMPLATES None &h15 None
Property ssfCOMMONSTARTMENU None &h16 None
Property ssfCOMMONPROGRAMS None &h17 None
Property ssfCOMMONSTARTUP None &h18 None
Property ssfCOMMONDESKTOPDIR None &h19 None
Property ssfAPPDATA None &h1a None
Property ssfPRINTHOOD None &h1b None
Property ssfLOCALAPPDATA None &h1c None
Property ssfALTSTARTUP None &h1d None
Property ssfCOMMONALTSTARTUP None &h1e None
Property ssfCOMMONFAVORITES None &h1f None
Property ssfINTERNETCACHE None &h20 None
Property ssfCOOKIES None &h21 None
Property ssfHISTORY None &h22 File system directory that serves as a common repository for Internet history items.
Property ssfCOMMONAPPDATA None &h23 None
Property ssfWINDOWS None &h24 None
Property ssfSYSTEM None &h25 None
Property ssfPROGRAMFILES None &h26 None
Property ssfMYPICTURES None &h27 None
Property ssfPROFILE None &h28 None
Property ssfSYSTEMx86 None &h29 None
Property ssfPROGRAMFILESx86 None &h30 None


An enum and wrapper for WScript.Shell.SpecialFolders
Usage example

     With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
         Execute .Read( "SpecialFolders" ) 
     End With 
     Dim sf : Set sf = New SpecialFolders 
     MsgBox sf.GetPath(sf.AllUsersDesktop) 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop 
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property GetPath a special folder alias a folder path Returns the absolute path of the specified special folder. This is the default property, so the property name is optional.
Property GetAliasList None a string Returns a comma + space delimited list of the aliases of all the special folders.
Property GetAliasArray None an array of strings Returns an array of the aliases of all the special folders.
Property AllUsersDesktop None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property AllUsersStartMenu None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property AllUsersPrograms None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property AllUsersStartup None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property Desktop None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property Favorites None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property Fonts None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property MyDocuments None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property NetHood None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property PrintHood None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property Programs None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property Recent None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property SendTo None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property StartMenu None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property Startup None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name
Property Templates None a string Returns a special folder alias having the exact same characters as the property name


The StartupItems class provides a way to manage the programs that run automatically when Windows is started.

Creating, updating, and deleting operations that affect all users must be performed with elevated privileges or else an error will occur. See comments for the Root property.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Items None a collection Returns a collection of startup item objects, each object having a Name and a Value property: The Value property is the Windows command that starts the program that is identified by the Name property. For 64-bit systems, one of four possible collections may be returned, depending on the values of the Root and Key properties: two of the four collections are for the current user (Root = HKCU, the default) and two are for the local machine or all users (Root = HKLM). There are separate collections for 64-bit programs (Key = StandardBranch, the default) and for 32-bit programs (Key = WowBranch).
Property Item name an object Returns a startup item object corresponding to the specified name. Return value depends on the values of the Root and Key properties. See comments for those properties and for the Items property.
Method CreateItem name, command N/A Creates a new startup item in the registry with the specified name and command. For Root = HKLM, an error will occur if privileges are not elevated. The Root and Key properties both affect where in the registry the item will be created. For 32-bit apps on a 64-bit system, use Key = WowBranch. See comments for the Items property.
Method UpdateItem name, command N/A Same as the CreateItem method.
Method RemoveItem name N/A Same as the DeleteItem method.
Method DeleteItem name N/A Deletes the startup item with the specified name. For Root = HKLM, an error will occur if privileges are not elevated. The Root and Key properties both affect where in the registry the item will be deleted from. For 32-bit apps on a 64-bit system, use Key = WowBranch. See comments for the Items property.
Property Root an integer an integer Together with the Key property, gets or sets the location in the registry where items will be read from, deleted from, or written to by the other properties and methods. The Root value can be specified by the property HKCU or HKLM. Root determines whether items apply to all users (HKLM) or to the current user only (HKCU). Creating, updating, and deleting operations that affect all users must be performed with elevated privileges or else an error will occur.
Property HKLM None an integer Returns &H80000002, an integer suitable for setting the Root property. HKLM corresponds to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, the system-wide all-users registry hive.
Property HKCU None an integer Returns &H80000001, an integer suitable for setting the Root property. HKCU corresponds to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, the registry hive that contains information applicable only to the current user. Note: If the current user is not a member of the Administrators group, then the current user changes when privileges are elevated.
Property Key a string a string Together with the Root property, gets or sets the location in the registry where items will be read from, deleted from, or written to by the other properties and methods. The Key value can be specified by the property StandardBranch (the default) or WowBranch.
Property StandardBranch None a string Returns the string "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", which partially describes a registry location that contains information about which programs start automatically on computer startup. WoWBranch and StandardBranch are the two strings suitable for setting the Key property.
Property WoWBranch None a string Returns the string "Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", which partially describes a registry location that contains information about which programs start automatically on computer startup. WoWBranch is used with 64-bit systems to store paths to 32-bit programs. StandardBranch and WoWBranch are the two strings suitable for setting the Key property.
Method OpenTaskMgr None N/A Opens the Task Manager at the Startup page.


Provides string formatting functions

Three instantiation examples:

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
      Execute .Read( "StringFormatter" ) 
      Dim fm : Set fm = New StringFormatter 
 End With 


 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
      Dim fm : Set fm = .GetObj( "StringFormatter" ) 
 End With 


 Dim fm : Set fm = CreateObject( "VBScripting.StringFormatter" ) 

Usage examples:

 WScript.Echo fm.format(Array("MsgBox ""%s: "" & %s", "Result", -5.1)) 'MsgBox "Result: " & -5.1 
 WScript.Echo fm.pluralize(3, "dog") '3 dogs 
 WScript.Echo fm.pluralize(1, "dog") '1 dog 
 WScript.Echo fm.pluralize(0, "dog") '0 dogs 
 WScript.Echo fm.pluralize(0, "dog") '0 dog 
 WScript.Echo fm.pluralize(1, Split("person people")) '1 person 
 WScript.Echo fm.pluralize(2, Split("person people")) '2 people 
 WScript.Echo fm.pluralize(12, "egg") '12 eggs 
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Format array a string Returns a formatted string. The parameter is an array whose first element contains the pattern of the returned string. The first %s in the pattern is replaced by the next element in the array. The second %s in the pattern is replaced by the next element in the array, and so on. Variant subtypes tested OK with %s include string, integer, and single. Format is the default property for the class, so the property name is optional. If there are too many or too few %s instances, then an error will be raised.
Method SetSurrogate a string N/A Optional. Sets the string that the Format method will replace with the specified array element(s), %s by default.
Property Pluralize count, noun a string Returns a string that may or may not be pluralized, depending on the specified count. If the noun has irregular pluralization, pass in a two-element array: Split("person people"). Otherwise, you may pass in either a singular noun as a string, red herring, or else a two-element array, Split("red herring | red herrings", "|").
Method SetZeroSingular None N/A Optional. Changes the default behavior of considering a count of zero to be plural.
Method SetZeroPlural None N/A Optional. Restores the default behavior of considering a count of zero to be plural.


An ultralight framework for integration tests
Usage example

    With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
        Execute .Read( "VBSValidator" ) 
        Execute .Read( "TestingFramework" ) 
    End With 
    With New TestingFramework 
        .Describe "VBSValidator class" 
            Dim val : Set val = New VBSValidator 'class under test 
        .It "should return False when IsBoolean is given a string" 
            .AssertEqual val.IsBoolean( "sdfjke" ), False 
        .It "should raise an error when EnsureBoolean is given a string" 
            Dim nonBool : nonBool = "a string" 
            On Error Resume Next 
                Dim errDescr : errDescr = Err.Description
                Dim errSrc : errSrc = Err.Source 
            On Error Goto 0 
    End With 

When a test file such as spec\Configurer.spec.wsf is double-clicked in Windows Explorer, the default Windows behavior is to open the script with wscript.exe, but the test requires cscript.exe, so the file is automatically restarted with cscript.exe. By default, the test opens with PowerShell in Windows Terminal, if installed. This behavior may be changed by adding a "shell" key/value pair to class\VBSHoster.configure, overriding the default behavior. Alternatively, a script-specific .configure file can be added; see the Configurer class docs.

See also VBSTestRunner and VBSHoster.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method Describe unit description N/A Sets the description for the unit under test. E.g. .describe "DocGenerator class"
Method It an expectation N/A Sets the specification, a.k.a. spec, which is a description of some expectation to be met by the unit under test. E.g. .it "should return an integer"
Property GetSpec None a string Returns the specification string for the current spec.
Method ShowPendingResult None N/A Flushes any pending results. That is, displays the results of the previous spec. Generally for internal use, but may occasionally be helpful prior to an ad hoc StdOut comment, so that the comment shows up in the output in its proper place.
Method AssertEqual actual, expected N/A Asserts that the specified two variants, of any subtype, are equal.
Method AssertErrorRaised None N/A Asserts that an error should be raised by one or more of the preceeding statements. The statement(s), together with the AssertErrorRaised statement, should be wrapped with an
 On Error Resume Next 
On Error Goto 0
Method DeleteFile a filespec N/A Deletes the specified file. Relative paths and environment variables are allowed.
Method DeleteFiles an array N/A Deletes the specified files. The parameter is an array of filespecs. Relative paths and environment variables are allowed.
Method WriteTempMessage a string N/A Writes a temporary message to the test output that can be, and should be, erased later with the EraseTempMessage method, after some behind the scenes work has been done that does not write to the console. Note: The message will not appear when the test(s) are initiated by the TestRunner class.
Method EraseTempMessage None N/A Erases the message written by the WriteTempMessage method.
Property MessageAppeared caption, seconds, keys a boolean Waits for the specified maximum time (seconds) for a dialog with the specified title-bar text (caption). If the dialog appears, acknowleges it with the specified keystrokes (keys) and returns True. If the time elapses without the dialog appearing, returns False. Note: SendKeys-related features are deprecated.
Method ShowSendKeysWarning None N/A Shows a SendKeys warning: a warning message to not make mouse clicks or key presses. Note: SendKeys-related features are deprecated.
Method CloseSendKeysWarning None N/A Closes the SendKeys warning. Note: SendKeys-related features are deprecated.
Property OnFailString a string a string Optional string that displays when a spec fails. Intended for showing possible causes of the failure.


Open a file as a text stream for reading, writing, or appending.
Methods for use with the text stream that is returned by the Open method:
Reading methods: Read, ReadLine, ReadAll
Writing methods: Write, WriteLine, WriteBlankLines
Reading or Writing methods: Close, Skip, SkipLine
Reading or writing properties: AtEndOfLine, AtEndOfStream, Column, Line

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Open None an object Returns a text stream object according to the specified settings (methods beginning with Set...)
Method SetFile a filespec N/A Specifies the file to be opened by the text streamer. Can include environment variable names. The default file is a random-named .txt file on the desktop.
Method SetFolder a folder N/A Specifies the folder of the file to be opened by the text streamer. Can include environment variables. Default is %UserProfile%\Desktop
Method SetFileName a file name N/A Specifies the file name, including extension, of the file to be opened by the text streamer. Default is a randomly named .txt file.
Method SetForReading None N/A Prepares the text stream to be opened for reading
Method SetForWriting None N/A Prepares the text stream to be opened for writing
Method SetForAppending None N/A Prepares the text stream to be opened for appending (default)
Method SetCreateNew None N/A Allows a new file to be created (default)
Method SetDontCreateNew None N/A Prevents a new file from being created if the file doesn't already exist
Method SetAscii None N/A Sets the expectation that the file will be Ascii (default)
Method SetUnicode None N/A Sets the expectation that the file will be Unicode
Method SetSystemDefault None N/A Uses Ascii or Unicode according to the system default
Method View None N/A Opens the file for viewing
Method CloseViewer None N/A Close the file viewer. From the docs: Use the Terminate method only as a last resort since some applications do not clean up properly. As a general rule, let the process run its course and end on its own. The Terminate method attempts to end a process using the WM_CLOSE message. If that does not work, it kills the process immediately without going through the normal shutdown procedure.
Method SetViewer filespec N/A Sets the filespec of an alternate file viewer to use with the View method.The default viewer is Notepad.
Method Delete None N/A Deletes the streamer file
Method Run None N/A Open/Run the file, assuming it has an executable file extension.
Property GetFile None a filespec Returns the filespec of the file that is open or set to be opened by the text streamer. Environment variables are not expanded.
Property GetFileName None a file name Returns the file name of the file that is open or set to be opened by the text streamer. Environment variables are not expanded.
Property GetFolder None a folder Returns the folder of the file that is open or set to be opened by the text streamer. Environment variables are not expanded.
Property GetCreateMode None a boolean Gets the current CreateMode setting. Returns one of these stream constants: bDontCreateNew or bCreateNew.
Property GetStreamMode None an integer Gets the current StreamMode setting. Returns one of these stream constants: iForReading, iForWriting, iForAppending
Property GetStreamFormat None a tristate boolean Gets the current StreamFormat setting. Returns one of these stream constants: tbAscii, tbUnicode, tbSystemDefault


Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method SetFirstDOW an integer N/A Specifies the first day of the week. Parameter can be one of the VBScript constants vbSunday, vbMonday, ...
Property LetDOWBeAbbreviated a boolean N/A Specifies whether day-of-the-week strings should be abbreviated: Default is False.
Property TwoDigit a number a two-char string Returns a two-char string that may have a leading 0, given a numeric integer/string/variant of length one or two
Property DOW a date a day of the week Returns a day of the week string, e.g. Monday, given a VBS date
Property GetFormattedDay a date a date string Returns a formatted day string; e.g. 2016-09-15-Sat
Property GetFormattedTime a date a date string Returns a formatted 24-hr time string: e.g. 13:38:45 or 00:45:32


VBS function GetValidFileName and associated functions provide for modifying a string to remove characters that are not suitable for use in a Windows® file name.
Usage Example

     With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
         ExecuteGlobal .Read( "ValidFileName" ) 
     End With 
     MsgBox GetValidFileName("test\ing") 'test-ing 

ValidFileName.vbs provides an example of introductory comments in a script that lacks a Class statement: With DocGenerator.vbs, a line beginning with '''' (four single quotes) may be used instead of a Class statement, in order to end the introductory comments section.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property GetValidFileName a file name candidate a valid file name Returns a string suitable for use as a file name: Removes \ / : * ? " < > | %20 # and replaces them with a hyphen/dash (-). Limits length to maxLength value in ValidFileName.config.
Property InvalidWindowsFilenameChars None an array Returns an array of characters that are not allowed in Windows® filenames.
Property InvalidChromeFilenameStrings None an array Returns an array of strings, either one of which if included in the filename of a local .html file, Chrome will not open the file.


VBSApp class
Intended to support identical handling of class procedures by .vbs/.wsf files and .hta files.
This can be useful when writing a class that might be used in both types of "apps".
Four ways to instantiate
For .vbs/.wsf scripts,

 Dim app : Set app = CreateObject( "VBScripting.VBSApp" ) 
 app.Init WScript 

For .hta applications,

 Dim app : Set app = CreateObject( "VBScripting.VBSApp" ) 
 app.Init document 

If the script may be used in .vbs/.wsf scripts or .hta applications

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
     Execute .Read( "VBSApp" ) 
 End With 
 Dim app : Set app = New VBSApp 

Alternate method for both .hta and .vbs/.wsf,

 Set app = CreateObject( "VBScripting.VBSApp" ) 
 If "HTMLDocument" = TypeName(document) Then 
     app.Init document 
 Else app.Init WScript 
 End If 


 'test.vbs "arg one" "arg two" 
 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
     Execute .Read( "VBSApp" ) 
 End With 
 Dim app : Set app = New VBSApp 
 MsgBox app.GetFileName 'test.vbs 
 MsgBox app.GetArg(1) 'arg two 
 MsgBox app.GetArgsCount '2 
 <!-- test.hta "arg one" "arg two" --> 
 <hta:application icon="msdt.exe"> 
     <script language="VBScript"> 
         With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
             Execute .Read( "VBSApp" ) 
         End With 
         Dim app : Set app = New VBSApp 
         MsgBox app.GetFileName 'test.hta 
         MsgBox app.GetArg(1) 'arg two 
         MsgBox app.GetArgsCount '2 
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property GetArgs None array of strings Returns an array of command-line arguments.
Property GetArgsString None a string Returns the command-line arguments string. Can be used when restarting a script for example, in order to retain the original arguments. Arguments are wrapped with double quotes, if they contain spaces or if WrapAll is set to True. The return string has a leading space, by design, unless there are no arguments.
Property GetArg an integer a string Returns the command-line argument having the specified zero-based index.
Property GetArgsCount None an integer Returns the number of arguments.
Property GetFullName None a string Returns the filespec of the calling script or hta.
Property GetFileName None a string Returns the name of the calling script or hta, including the filename extension.
Property GetBaseName None a string Returns the name of the calling script or hta, without the filename extension.
Property GetExtensionName None a string Returns the filename extension of the calling script or hta.
Property GetParentFolderName None a string Returns the folder that contains the calling script or hta.
Property GetExe None a string Returns "mshta.exe" to hta files, and "wscript.exe" or "cscript.exe" to scripts, depending on the host.
Method RestartWith #1: host; #2: switch; #3: elevating N/A Deprecated in favor of the RestartUsing method. Restarts the script/app with the specified host (typically "wscript.exe", "cscript.exe", or "mshta.exe"), retaining the command-line arguments. Uses cmd.exe for the shell. Parameter #2 is a cmd.exe switch, "/k" or "/c". Parameter #3 is a boolean, True if restarting with elevated privileges. If userInteractive, first warns user that the User Account Control dialog will open.
Method RestartUsing #1: host; #2: exit?; #3: elevate? N/A Restarts the script/hta with the specified host, "wscript.exe", "cscript.exe", "mshta.exe", or a full path to one of these, retaining the command-line arguments. Uses pwsh.exe for the shell, if available, or falls back to powershell.exe. Unusual or custom paths for pwsh.exe can be specified in the file .configure in the project root folder. Parameter #2 is a boolean specifying whether the powershell window should exit after completion. Parameter #3 is a boolean, True if restarting with elevated privileges. If userInteractive, first warns user that the User Account Control dialog will open. If it is desired to elevate privileges, and privileges are already elevated, and the desired host is already hosting, then the script does not restart: The calling script or hta does not have to check whether privileges are elevated or explicitly call the Quit method.
Property DoExit None True Suitable for use with the RestartUsing method, argument #2
Property DoNotExit None False Suitable for use with the RestartUsing method, argument #2
Property DoElevate None True Suitable for use with the RestartUsing method, argument #3
Property DoNotElevate None False Suitable for use with the RestartUsing method, argument #3
Method SetUserInteractive boolean N/A Sets userInteractive value. Setting to True can be useful for debugging. Default is True.
Property GetUserInteractive None boolean Returns the userInteractive setting. This setting also may affect the visibility of selected console windows.
Method SetVisibility 0 (hidden) or 1 (normal) N/A Sets the visibility of selected command windows. SetUserInteractive also affects this setting. Default is 1.
Property GetVisibility None 0 (hidden) or 1 (normal) Returns the current visibility setting. SetUserInteractive also affects this setting.
Method Quit None N/A Gracefully closes the hta/script.
Method Sleep an integer N/A Pauses execution of the script or .hta for the specified number of milliseconds.
Property WScriptHost None "wscript.exe" Can be used as an argument for the method RestartWith.
Property CScriptHost None "cscript.exe" Can be used as an argument for the method RestartWith.
Property GetHost None "wscript.exe" or "cscript.exe" or "mshta.exe" Returns the current host. Can be used as an argument for the method RestartWith.


Functions related to VBScript command-line arguments.

Not suitable for use with .hta files. For .hta files, use VBSApp instead.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property GetArgumentsString None a string containing all command-line arguments For use when restarting a script, in order to retain the original arguments. Each argument is wrapped wih quotes, which are stripped off as they are read back in. The return string has a leading space, by design, unless there are no arguments


Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Uniques an array an array Returns an array with no duplicate items, given an array that may have some.
Property RemoveFirstElement an array of strings an array of strings Returns a array without the first element of the specified array.
Property CollectionToArray a collection of strings array of strings Can be used to convert the WScript.Arguments object to an array, for example.


Clipboard procedures

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method SetClipboardText a string N/A Copies the specified string to the clipboard. Uses clip.exe, which shipped with Windows® Vista / Server 2003 through Windows 10.
Property GetClipboardText None a string Returns text from the clipboard


Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Expand a string a string Expands environment variable(s); e.g. convert %UserProfile% to C:\Users\user42
Property Collapse a string a string Collapses a string that may contain one or more substrings that can be shortened to an environment variable.
Method CreateUserVar varName, varValue N/A Create or set a user environment variable
Method SetUserVar varName, varValue N/A Set or create a user environment variable
Property GetUserVar a variable name the variable value Returns the value of the specified user environment variable
Method RemoveUserVar varName N/A Removes a user environment variable
Method CreateProcessVar varName, varValue N/A Create a process variable
Method SetProcessVar varName, varValue N/A Sets or creates a process environment variable
Property GetProcessVar varName the variable value Returns the value of the specified environment variable
Method RemoveProcessVar varName N/A Removes the specified process environment variable
Property GetDefaults None an array Returns an array of common environment variables pre-installed with some versions of Windows®. Not exhaustive.


Logs messages to the Application event log.

Wraps the LogEvent method of the WScript.Shell object.

To see a log entry, type EventVwr at the command prompt to open the Event Viewer, expand Windows Logs, and select Application. The log Source will be WSH. Or you can use the CreateCustomView method to create an entry in the Event Viewer's Custom Views section.

Usage example:

 With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
     Execute .Read( "VBSEventLogger" ) 
 End With 
 Dim logger : Set logger = New VBSEventLogger 
 logger.log logger.INFORMATION, "message 1" 
 logger logger.INFORMATION, "message 2" 
 logger 4, "message 3" 
 logger 1, "error message" 
 logger.CreateCustomView 'create a custom view in the Event Viewer 
 logger.OpenViewer 'open EventVwr.msc 
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method Log eventType, message N/A Adds an event entry to a log file with the specified message. This is the default method, so the method name is optional.
Method CreateCustomView None N/A Creates a Custom View in the Event Viewer, eventvwr.msc, named WSH Logs. The User Account Control dialog will open, in order to confirm elevation of privileges. Based on VBSEventLoggerCustomView.xml.
Method OpenViewer None N/A Opens the Windows® Event Viewer, eventvwr.msc
Property SUCCESS None 0 Returns a value for use as an "eventType" parameter
Property ERROR None 1 Returns a value for use as an "eventType" parameter
Property WARNING None 2 Returns a value for use as an "eventType" parameter
Property INFORMATION None 4 Returns a value for use as an "eventType" parameter
Property AUDIT_SUCCESS None 8 Returns a value for use as an "eventType" parameter
Property AUDIT_FAILURE None 16 Returns a value for use as an "eventType" parameter
Method OpenConfigFolder None N/A Opens the Event Viewer configuration folder, by default "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Event Viewer". The Views subfolder contains the .xml files defining the custom views.
Method OpenLogFolder None N/A Opens the folder with the .evtx files that contain the event logs, by default "%SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs". Application.evtx holds the WSH data.


For extracting a string from a text file, given a regular expression

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method SetPattern a regex pattern N/A Required. Specifies the text to be extracted. Non-regex expressions containing any of the regex special characters ( ) . $ + [ ? \ ^ { | must preceed the special character with a \
Method SetFile filespec N/A Required. Specifies the file to extract text from.
Method SetIgnoreCase a boolean N/A Set whether to ignore case when matching text. Default is False.
Property Extract None a string Returns the first string that matches the specified regex pattern. Returns an empty string if there is no match. Before calling this method, you must specify the file and the pattern: see SetPattern and SetFile.
Property Extract0 None a string Deprecated for not spanning multiple lines. Formerly named Extract. Returns the string that matches the specified regex pattern. Returns an empty string if there is no match. Before calling this method, you must specify the file and the pattern: see SetPattern and SetFile.


General utility functions

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property SBaseName None a file name, no extension Returns the name of the calling script, without the file name extension.
Property SName None a file name Returns the name of the calling script, including file name extension
Property SFullName None a filespec Returns the filespec of the calling script
Property SFolderName None a folder Returns the parent folder of the calling script.
Property MakeFolder a path a boolean Create a folder, and if necessary create also its parent, grandparent, etc. Returns False if the folder could not be created.
Property Parent a folder, file, or registry key the item's parent Returns the parent of the folder or file or registry key, or removes a trailing backslash. The parent need not exist.
Method SetReferencePath a path N/A Optional. Specifies the base path from which relative paths should be referenced. By default, the reference path is the parent folder of the calling script. See also Resolve and ResolveTo.
Property Resolve a relative path a resolved path Resolves a relative path (e.g. "../lib/WMI.vbs"), to an absolute path (e.g. "C:\Users\user42\lib\WMI.vbs"). The relative path is by default relative to the parent folder of the calling script, but this behavior can be changed with SetReferencePath. See also property ResolveTo.
Property ResolveTo relativePath, absolutePath a resolved path Resolves the specified relative path, e.g. "../lib/WMI.vbs", relative to the specified absolute path, and returns the resolved absolute path, e.g. "C:\Users\user42\lib\WMI.vbs". Environment variables are allowed.
Property Expand a string an expanded string Given a string which may contain environment variables, returns the string with environment variable(s) expanded. E.g. %WinDir% => C:\Windows
Method Elevate command, arguments, folder N/A Runs the specified command with elevated privileges, with the specified arguments and working folder
Property FoldersAreTheSame folder1, folder2 a boolean Determines whether the two specified folders are the same. If so, returns True.
Method DeleteFile filespec N/A Deletes the specified file.
Method SetForceDelete boolean N/A Controls the behavior of the DeleteFile method: Specify True to force a file deletion even when the file is read-only. Optional. Default is False.


Manage which script host is hosting the currently running script: cscript.exe or wscript.exe.

Not suitable for .hta scripts. For .hta scripts, use the VBSApp class.

If Windows Terminal is installed, a suggested setting in %LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\settings.json: "windowingBehavior": "useAnyExisting" or "windowingBehavior": "useExisting". The same setting in the Windows Terminal GUI: Settings | Startup | New instance behavior | Attach to the most recently used window (or Attach to the most recently used window on this desktop). This applies to the RestartWith method's default behavior. The RestartWith method is used by the TestingFramework class when a test file is double-clicked in Windows Explorer.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method EnsureCScriptHost None N/A Restart the script hosted with cscript.exe if it isn't already hosted with cscript.exe.
Method SetSwitch /k or /c N/A Optional. Specifies a switch (command-line argument) for %ComSpec% for use with the EnsureCScriptHost method: controls whether the command window, if newly created, remains open (/k). Useful for troubleshooting, in order to be able to read error messages. Unnecessary if starting the script from a console window, because /c is the default. If pwsh or powershell (or wt pwsh, etc.) is the Shell, then the equivalent string is substituted.
Method SetDefaultHostWScript None N/A Sets wscript.exe to be the default script host. If privileges are not already elevated, then the User Account Control dialog will open for permission to elevate privileges.
Method SetDefaultHostCScript None N/A Sets cscript.exe to be the default script host. If privileges are not already elevated, then the User Account Control dialog will open for permission to elevate privileges.
Property GetDefaultHost None a string Returns "wscript.exe" or "cscript.exe", according to which .exe opens .vbs files by default.
Method RestartWith a string: the host .exe N/A Restarts the .vbs or .wsf script with the specified host, "cscript.exe" or "wscript.exe". By default, Windows Terminal will be used, if available. Also by default, pwsh.exe (PowerShell) will be used if available. A custom or unusual pwsh.exe install path can be specified if necessary in the file .configure in the project root folder. Use class/VBSHoster.configure to specify another shell configuration.
shell, cmd
shell, powershell
shell, pwsh
shell, wt cmd
shell, wt pwsh
shell, wt "%ProgramFilesX86%\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe"
shell, %ProgramFilesX86%\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe
This setting can be overridden by the Shell property. See also the RestartUsing method of the VBSApp class.
Property Shell a string a string Gets or sets the shell used when restarting a script (see the RestartWith method). Examples: cmd, powershell, pwsh, wt pwsh. Overrides the shell read from VBSHoster.configure.


A lightweight VBScript logger

     With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
         Execute .Read( "VBSLogger" ) 
     End With 
     Dim log : Set log = New VBSLogger 

Usage method one. This method has the advantage that the log doesn't remain open, allowing other scripts to write to the log.

    log "test one" 

Usage method two. This method has the advantage that the name of the calling script is not written on each line of the log.

    log.Write "test two" 
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method Log a string N/A Opens the log file, writes the specified string, then closes the log file. This is the default method for the VBSLogger class.
Method SetLogFolder a folder path N/A Optional. Customize the log folder. The folder will be created if it does not exist. Environment variables are allowed. See GetDefaultLogFolder.
Method Open None N/A Opens the log file for writing. The log file is opened and remains open for writing. While it is open, other processes/scripts will be unable to write to it.
Method Write a string N/A Writes the specified string to the log file.
Method Close None N/A Closes the log file text stream, enabling other process to write to it.
Method View None N/A Opens the log file for viewing. Notepad is the default editor. See SetViewer.
Method SetViewer a filespec N/A Optional. Customize the program that the View method uses to view log files. Default: Notepad.
Method ViewFolder None N/A Open the log folder
Property WordPad None a filespec Can be used as the argument for the SetViewer method in order to open files with WordPad when the View method is called.
Property GetDefaultLogFolder None a folder Retrieves the default log folder, %AppData%\VBScripting\logs
Property GetLogFilePath None a filespec Retreives the filespec for the log file, with environment variables expanded. Default: <GetDefaultLogFolder>\YYYY-MM-DD-DayOfWeek.txt


Power functions: shutdown, restart, logoff, sleep, and hibernate.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Shutdown None a boolean Shuts down the computer. Returns True if the operation completes with no errors.
Property Restart None a boolean Restarts the computer. Returns True if the operation completes with no errors.
Property Logoff None a boolean Logs off the computer. Returns True if the operation completes with no errors.
Method Sleep None N/A Puts the computer to sleep. Requires PsTools download and PsShutdown.exe to be located somewhere on your %Path%. Recovery from sleep is faster than from hibernation, but uses more power.
Method Hibernate None N/A Puts the computer into hibernation. Will not work if hibernate is disabled in the Control Panel, in which case the EnableHibernation method may be used to reenable hibernation. Hibernate is more power-efficient than sleep, but recovery is slower. If the computer wakes after pressing a key or moving the mouse, then it was sleeping, not in hibernation. Recovery from hibernation typically requires pressing the power button.
Method EnableHibernation None N/A Enables hibernation. The User Account Control dialog will open to request elevated privileges.
Method DisableHibernation None N/A Disables hibernation. The User Account Control dialog will open to request elevated privileges.
Method SetForce a boolean N/A Optional. Setting this to True forces the Shutdown or Restart, discarding unsaved work. Default is False. Logoff always forces apps to close. Windows 10 may force the specified action regardless of this setting.
Method SetDebug a boolean N/A Used for testing. True prevents the computer from actually shutting down, etc., during testing. Default is False.


A timer

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property Split None a rounded number (Single) Returns the seconds elapsed since object instantiation or since calling the Reset method. Split is the default Property.
Method SetPrecision 0, 1, or 2 N/A Sets the number of decimal places to round the Split function return value. Default is 2.
Property GetPrecision None 0, 1, or 2 Returns the current precision.
Method Reset None N/A Sets the timer to zero.


Run a test or group of tests
Usage example

   'run this file from a console window; e.g. cscript //nologo test-launcher.vbs 
    With CreateObject( "VBScripting.Includer" ) 
        Execute .Read( "VBSTestRunner" ) 
    End With 
    With New VBSTestRunner 
        .SetSpecFolder "../spec" 'location of test files relative to test-launcher.vbs 
    End With 

See also TestingFramework.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method Run None N/A Initiate the specified tests
Method SetSpecFolder a folder N/A Optional. Specifies the folder containing the test files. Can be a relative path, relative to the calling script. Default is the parent folder of the calling script.
Method SetSpecPattern wildcard(s) N/A Optional. Specifies which file types to run. Default is *.spec.vbs. Standard wildcard notation with | delimiter.
Method SetSpecFile a file N/A Optional. Specifies a single file to test. Include the filename extension. E.g. SomeClass.spec.vbs. A relative path is OK, relative to the spec folder. If no spec file is specified, all test files matching the specified pattern will be run. See SetSpecPattern.
Method SetSearchSubfolders a boolean N/A Optional. Specifies whether to search subfolders for test files. True or False. Default is False.
Method SetPrecision 0, 1, or 2 N/A Optional. Sets the number of decimal places for reporting the elapsed time. Default is 2.
Method SetRunCount an integer N/A Optional. Sets the number of times to run the test(s). Default is 1.


Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method LogAscii a string N/A Write to the log the Ascii codes for each character in the specified string.


A working example of how validation can be accomplished.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property GetClassName None the class name Returns "VBSValidator". Useful for verifying Err.Source in a test.
Property IsBoolean a boolean candidate a boolean Returns True if the parameter is a boolean subtype; False if not.
Property EnsureBoolean a boolean candidate boolean Raises an error if the parameter is not a boolean. Unless an error is raised, returns the same value passed to it.
Property IsInteger an integer candidate a boolean Returns True if the parameter is an integer subtype; False if not.
Property EnsureInteger an integer candidate integer Raises an error if the parameter is not an integer. Unless an error is raised, returns the same value passed to it.
Property ErrDescrBool None a string " is not a boolean." Useful for verifying Err.Description in a test.
Property ErrDescrInt None a string " is not an integer." Useful for verifying Err.Description in a test.


Pause Windows Updates to get more bandwidth. Don't forget to resume.
For configuration settings, see the .config file in %AppData%\VBScripting that has the same base name as the calling script/hta.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Method PauseUpdates None N/A Pauses Windows Updates.
Method ResumeUpdates None N/A Resumes Windows Updates.
Property GetStatus None a string Returns Metered or Unmetered. If Metered, then Windows Updates has paused to save money, incidentally not soaking up so much bandwidth. If TypeName(GetStatus) = "Empty", then the status could not be determined, possibly due to a bad network name (internal name: profileName).
Property GetAppName None a string Returns the base name of the calling script
Property GetProfileName None a string Returns the name of the network. The name is set by editing the .config file in %AppData%\VBScripting that has the same base name as the calling script/hta.
Property GetServiceType None a string Returns the service type
Method OpenConfigFile None N/A Opens the .config file for editing.


Examples of the Windows Management Instrumentation object.

See Computer System Hardware Classes.

Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property TerminateProcessById process id a boolean Terminates any Windows® process with the specified id. Returns True if the process was found, False if not.
Property TerminateProcessByIdAndName id, name a boolean Terminates a process with the specified id and name. Returns True if the process was found, False if not.
Method TerminateProcessByIdAndNameDelayed id, name, milliseconds N/A Terminates a process with the specified id (integer), name (string, e.g. notepad.exe), and delay (integer: milliseconds), asynchronously.
Property GetProcessIDsByName a process name a boolean Returns an array of the process ids of all processes that have the specified name. The process name is what would appear in the Task Manager's Details tab.
E.g. notepad.exe.
Property GetProcessesWithNamesLike a string like jav% an array of process names None
Property IsRunning a process name a boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether at least one instance of the specified process is running.
E.g. wmi.IsRunning( "notepad.exe" ) 'True or False.
Property partitions None a collection Returns a collection of Win32_DiskPartition objects, each having these properties, among others: Caption, Name, DiskIndex, Index, PrimaryPartition, Bootable, BootPartition, Description, Type, Size, StartingOffset, BlockSize, DeviceID, Access, Availability, ErrorMethodology, HiddenSectors, Purpose, Status.
Property disks None a collection Returns a collection of Win32_LogicalDisk objects, each having these properties, among others: FileSystem, DeviceID.
Property cpu None an object Returns a Win32_Processor object that has these properties, among others: Architecture, Description.
Property CPUs None a collection Returns a collection of Win32_Processor objects, each of which has these properties, among others: Architecture, Description
Property os None an object Returns a Win32_OperatingSystem object having these properties, among others: Name, Version, Manufacturer, WindowsDirectory, Locale, FreePhysicalMemory, TotalVirtualMemorySize, FreeVirtualMemory, SizeStoredInPagingFiles.
Property pc None an object Returns a Win32_ComputerSystem object which has these properties, among others: Name, Manufacturer, Model, CurrentTimeZone, TotalPhysicalMemory.
Property Bios None an object Returns a Win32_BIOS object which has a Version property, among others.
Property Battery None an object Returns a Win32_Battery object, which has these properties, among others: BatteryStatus, EstimatedChargeRemaining.


Provides an object whose default property, isWoW, returns a boolean indicating whether the calling script was itself called by a SysWoW64 (32-bit) .exe file. WoW64 stands for Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit.

How it works: .exe files in %SystemRoot%\System32 and %SystemRoot%\SysWoW64 are compared by size or checksum. If the files are the same, then the calling script is assumed to be running in a 32-bit process.

Usage examples

 MsgBox New WoWChecker.BySize.isWoW 
 MsgBox New WoWChecker.isWoW 
 With New WoWChecker : .BySize : MsgBox .isWoW : End With 
 With New WoWChecker.BySize : MsgBox .isWoW : End With 
 MsgBox New WoWChecker 
Member type Name Parameter Returns Comment
Property OSIs64Bit None a boolean Returns a boolean that indicates whether the Windows OS is 64-bit.
Property isWoW None a boolean Returns a boolean that indicates whether the calling script was itself called by a SysWoW64 (32-bit) .exe file. This is the class default property.
Property isSysWoW64 None a boolean Wraps isWoW: Same as calling isWoW.
Property isSystem32 None a boolean Returns the opposite of isSysWoW64
Property BySize None an object self reference Optional. Specifies that the .exe files will be compared by size. BySize will not distinguish between the 32- and 64-bit .exe files if they are the same size, which is unlikely but possible. ByCheckSum is therefore more reliable.
Property ByCheckSum None an object self reference Selected by default. Specifies that the .exe files will be compared by checksum. ByCheckSum uses CertUtil, which ships with Windows® 7 through 10, and can be manually installed on older versions.
Property File None a string Optional. Sets or gets the name of the file used in comparisons. A file by this name must be found in both %SystemRoot%\System32 and %SystemRoot%\SysWoW64. The default is cmd.exe.