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This extension adds read-only REST API to your Ghidra project.


Download prebuilt package from the Releases section. Select release which matches your Ghidra version. Then in main Ghidra window:

  1. Select File -> Install Extensions.
  2. Press the green plus button.
  3. Select downloaded ZIP.
  4. Restart Ghidra.


After installing this extension enable the RestApiPlugin in the Miscellaneous plugins configuration window. Then after opening program select Start Rest API Server from the Tools menu bar. The server will start on port 18489. The port currently can only be changed by setting GHIDRA_REST_API_PORT environment variable.

The following endpoints are available:

  • GET /v1/bookmarks - return all bookmarks from the current Program.
  • GET /v1/memory-blocks - return all memory blocks from the current Program.
  • GET /v1/memory?address={addressString}&length={length} - return memory of the current Program.
  • GET /v1/relocations - return all relocations from the current Program.
  • GET /v1/functions - return all functions from the current Program.
  • GET /v1/symbols - return all symbols from the current Program.
  • GET /v1/types - return all types used in the current Program.

If you have some usecase which requires access to other Program data then feel free to open issue describing what is needed.


GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR environment variable must be set to Ghidra root installation directory.

  • ./gradlew buildExtension - build extension, this will create a zip file in the dist directory.

The following commands require GHIDRA_USER_DIR environment variable, it must be set to your Ghidra user directory, for example: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\ghidra\ghidra_11.1_PUBLIC.

  • ./gradlew ghidraInstall - build and install into Ghidra user directory (contents of $GHIDRA_USER_DIR/Extensions/ghidra-rest-api will be overwritten).
  • ./gradlew ghidraInstallThenRun - run ghidraInstall task then start Ghidra, useful for development.
  • ./gradlew ghidraInstallThenDebug - run ghidraInstall task then start Ghidra in debug mode, useful for development.


Licensed under Apache License 2.0.