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The complex chat solution for modern applications

Swift description

Designed for SvelteKit applications chat which offers your clients top-level chat experiences and full power to administrate for your management team

Installation (as always - for npm)

$ npm i svelte-chat


  1. SvelteKit app,
  2. MongoDB configured on port 27017


Expandable - open to see

For clients app

  • Chat interaction on page content background
  • Svelte-Chat Imteraction element
  • Empty Chat List
  • Empty chat list
  • Chat lists with some
  • Chat list with some chats
  • Particular selected chat
  • Chat message bubles

For admins app

  • Activiteies required to be an admin and stop
    • Signup
    • Signin
    • Logout
  • Admin Panel
    • Empty one
    • One with open cases
  • Chat conversation
    • Messages and task/send-bar
    • Chat Management Menu

Three to use steps - is really straight forward

1st: Use svelteChatPlugin which embedds all source functionalities (with administration included)

// vite.config.{js,ts}
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
// Import plugin from module
import { svelteChatPlugin } from "svelte-chat"

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [sveltekit(), svelteChatPlugin()]

2nd: Attach client interaction button to your SvelteKit App. Like below or similary:

// Route: /src/routes/+layout.svelte
    import { SvelteChatButton } from "svelte-chat";


3rd: Connect configuration with your client-side app. This can be done generally by 2 ways:

  1. Use our load function which pass all configuration for client side by itself:
// This can be any server side SvelteKit load spot file like: +layout.server.ts located in scope where 'SvelteChatButton' is used
// -> 1st: When you just made +layout.server.ts/+page.server.ts file
import { svelteLoadLayout } from "svelte-chat";

// This load automatically
export const load = svelteLoadLayout;

// -> 2nd: When you already have +layout.server.ts/+page.server.ts file
import { svelteLoadLayout } from "svelte-chat";

// This load autmoatically
export const load = () => {
    const math = 1 * 1 * 0;

    return {
  1. Enter configuration to <SvelteChatButton/> initialization component target:
    import { SvelteChatButton } from "svelte-chat";


<!-- Port 10501 is a default port for server communication. When you setup other port, pass here -->
<SvelteChatButton lexConfig={{port: 10501}}/>
  • As you saw this is not to far complicated. But you should be couscious side effects which happens here:
    • When you skip any step application won't be work
    • In 1st config option from 3rd step, default config is load automatically same as fine tuned user configuration [more about bellow]
    • In 2nd config option from 3rd step, when you pass wrong port you will see an error into client side Debug Tool, so you must match-up correctly
Congrats. You have got configured basically your svelte-chat

Fine grainded configuration

Fine grained configuartion covers for moment ports configuration for: basic, admin apps and all these optionally and separately.
Config you pass as JSON content for your Device Environment Variables.

Configuration JSON Overlay:

    /* Admin app - Where serves app under whose you can manage clien cases */
    "admin_server": {
        "port": 10502
    /* App communcation - so where your client-side will be call, to get and send informations */
    "server": {
        "port": 10501

Ok, So when we defined what you can configure, to make this work and end fine-grained configuration you must pass such short config to device environment varaible SVELTE_CHAT

Other worth informations

  1. Default Admin App port is 10502,
  2. Default App communcation port is 10501,
  3. Server side work as a vite plugin,
  4. To store all datas we use MongoDB local database on default port 27017


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All what you should know about Copyrights is that all code base is under GPLv3

Made with ❤️ by kotekpsotek


Complex chat solution for modern app. Free to use!







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