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Offline Policy Comparison with Confidence (opcc)

It's a benchmark comprising "policy comparison queries"(pcq) to evaluate uncertainty estimation in offline reinforcement learning.

Research Paper:


Python package License codecov Code style: black


1. Setup Mujoco

  • Download mujoco 210 and unzip in ~/.mujoco
  • Add following to .consolerc/.zshrc and source it.
    export MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH=$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco210/
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin

    (You can also refer here for step-by-step instructions on mujoco installation)

2. Setup Python 3.7+ and optionally(recommended) create a virtualenv (refer here)

3. Python package and dependencies could be installed using:

pip3 install --upgrade 'pip<=23.0.1'
pip3 install --upgrade 'setuptools<=66'
pip3 install --upgrade 'wheel<=0.38.4'
pip3 install git+

4. Install Pytorch [>= 1.8.0]



import opcc
import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics

env_name = 'HalfCheetah-v2'
dataset_name = 'random'

# ########################################################
# Policy Comparison Queries (PCQ) (Section : 3.1 in paper)
# ########################################################
# Queries are dictionaries with policies as keys and
# corresponding queries as values.
queries = opcc.get_queries(env_name)

def random_predictor(obs_a, obs_b, action_a, action_b,
                     policy_a, policy_b, horizon):
    answer = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=len(obs_a)).tolist()
    confidence = np.random.rand(len(obs_a)).tolist()
    return answer, confidence

targets = []
predictions = []
confidences = []
# Batch iteration through Queries :
for (policy_a_id, policy_b_id), query_batch in queries.items():
    # retrieve policies
    policy_a, _ = opcc.get_policy(*policy_a_id)
    policy_b, _ = opcc.get_policy(*policy_b_id)

    # query-a
    obs_a = query_batch['obs_a']
    action_a = query_batch['action_a']

    # query-b
    obs_b = query_batch['obs_b']
    action_b = query_batch['action_b']

    # horizon for policy evaluation
    horizon = query_batch['horizon']

    # ground truth binary vector:
    # (Q(obs_a, action_a, policy_a, horizon)
    # <  Q(obs_b, action_b, policy_b, horizon))
    target = query_batch['target'].tolist()
    targets += target

    # Let's make predictions for the given queries.
    # One can use any mechanism to predict the corresponding
    # answer to queries, and we simply use a random predictor
    # over here for demonstration purposes
    p, c = random_predictor(obs_a, obs_b, action_a, action_b,
                            policy_a, policy_b, horizon)
    predictions += p
    confidences += c

Evaluation Metrics:

# #########################################
# (Section 3.3 in paper)
# #########################################
loss = np.logical_xor(predictions, targets)  # we use 0-1 loss for demo

# List of tuples (coverage, selective_risks, tau)
coverage_sr_tau = []
for tau in np.arange(0, 1 + 2 * tau_interval, tau_interval):
  non_abstain_filter = confidences >= tau
  if any(non_abstain_filter):
    selective_risk = np.sum(loss[non_abstain_filter])
    selective_risk /= np.sum(non_abstain_filter)
    coverage = np.mean(non_abstain_filter)
    coverage_sr_tau.append((coverage, selective_risk, tau))
    # 0 risk for 0 coverage
    coverage_sr_tau.append((0, 0, tau))

coverages, selective_risks, taus = list(zip(*sorted(coverage_sr_tau)))
assert selective_risks[0] == 0 and coverages[0] == 0 , "no coverage not found"
assert coverages[-1] == 1, 'complete coverage not found'

# AURCC ( Area Under Risk-Coverage Curve): Ideally, we would like it to be 0
aurcc = metrics.auc(x=coverages,y=selective_risks)

# Reverse-pair-proportion
rpp = np.logical_and(np.expand_dims(loss, 1)
                     < np.expand_dims(loss, 1).transpose(),
                     np.expand_dims(confidences, 1)
                     < np.expand_dims(confidences, 1).transpose()).mean()

# Coverage Resolution (cr_k) : Ideally, we would like it to be 1
k = 10
bins = [_ for _ in np.arange(0, 1, 1 / k)]
cr_k = np.unique(np.digitize(coverages, bins)).size / len(bins)

print("aurcc: {}, rpp: {}, cr_{}:{}".format(aurcc, rpp, k, cr_k))


# ###########################################
# Datasets: (Section 4 in paper - step (1) )
# ###########################################

import opcc

env_name = 'HalfCheetah-v2'

# list all dataset names corresponding to an env
dataset_names = opcc.get_dataset_names(env_name)

dataset_name = 'random'
# This is a very-slim wrapper over D4RL datasets.
dataset = opcc.get_qlearning_dataset(env_name, dataset_name)

Policy Usage:

import opcc, gym, torch

env_name = "HalfCheetah-v2"
model, model_info = opcc.get_policy(env_name, pre_trained=1)

done = False
env = gym.make(env_name)

obs = env.reset()
while not done:
    action = model(torch.tensor(obs).unsqueeze(0))
    action =[0].astype('float32')
    obs, reward, done, step_info = env.step(action)

Benchmark Information

  • We borrow dataset's from D4RL
  • Queries can be visualized HERE
  • Baselines can be found here HERE

🔅 d4rl:maze2d



Environment Name Datasets Query-Count
d4rl:maze2d-open-v0 1k, 10k, 100k, 1m 1500
d4rl:maze2d-medium-v1 1k, 10k, 100k, 1m 1500
d4rl:maze2d-umaze-v1 1k, 10k, 100k, 1m 1500
d4rl:maze2d-large-v1 1k, 10k, 100k, 1m 121*

Pre-trained policy performance:

Environment Name pre_trained=1 (best) pre_trained=2 pre_trained=3 pre_trained=4 (worst)
d4rl:maze2d-open-v0 122.2±10.61 104.9±22.19 18.05±14.85 4.85±8.62
d4rl:maze2d-medium-v1 245.55±272.75 203.75±252.61 256.65±260.16 258.55±262.81
d4rl:maze2d-umaze-v1 235.5±35.45 197.75±58.21 23.4±73.24 3.2±9.65
d4rl:maze2d-large-v1 231.35±268.37 160.8±201.97 50.65±76.94 9.95±9.95

🔅 mujoco(gym)

mujoco-halfcheetah mujoco-hopper mujoco-walker2d


Environment Name Datasets Query-Count
HalfCheetah-v2 random, expert, medium, medium-replay, medium-expert 1500
Hopper-v2 random, expert, medium, medium-replay, medium-expert 1500
Walker2d-v2 random, expert, medium, medium-replay, medium-expert 1500

Pre-trained Policy performance:

Environment Name pre_trained=1 (best) pre_trained=2 pre_trained=3 pre_trained=4 (worst)
HalfCheetah-v2 1169.13±80.45 1044.39±112.61 785.88±303.59 94.79±40.88
Hopper-v2 1995.84±794.71 1466.71±497.1 1832.43±560.86 236.51±1.09
Walker2d-v2 2506.9±689.45 811.28±321.66 387.01±42.82 162.7±102.14

Testing Package:

  • Install : pip install -e ".[test]"
  • Run: pytest -v
  • Testing is computationally expensive as we validate ground truth value estimates and corresponding labels. These can be disabled by setting following flags:
    export SKIP_QUERY_TARGET_TESTS=1 # disable target estimation and label validation  
    export SKIP_Q_LEARNING_DATASET_TEST=1  # disable test for checking dataset existence
    export SKIP_SEQUENCE_DATASET_TEST=1 # disables test for checking sequence dataset


  • Install : pip install -e ".[all]"
  • Generate-Queries:
    % Mujoco (Gym) Environment
    python scripts/ --env-name HalfCheetah-v2 --horizons 10 20 30 40 50 --policy-ids 1 2 3 4 --noise 0.1 --eval-runs 10 --ignore-delta-per-horizons 10 10 10 10 10 --max-trans-count 2000 --ignore-stuck-count 1000 --save-prob 0.6 --per-policy-comb-query 250 --use-wandb
    python scripts/ --env-name Hopper-v2 --horizons 10 20 30 40 50 --policy-ids 1 2 3 4 --noise 0.1 --eval-runs 10 --ignore-delta-per-horizons 10 10 10 10 10 --max-trans-count 2000 --ignore-stuck-count 1000 --save-prob 0.6 --per-policy-comb-query 250 --use-wandb
    python scripts/ --env-name Walker2d-v2 --horizons 10 20 30 40 50 --policy-ids 1 2 3 4 --noise 0.1 --eval-runs 10 --ignore-delta-per-horizons 10 10 10 10 10 --max-trans-count 2000 --ignore-stuck-count 1000 --save-prob 0.6 --per-policy-comb-query 250 --use-wandb
    % Maze Environment
    python scripts/ --env-name d4rl:maze2d-large-v1 --horizons 10 20 30 40 50 --policy-ids 1 2 3 4 --noise 0.2 --eval-runs 10 --ignore-delta-per-horizons 10 10 10 10 10 --max-trans-count 2000 --ignore-stuck-count 1000 --save-prob 0.6 --per-policy-comb-query 250 --use-wandb
    python scripts/ --env-name d4rl:maze2d-umaze-v1 --horizons 10 20 30 40 50 --policy-ids 1 2 3 4 --noise 0.2 --eval-runs 10 --ignore-delta-per-horizons 10 10 10 10 10 --max-trans-count 2000 --ignore-stuck-count 1000 --save-prob 0.6 --per-policy-comb-query 250 --use-wandb
    python scripts/ --env-name d4rl:maze2d-medium-v1 --horizons 10 20 30 40 50 --policy-ids 1 2 3 4 --noise 0.2 --eval-runs 10 --ignore-delta-per-horizons 10 10 10 10 10 --max-trans-count 2000 --ignore-stuck-count 1000 --save-prob 0.6 --per-policy-comb-query 250 --use-wandb
    python scripts/ --env-name d4rl:maze2d-open-v0 --horizons 10 20 30 40 50 --policy-ids 1 2 3 4 --noise 0.5 --eval-runs 10 --ignore-delta-per-horizons 10 10 10 10 10 --max-trans-count 2000 --ignore-stuck-count 1000 --save-prob 0.6 --per-policy-comb-query 250 --use-wandb
  • Generate policy performance stats for readme:
    python scripts/ --all-envs


If you have any questions or suggestions , please open an issue on this GitHub repository.