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Releases: kovzol/aris

2.2-28092023 Built with Qt 6.2.4 (Linux)

28 Sep 11:04
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This version is a snapshot of Saksham Attri's contribution, programmed for the Google Summer of Code 2023 project. It contains an AppImage bundle that can be run on most recent Linux systems.


15 Apr 09:32
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This release improves usability by arranging the windows close to each other. Also, the virtual keyboard can be switched on or off (also by using a shortcut). The improvements were made by Saksham Attri.


24 Nov 10:39
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This is a maintenance release that was built on a recent MSYS2/MINGW64 system for 64-bit Windows systems.

Unzip the bundle and start aris.exe in the bin/ folder.
Some entries in the Help menu may not work.

Known issues: #4 and #5.


09 Apr 07:10
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This is a bugfix release that adds the virtual keyboard also when a file is loaded.

The MSYS2/MINGW64 system was used to build Aris for 64-bit Windows systems.

Unzip the bundle and start aris.exe in the bin/ folder.
Some entries in the Help menu may not work.

Update (version "b"): Two files were missing from the former .zip file (in the folder share/glib-2.0/schemas). The new version includes these files now. Formerly, an attempt to save a file caused the program to exit immediately.


06 Apr 19:24
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This release adds a virtual keyboard that helps entering logical operators and quantifiers, implemented by Alexander Thaller.

The MSYS2/MINGW64 system was used to build Aris for 64-bit Windows systems.

Unzip the bundle and start aris.exe in the bin/ folder.
Some entries in the Help menu may not work.


22 Feb 18:46
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This is a modern binary release without any modification on the source code.
The MSYS2/MINGW64 system was used to build Aris for 64-bit Windows systems.

Unzip the bundle and start aris.exe in the bin/ folder.
Some entries in the Help menu may not work.