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This package implements map from integer key to values. Data structure can be used as persistent array. Implementation is based on article about patricia trees and on existing Haskell implementation from containers package. Dependent types can help to ensure some invariants for data structure.

REPL examples

λΠ> the (Int32Map String) $ insert 3 "a" Empty
Leaf (MkBits 3) "a" : IntBitMap 32 String

λΠ> the (Int32Map String) $ delete 3 $ insert 3 "a" Empty
Empty : IntBitMap 32 String

λΠ> the (Int32Map String) $ insert 2 "c" $ insert 4 "b" $ insert 3 "a" Empty
Bin (MkBits 3)
    (FS (FS FZ))
    (Bin (MkBits 2) FZ (Leaf (MkBits 2) "c") (Leaf (MkBits 3) "a"))
    (Leaf (MkBits 4) "b") : IntBitMap 32 String

λΠ> toList $ the (IntBitMap 32 String) $ insert 2 "c" $ insert 4 "b" $ insert 3 "a" Empty
["c", "a", "b"] : List String

How to build


Just run this command to build project and run tests.

nix-shell -A idris-patricia --command "bash && idris --testpkg patricia-nix.ipkg --idrispath dependencies/specdris/src"


  1. Install specdris following instructions from repository.
  2. Run idris --testpkg patricia.ipkg.