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kowey committed Jul 21, 2015
1 parent 6bce3f3 commit 1e72b73
Showing 1 changed file with 23 additions and 27 deletions.
50 changes: 23 additions & 27 deletions Main.hs
Expand Up @@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ module Main (main)

-- for command line options and time
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getEnv, getProgName)
import System.Time
import Opts
import System.IO
-- for exiting
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess), exitWith)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import Text.Printf
-- for parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ import Control.Exception
import qualified System.IO.UTF8 as U

import System.FilePath ( takeDirectory, isAbsolute )
import System.Environment ( getEnv )

main :: IO ()
main = do
Expand All @@ -75,13 +74,13 @@ main = do
let version = findFlag Version ol
if needHelp then do
hPutStr stderr (help pname)
exitWith ExitSuccess
if version then do
hPutStr stderr findVersion
exitWith ExitSuccess
else do
curdir <- getEnv ("PWD")
curdir <- getEnv "PWD"
let outputfile = findName "output" ol
inputfile = findName "input" ol
mode = findMode ol
Expand All @@ -93,71 +92,68 @@ main = do
realOut = case outputfile of Left _ -> "stdout"
Right f -> f
time <- getClockTime
input <- if (option == "tulipa" && (not recodeLatin1)) then U.readFile file
input <- if option == "tulipa" && not recodeLatin1 then U.readFile file
else readFile file
case mode of 'L' -> convertLex dir verbose pname option file input realOut time
'M' -> convertMorph dir verbose pname option file input realOut time
_ -> error "unknown mode, either -L or -M must be set. Please use option -h."
case verbose of True -> hPutStr stderr "Done\n"
False -> exitWith ExitSuccess
exitWith ExitSuccess
when verbose $ hPutStrLn stderr "Done"

toAbsolutePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
toAbsolutePath _ "" = ""
toAbsolutePath parent path =
if (isAbsolute path) then path else parent ++ "/" ++ path
if isAbsolute path then path else parent ++ "/" ++ path

parseInclude :: Parser ([Char], SourcePos, [String]) -> FilePath -> String -> ([Char], SourcePos, [String])
parseInclude p fileName input = case (parse p fileName input) of
Left err -> ([],initialPos fileName,[(show err)])
Left err -> ([],initialPos fileName,[show err])
Right x -> x

parseIncluded :: Parser [a] -> [String] -> [[Char]] -> [a]
parseIncluded p fileNames fileContents =
let parser pa file content = case (parse pa file content) of
let parser pa file content = case parse pa file content of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right x -> x
in concat (zipWith (parser p) fileNames fileContents)

parseLexicon :: ([Char] -> SourcePos -> Parser a) -> [Char] -> SourcePos -> FilePath -> a
parseLexicon p suite pos fileName =
let parser = (p suite pos)
let parser = p suite pos
in case (parse parser fileName suite) of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right x -> x
Left err -> error (show err)
Right x -> x

printList :: Show a => [a] -> IO ()
printList = mapM_ (hPrint stderr)

convertLex :: String -> Bool -> String -> String -> String -> String -> FilePath -> ClockTime -> IO() --Handle -> ClockTime -> IO()
convertLex dir verbose pname option file input ohandle time =
let (suite,pos,files) = (parseInclude parserHeader file input)
contents <- mapM (readFile.(toAbsolutePath dir)) files
convertLex dir verbose pname option file input ohandle time = do
let (suite, pos, files) = parseInclude parserHeader file input
contents <- mapM (readFile . toAbsolutePath dir) files
let semMac = (parseIncluded macros files contents)
--if verbose then printList semMac else hPrintf stderr "%s" ""
let lexicon = (parseLexicon parserSuite suite pos file)
--if verbose then printList lexicon else hPrintf stderr "%s" ""
let realLexicon = if semMac /= [] then (evalueSemLex lexicon (macrosToDict semMac))
let realLexicon = if semMac /= [] then evalueSemLex lexicon (macrosToDict semMac)
else lexicon
if verbose then printList realLexicon else hPrintf stderr "%s" ""
let printers = prettyLPrinters Dict.! option
reslex = ((lheader printers) time pname)++((lcontent printers) realLexicon time file "trees.xml" "lemma.xml" "lexicon.xml")
reslex = lheader printers time pname ++ lcontent printers realLexicon time file "trees.xml" "lemma.xml" "lexicon.xml"
--hPutStr ohandle reslex
writeFileFor option ohandle reslex

convertMorph :: String -> Bool -> String -> String -> String -> String -> FilePath -> ClockTime -> IO() --Handle -> ClockTime -> IO ()
convertMorph dir verbose pname option file input ohandle time =
let (suite,pos,files) = (parseInclude morphParserHeader file input)
contents <- mapM (readFile.(toAbsolutePath dir)) files
convertMorph dir verbose pname option file input ohandle time = do
let (suite, pos, files) = parseInclude morphParserHeader file input
contents <- mapM (readFile . toAbsolutePath dir) files
let inclu = (parseIncluded included files contents)
lexicon = (parseLexicon morphParserSuite suite pos file)
realLexicon = (inclu++lexicon)
Expand All @@ -166,7 +162,7 @@ convertMorph dir verbose pname option file input ohandle time =
if option == "geni" then throwIO (RecSelError "Morphological lexicon -> no printer available yet for the geni format")
let printers = prettyMPrinters Dict.! option
reslex = ((mheader printers) time pname)++((mcontent printers) realLexicon time file "trees.xml" "lemma.xml" "lexicon.xml")
reslex = mheader printers time pname ++ mcontent printers realLexicon time file "trees.xml" "lemma.xml" "lexicon.xml"
in --hPutStr ohandle reslex
writeFileFor option ohandle reslex

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