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Koyeb Deploy GitHub Action

This action builds and deploys an application from a GitHub repository to Koyeb.


Before you can use the Koyeb Deploy Action, you first need to install and configure the Koyeb CLI.

- name: Install and configure the Koyeb CLI
  uses: koyeb-community/install-koyeb-cli@v2
    api_token: "${{ secrets.KOYEB_API_TOKEN }}"

Make sure to set the KOYEB_API_TOKEN secret in your repository. To generate a Koyeb token, go to the API access tokens settings in the Koyeb control panel.

After the step that installs the Koyeb CLI, add the following step to your workflow:

- name: Build and deploy the application to Koyeb
  uses: koyeb/action-git-deploy@v1
    service-env: "PORT=8000"
    service-ports: "8000:http"
    service-routes: "/:8000"

The service-env, service-ports, and service-routes parameters are optional, but should match the needs of your application. The defaults provided are unlikely to work for most applications.

Optional Parameters

The following optional parameters can be added to the with block:

Name Description Default Value
app-name The name of the application <repo>-<branch>
service-name Name of the Koyeb service to be created ${{ github.ref_name }}
service-type Type of service to create ("web" or "worker") web
build-timeout Number of seconds to wait for the build before timing out and failing 900 (15 min)
healthy-timeout Number of seconds to wait for the service to become healthy before timing out and failing 900 (15 min)
service-env A comma-separated list of KEY=value pairs to set environment variables for the service No env
service-instance-type The type of instance to use to run the service nano
service-regions A comma-separated list of region identifiers to specify where the service should be deployed fra
service-ports A comma-separated list of port:protocol pairs to specify the ports and protocols to expose for the service 80:http
service-routes A comma-separated list of <path>:<port> pairs to specify the routes to expose for the service /:80
service-checks A comma-separated list of <port>:http:<path> or <port>:tcp pairs to specify the healthchecks for the service No healthchecks
privileged Whether to run the service in privileged mode false
skip-cache Whether skip the cache when building the service false

If you want to deploy a GitHub repository, you can also add the following parameters:

Name Description Default Value
git-url The URL of the GitHub repository to build<organization>/<repo>
git-workdir Directory inside the repository to clone Empty string, which represents the root directory
git-branch The Git branch to deploy ${{ github.ref_name }}
git-sha The Git SHA to deploy Empty string, which represents the latest commit of the branch

If you want your GitHub repository to use the default buildpack builder, set the parameter git-builder to buildpack. You can also add:

Name Description Default Value
git-build-command Command to build the application Empty string
git-run-command Command to run the application Empty string

If instead you want your GitHub repository to use the docker builder, set the parameter git-builder to docker. You can also add:

Name Description Default Value Example
git-docker-command Docker CMD Empty string 'nginx -g \"daemon off;\"'
git-docker-dockerfile Dockerfile to build Dockerfile
git-docker-entrypoint Docker ENTRYPOINT Empty string /
git-docker-target Docker target to build Empty string

If you want to deploy a Docker image and not a GitHub repository, you can set the following parameters:

Name Description Default Value Example
docker The docker image to deploy Empty string
docker-entrypoint Docker ENTRYPOINT Empty string 'nginx -g \"daemon off;\"'
docker-command Docker CMD Empty string /
docker-private-registry-secret Secret to authenticate to the private registry Empty string

Example: deploying a service to Koyeb

name: Deploy to Koyeb

      - '*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      group: "${{ github.ref_name }}"
      cancel-in-progress: true
      - name: Install and configure the Koyeb CLI
        uses: koyeb-community/install-koyeb-cli@v2
          api_token: "${{ secrets.KOYEB_API_TOKEN }}"

      - name: Build and deploy the application to Koyeb
        uses: koyeb/action-git-deploy@v1
          app-name: my-koyeb-app
          service-name: my-koyeb-service
          service-env: FOO=bar,BAZ=qux
          service-ports: "80:http,8080:http"
          service-routes: "/api:80,/docs:8080"
          service-checks: "8000:http:/,8001:tcp"

Use secrets

Previously, we showed how to configure environment variables for your projects. For secrets variables, you can first create a Koyeb secret with the action-git-deploy/secret action:

- name: Create application secret
  uses: koyeb/action-git-deploy/secret@v1
    secret-name: MY_SECRET
    secret-value: "${{ secrets.DATABASE_URL }}"

Afterwards, you can use this secret as an environment variable for your service:

- name: Build and deploy the application to Koyeb
  uses: koyeb/action-git-deploy@v1
    service-env: ENV_VAR=@MY_SECRET

Cleaning up Services

After deploying a service to Koyeb, you may want to remove it when it is no longer needed. To do this, you can use the koyeb/action-git-deploy/cleanup action. Here's an example of how to use this action:

- name: Install and configure the Koyeb CLI
  uses: koyeb-community/install-koyeb-cli@v2
    api_token: "${{ secrets.KOYEB_API_TOKEN }}"

- name: Clean up Koyeb Service
  uses: koyeb/action-git-deploy/cleanup@v1

The first step installs the CLI, which is required to remove the service. The second step performs the cleanup. Optionally, you can provide the app-name parameter (which defaults to <repo>/<branch>) to specify the name of the application to remove.

Example: removing a service when a ref is deleted

To remove a Koyeb service when a branch or tag is deleted, you can use the delete event in your workflow file. Here's an example of how to do this:

name: Cleanup Koyeb application

      - '*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Install and configure the Koyeb CLI
        uses: koyeb-community/install-koyeb-cli@v2
          api_token: "${{ secrets.KOYEB_API_TOKEN }}"

      - name: Cleanup Koyeb application
        uses: koyeb/action-git-deploy/cleanup@v1

In this example, the workflow listens for any branch or tag that is deleted using the '*' wildcard. When a delete event occurs, the cleanup job runs and uses the koyeb/action-git-deploy/cleanup action to remove the corresponding Koyeb service. Be sure to set KOYEB_API_TOKEN as a repository secret.


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